This is the best anime to come out in years
This is the best anime to come out in years
Who will get Ain's motorbone in the end?Albedo or TouchMe?
I dropped it when they started showing the lizards. It just reminded me of that one episode in that cooking anime not too long ago. It's off putting.
Probably lizardbabe
Season 2 is bad.
Season 2 may start off slow, but this show blows all other isekai out of the water
can you stop forcing this meme
>all other isekai
not really setting a high bar there
I kinda lost interest at the slave girl who drools all over his skeledick
Is the rest worth watching?
I don't know, user
I'm just not feeling it. Hell, I only caught up with the last 3 episodes because it was a slow weekend.
Yet another generic isekai. MC doesn't even have an excuse to be edgy, he simply is.
'you don't know what that means.jpg'
>Hurr I'm an evil overlord, watch me not give a fuck about people and turn them into undead slaves
>Not pointlessly edgy
>Is the rest worth watching?
[Spoiler]The current arc is the first part of the Men in Kingdom storyline in the novels. Sebas's actions will create an opportunity for Demiurge to drop an insane demonic operation over the Royal Capital that will drag Momon & Nabe, Blue Roses, Gazef, the Eight Fingers, Brain & Climb, etc... with the rise of Jaldabaoth, the Demon Emperor.
Also, we learn the truth behind Evileye - she is going to be an important character beyond this arc. She was actually mentioned in episode 1 of this season, if you want to connect the dots.[/spoiler]
Season 1 is god's gift to man, such a good arc. Season 2 fleshes out the world. If this show got half the episodes of that SAO shit show. The world would know its greatness.
>undead slaves
Say no more, retarded user. You didn't even watch the show. Ainz turned no one into a slave.
Agreed, compared to the first season or the NL its pace is awful. It pains me to say this, because I liked the lizards arc on the LN and manga, but if they wanted to get to the end of "The Men in the Kingdom" they should have skipped the lizards altogether.
This season seems way too rushed.
The Question now is, "Is it in this season or the next?"
Are we supposed to be rooting for MC and his allies? None of them are likeable.
>MC ignores the affection of girl
>In this case MC actually made the girl love him just to brush her off
Who the fuck relates to this? Is there some new rule that MCs have to all be asexual now?
He can't bone them even if he wanted to, also he is way too paranoid to realize they want his dick.
How long will the boring subplot with the fingers organization and the human kingdoms last? The manga went shit once it stopped being about Nazrick.
How can you compare changing the directive of a static npc that doesn't emote, and making a real girl fall in love with you. If you'd ever actually had someone try to hard to get your attention you'd know its not attractive.
How so? They are going around helping people left and right, in case you don't pay attention.
If you had to name the show based on s2 content alone what would it be?
Bitches and whores
They are better than golden boy Climb.
He is a real skeleton now. He made those changes when he still had a dick in real life and could fap to her.
Now, he got all the bones in the world but can longer get a boner.
This whole thing made Neia. This wholr fucking shit about Overlord is so fucking worth it once it gets to Neia. Pray to the SBs for the survival of the misunderstood cinnamon roll.
"Needs more seasons"
She is dead, Jim. The one you are seeing now is but a doppel.
After what they did to Arche's body they are just plain villains, I don't see how anyone can root for them apart from edgy 13 year olds.
No, every character in the show is better than Nazarick and Momorty.
How can they be anything but villains not a single on of the members of Nazarick is a human you think anyone would accept them if they came out to the public
Log Horizon>>>Overlord=NGNL>SAO
Oh, I bet you are just always in that situation, are you?
Fuck off, a neet, that the MC is, would be starved for any attention. We have real people marrying pillows and you're telling me if an NPC that looks like Albedo gave the MC the time of day isn't a fantasy? You say that here, in Sup Forums, waifu central? Get real.
>Defending your self against robbers and murderers breaking into your house
>plain villains
How come they manage to brainwashed you this much, user?
Ainz is a skeleton how can he fuck anything
>Cutting up someone's body and using their head as decoration is defending yourself
Should I use skywood translation or try to find the officials ones? Is there a mega link?
>isekai crap with MMO mechanics
Literally fuck off and die.
>log over anything
They should have condensed the lizard shit into 3 episodes.
Ok, that excuse is valid for him. Other MCs, don't have that excuse, though. Makes them some sort of bizarre asexual neet Chad. I don't relate to that.
More like Log of Shit
Its obvious that Momonga is more interested in defending Nazarick and being a great god in the eyes of his subordinates than getting laid. Besides the story makes it out that he isn't human anymore and any moments of lust or emotional weakness are quickly negated and healed.
this pussy non-violent attitude is why europe is falling to muslims through sheer cowardice and lack of will.
It's an old tradition. In old times, when you invaded the emperor's imperial palace, you and your whole family would be executed and mutilated. NW is a primitive society, thus Ainz just tried to fit in.
Ainz ordered his subordinates to exterminate the lizardmen and had to be convinced not to do it. Even then, he still had his minions slaughter a ton of them even though they had wanted to surrender. And subjugating the lizardmen isn't helping them either. And later on Ainz slaughters hundreds of thousands of people as well. Also don't forget that Demiurge skins people alive in order to create vellum.
If you think Ainz and his minions are good I'm curious to see what you consider to be evil.
You should move to Saudi Arabia. They are the ones who think that punishing people by chopping their limbs off or by beheading them is a great idea, so you'd fit right in.
>This is the best anime to come out in years
>s1 came out years ago
I get what your saying OP.
>Undead Slaves
>Look at these retard not knowing what he is talking about
Are you telling me your dick didn't get hard when Ainz revealed himself and snapped that crazy bitch Clementine ass in half
As someone who loves the source material I have to say the anime is complete garbage.
Pussy Europeans don't even have weekly school shootings.
This series isn't particularly good even as an isekai. It's yet another isekai whose world functions like a shitty video game and has an extremely overpowered MC who can annihilate anyone that opposes him without even trying. It even follows other dumb isekai cliches such as the MC being surrounded by women who adore him, and an adventuring "guild" that functions more like a noticeboard and a way of grading the power level of adventurers.
The fact is has a villain protagonist does not appeal to me either. I find both Ainz and his minions to be unlikable and I'm not interested enough in the story to enjoy the series in spite of that.
They were on the verge of extinction and had to resort to cannibalism before living under Ainz's rule. Now they are prosperous and well, what else can they ask for?
>Ainz slaughters hundreds of thousands of people
He was as a war and they were legitimate enemy combatants, what else should he do?
>Demiurge skins people alive
They could be real sheep. But even if they are humans, what he does is just the equivalent of human experiment all governments around the world are conducting. It's necessary evil.
>If you think Ainz and his minions are good I'm curious to see what you consider to be evil.
The noble in the kingdom. Useless, greedy scums that enrich themselves at the expense of hapless people's lives. They are also the real murders who kill those hundreds of thousands serfs, not Ainz.
>the MC is so strong and edgy! he can effortlessly slaughter whoever he wants!
You know that's irony? If Europeans don't change their wimpy attitude now, Europe will become the new Saudi Arabia in a near future.
t. Never been to Europe
Then they won't be prepare once the immigrants start shooting them en mass.
lizards offer nothing to the fucking story. complete waste of time animating it. should have just skipped them completely or had them subjugated in random passing scene/mentioned in a report.
He isn't wrong.
t. swede
>He didn't understand the point of series
Yeah man, those poor lizardmen needed to be saved. That's why the fought to preserve their freedom and only surrendered when it became obvious that they'd get exterminated if they resisted. And again you ignore the fact that Ainz initially ordered his minions to genocide them and killed a lot of them even after they surrendered.
Ainz is so OP he could have found a way of winning that didn't involve wiping out the army, such as by mind controlling or killing the enemy leaders.
You're honestly defending repeatedly skinning people alive to harvest their skins for parchment? Are you insane or just shitposting? And if you think that all the governments in the world conduct experiments of that sort then you're fucking delusional.
I do hope that was a shitpost because otherwise you're a deluded moron who is happy to justify torture and murder in a massive scale.
Go ahead and explain what you consider its point to be instead of doing the equivalent of going "lol 2 deep 4 u".
>They were on the verge of extinction and had to resort to cannibalism before living under Ainz's rule
Civil lizard war was past. And even under Ainz's rule they do not expand or even leave their territory so not much has changed.
>He was as a war and they were legitimate enemy combatants, what else should he do?
Fucking army made of peasants and the shittiest soldiers you can find. I don't mind the slaughter but let us not pretend that he was forced into that. He had tons of ways to win the day.
>They could be real sheep.
Fuck me I wasted time with a troll. I thought you were at least 10% serious and boy I was wrong.
Jerking off Ainz skeleton dick?
Time to go back to Sup Forums.
It's fucking awful. It's the same wish fulfillment isekai shit as all the others, but people give it a pass only because the protagonist is a skeleton. There is absolutely nothing good about it under examination.
This series literally has the depth of a dry sidewalk
Oh really, care to explain it?
>85 IQ
>but people give it a pass only because the protagonist is a skeleton.
>Not an animewatcher nor a Light Novel Reader
You do know, or in this case, not know, that his skeleton form wasn't the reason why it's a good read. Now fuck off.
Pretty much. Besides, at this point having the isekaied MC be the villain/demon lord has been done to death anyway.
Good thing Overlord isn't like that.
>Not an LN reader
gtfo if you don't have an idea of what you are talking about. Go back to your VEG shit and tumblr series
>the series is really good, it's just that you're not smart enough to understand it!
Fuck off retard, this is a goddamn light novel aimed at teenagers. It's not fucking deep. Just go ahead and explain its hidden meaning if you think that such a thing exists.
Fuck you. The burden of proof is on explaining why something has depth. Asking someone to explain why something isn't there is a shitty avoidance strategy for people who don't know why they like something. The default assumption for any work is that there's nothing to it until it's shown.
Also. It has no depth because the world isn't properly written by any metric. It falls back on the assumption that people are familiar with rpg mechanics to explain away everything and powers are just distributed at convenience. None of the characters actually have anything going on beyond their immediate presentation. There isn't actually a plot that goes anywhere.
The Overlord fanbase is fucking trash. Shitting on other isekai while their only defense of their series is "no u" because they're pseuds that can't actually explain shit on why there's any quality to their isekai. Mostly because there isn't and they're the equivalent of /tg/ dwarf fags who're contrarian hypocrites.
Ainz coming to terms with his friends being gone and moving on, also growing into a leader so that he doesn't let down his minions.
>And if you think that all the governments in the world conduct experiments of that sort then you're fucking delusional.
What a nice and kind world you live in, mind telling me where that is because that sure isn't planet earth.
Go ahead and provide actual concrete proof. If you don't have any then you're just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
You are the first one to point out and said that it is not deep. So care to elaborate why? but here you are not explaining shit.
>And again you ignore the fact that Ainz initially ordered his minions to genocide them and killed a lot of them even after they surrendered.
Because he needed to prove to them he possessed the ultimate power that could exterminate them as will, so that they won't foolishly rebel in the future. It's for their own good.
>Ainz is so OP he could have found a way of winning that didn't involve wiping out the army, such as by mind controlling or killing the enemy leaders.
Doing that will just create a illusion of him being a weak leader or his power is just a bluff. Since people in NW are literally primitive that can't solve more than one side of the rubik cube. If he didn't kill enough, they would just keep on wondering if he has enough power to do it.
>You're honestly defending repeatedly skinning people alive to harvest their skins for parchment?
To him, it's no different to us harvesting animal skins. You must notice they aren't human and see humans as cattle.
>Civil lizard war was past
A new one was going to break out due to the shortage of food.
>And even under Ainz's rule they do not expand or even leave their territory so not much has changed.
They becomes a huge tribe with expanding territory and even conquer their own enemy, the toastmen. You will know if you read the LN.
>I don't mind the slaughter but let us not pretend that he was forced into that. He had tons of ways to win the day.
He really didn't have many choices. He has to prove his power to the world. He didn't need to win, but to prove to those people how powerful he was, too. He also did it to bait out potential players.
>I thought you were at least 10% serious and boy I was wrong.
You clearly didn't read volume 12, there is a sheepmen tribe at the border of the HK.
It's so bad it made me consider actually reading those short novels.
>she is going to be an important character beyond this arc.
Yeah sure.
Volume 13 coming soon and we're still waiting for that.
Reminder that Classic Isekai >>>>>>> all this modern isekaishit.
Continuation/remake never
Classic isekai was a way to change the nuances of a work. Modern isekai is just lazy writing.
>I'm only slaughtering hundreds of thousands to prove I'm a strong leader! Humans are like cattle to me anyway so there's nothing wrong with torturing them and butchering them!
Well if you put it like that, then I guess that Ainz is practically an angel. Even Mother Teresa would be stunned by his kindness.
It's actually on the literature book shelves of japanese stores.
Try again.
You can't prove a fucking negative.
Actually read his post again. He explained why he thinks it's stupid. Then the first one who actually brought up the topic of depth was and we are still waiting for this elucidation what he means by "point of the series".
What you said doesn't explain shit. None of what you said literally points out to what Overlord is. I get it, you aren't a LN reader.
>paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Typical way governments use to discredit truth tellers.