Anonymous! What did you do with that aloha shirt I got you at the market?
Anonymous! What did you do with that aloha shirt I got you at the market?
I traded it for cocaine *sniffs*
It's in the wash
The animators forgot to draw it
IIRC it's actually in the background of a scene somewhere and it's exactly as awful as you would imagine.
>aloha shirt
You mean a Hawaiian shirr?
No it is called an Aloha shirt.
currently being tagged "EXHIBIT A" at the local courthouse!
Holy shit that's amazing and I want one.
Saving it for a Max Payne cosplay.
"I'm saving it for a special occasion" is the best way to defuse the situation of a woman's tacky gift.
cum rag
wow, I never noticed this
Unironically a pretty aesthetic shirt.
>bright pink shirt
>green/blue flower pattern
>giant hand giving you the finger
>pink letters saying FUCK YOU
Why the fuck didn't they make merch of this?
i never noticed that. Also i wonder when rock will stop acting fucking autistic
I would unironically buy and wear it
Right here babe
Her relationship with Rock where they nonchalantly fuck and buy eachother dumb shit seems pretty comfy
If he's not going to wear that, it deserves a frame.
Well he's japanese, so probably never.
that'd make for a great album 1976 or 1977 (those shirts were the height of fashion then)
It's not even implied, but it's kinda easy to assume they fuck off screen considering they are so damn comfortable around each other.
everybody knows it's gonna happen at some point if it didn't already
I love her but my god does she have bad taste.
Unless it's intentional.
Revy confirmed for pure virgin.
Isn't it implied that Revy got raped?
Yup. Then she killed him.
It's funny how people want to deny it happening
You mean those crazy people that insist that if something didn't happen in the source material that it isn't canon? Wild, right?
>points gun to your head
>is this special enough for ya?
What it's actually called is 'tacky as hell'. I would tell Revy to get some fashion sense and stop dressing like whore.
I've only just watched the first season. Why the fuck didn't I watch this back in my college days?
>revy will never buy a collection of ugly shirts for you
just kill me
you get to watch it now and only missed out on approximately 6 years of hiatus for the manga
Any chance we're getting another season or OVA series in 2019?
It's gone for good
holy lord Jesus it's beyond awful
I have 15inch/38cm arms. Do you guys think I can pull that kind of ridiculous shirt off?
depends on how confident you are, not how /fit/. Even a skeleton could pull it off.
>Even a skeleton could pull it off.
Delusions of /fa/. From time to time a /fit/ guy opens threads in /fa/ wearing $5 shirts and looks better than all of these twinks that spend hundreds.
as if /fa/ggots would wear hawaii shirts. A climbing mate does it from time to time and looks decent, guy is like 1.86m/6ft1 with 75kg/165lb
Climbers have big forearms. So if he wears anything short sleeve he looks good. But it's also about the frame as well.
Rock dodged a bullet
>talks about revy
>posts loli cancer pic
gtfo you child rapist, no wonder i'm starting to despise anime so much
It probably is, fits with how she's so jealous.
No one is forcing you to stay.
Wore it on a date with a high school girl.
I'm caught up again and already want more. Seriously why does the author taunt us? Black Lagoon is extremely loved. I just want more rock and tech scenes.
no idea, but i'm sure he'll keep going this time. I mean ~15-25 pages a month, no way he'll go into hiatus after this just a year of this, right?
Rock and revy scenes*
Why the he'll does he take so Damn long? He knows black lagoon is deeply loved by both Japanese and americans, does he not like making the manga anymore?
>Why the he'll
people always say drawing porn and the re creators shit pays better, i don't know if it's just a meme or true. Also i don't know how well black lagoon actually sells these days, it's been a long time. Threads on new chapters barely recieve any feedback here for example.
Some mangaka burn out.
FACT: Revy is a stupid d-butt who doesn't even notice when her diaper is in full sight
Probably because that fuck goes on hiatus for so long people forget the Damn thing is going. I even forgot myself and the creator of the manga only releases a chapter or 2 then calls a day. Shit the manga is pushing how many years now? Sure it ain't beserk or hunter x hunter but it's still pretty tedious. Also nothing new has come out in the anime scene. Meanwhile beserk had movies created for it to keep it relevent people's mind.
What the fuck is a d-butt?
Fuck you nigger, I'm phone posting.
>phone posting
Not looking at Sup Forums on my work pc.
>thread for the new chapter get like 20 replies before the thread dies
>discussion about hawaiian shirt last longer
The absolute state of Black Lagoon. Well for anyone who cares, Revy is finally out of jail and is back in action.
I threw it away, it didn't have any flames on it.
/fa/ has posted.
those threads probably shared 80% of each others population and this one is staying alive longer because there is more to discuss.
Well, nothing much happens in each chapter now, they're tiny for a monthly release.
I read it's one of the most successful titles on it's magazine, even though it' been on hiatus for about 10 years, Hiroe is half assing the art and it's only at most 14 pages a month.
>does he not like making the manga anymore?
It honestly just seems like he's burnt out with Black Lagoon. This entire arc has been dragging.
It's still a good arc but he takes so mamy fucking breaks people seem to be losing interest as well.
>gets out of jail
>couple panels of her jumping and shooting
>no revy and rock relationship building or jealous revy
>hiatus is back on AGAIN.
I can't take it. Just write some goddamn fanservice filler to hold us over or something. I JUST WANT MORE BLACK LAGOON!!!
>hiatus is back on AGAIN.
>no revy and rock relationship building
Well there's this. But it's nothing we don't know already.
Anyone know if the rumour that Hiroe already finished this arc is true? I remember reading he said something to that effect on a recent interview regarding volume 11.
>hiatus is back on AGAIN
Oh no...
>>hiatus is back on AGAIN.
yeah i'm not believing that unless you post a source
I've not heard about this once before now
me neither. But then again, i have to check reddit sporadically to see if that guy from tumblr has translated the manga so i ain't exactly getting many news on this franchise
At least Revy still has a nice ass. Hiroe should just cave in and do an entire fan service arc that involves Revy getting back into her Dominatrix outfit.
Current arc feels a bit stretched but atleast it's better then the second maid arc.
Still don't like the fact that certain characters got sidelined big time.
There was a Black Lagoon light novel written by the Fate Zero guy and illustrated by Hiroe written for that purpose already. I think it's been translated.
>implying anyone wants to see that
nah, better sweet vanilla love
Not confirmed but I would bet money we are not seeing another chapter for a good couple months.
Is it too much to ask for a chapter dedicated to rock and revy hanging out? I don't care if its 120% filler I want a Damn rock and revy chapter.
Yeah that was hot. That fat fuck was lucky as hell.
>Anonymous! What did you do with that aloha shirt I got you at the market?
I wear it everynight and Imagine that you are hugging me
Revy will always have a nice ass. But I too want a fanservice dedicated chapter or something to make us wait so long?
How did you berserkfags deal with this for literal years? What is your coping method?
I wiped my fucking ass with it.
Well at least we have those illustrations Hiroe does sometimes for the Azasuke doujins. I think that's all the fans service we'll ever by getting.
Fuck off faggot
Needed for research.
Gave it to max payne
I gave you the source in that post user.
Why the fuck doesn't he just make a erotic manga based on black lagoon characters? Probably would sell like hotcakes.
Also thanks user, so focused on work didn't even think about that.
I hope Feng dies at the end of this arc, what an annoying character.
Does anyone have the screencap describing Revy as having her "hymen inside her heart intact"?
This shirt looks fucking awesome. Rock has unbelievably shit taste desu
>we'll never get a chapter of revy raping jane for trying to make a move on rock like she promised
Speaking of Jane, I wonder if she's going to survive the end of this arc. Technically she's one of the antagonists of this entire arc.