Killing Bites

Post your Mitsukados.

Other urls found in this thread:[Raptor] Killing Bites Ch



nothing bad will happen to her right? she wont get raped or anything right?

Brute Canadian Goose when?

What killed the hype?

About origins:
ATM I have a feeling that Hitomi's the last of her kind, and Shidou gave her gene therapy to make her more human (a reverse Theranthrope if you will)


>she wont get raped or anything right?


spoil me

spoiler here:

Killing Bites? More like Dying Bites, haha

But what is Killing Bites?

I feel bad for her, all she wanted was her good, old grandpa back


Inabunny is a precious treasure that must be protected.

I want to mindbreak this slut


So I've checked the free sample of Choubu no Shinobi
It's insect ninjas and story is set 1 year after the death of Oda Nobunaga, the heroine is hiding (not sure about this part) his decapitated head from rival ninjas. The story starts with heroine's imouto getting implied raped and killed by an another ninja who came to kill her while male MC is busy trying to get laid

will that scene get expanded in the blu-ray?

It was 2 mins long, user. I doubt it.

well, I actually meant that the freeze frames get replaced with motioned ones

Ah right. Then we can but hope.

stupid theory, but is there a possibility of a "human brute/hybrid"?
humans are the most intelligent animals in the world after all, so they could give a human a sharper mind, and maybe even only increase his muscles a slightly bit
so technically, a human brute would be something like a cave-man on steroids (at least, that's what I imagine)

how about human human-human hybrid?

A human hybrid will be a guy with a rifle

Yiff in hell furfags

no you

I said a caveman on steroids, so he would have a spear, and maybe a bow and arrows
a rifle can't be made that easily

>be prude ojou-sama
>grow up worshiping jii-sama
>when you're adult you realize your jii-sama
sleazy bastard
>in denial because muh ji-sama can't be that fat horny sex manic
>enter underground fighting tournament through proxies
>in middle of fight
>own proxy start to engage in explicit sexual lesbian coitus
>cockblock every male and female in the room

Here you go.

doujin or official?

Official and this is timeskip rabbit.

Why did she pick up smoking?
That's not cute.

Because Japanese timeskips make everything worse.

when is the timeskip happening?
and is the manga actually finished?


>putting phallic objects in her mouth

>>when is the timeskip happening?
most likely the endpoint for the anime
>>and is the manga actually finished?

She looks like she's having a good time at least

happy ending

Between this show and lizard sex, the japs just raised another generation of furries

well, what's wrong with Rabbit and Cheetah?

Gender or size.

Is Tiger gay? Is that why the pharmone doesn't affect him.

what I know, male cats aren't very gentle when it comes down to sex, they do it rough
so perhaps, he is horny, but it also makes him more aggressive
just my theory tough


I'm glad I'm not a fucking duck.

This really scratches my Terraformars itch.

Hitomi may count, since she's originally a beastmen.

>brushing you teeth before bed
>listening to your parents
>respecting your elders

That's what Killing Bites is!

nah, what I meant was basically your average human, just with increased abilities
like I said a caveman on steroids
he would make a spear and perhaps a bow out of wood, setting traps everywhere and lure other brutes hybrids into it
maybe, he could even find some flintstone and pyrite (or iron)
funfact by the way, humans are animals with huge stamina

...crush your enemies
...see them driven before you
...and hear the lamantations of their wifes

>...crush your enemies
>...see them driven before you
>...and hear the lamantations of their wifes
Now THIS is Killing Bites! and being a DESTROYER

I'd let Tiger fuck me. He's gorgeous.

No homo.

>He's gorgeous.
You mean he's GRRRREAT!

I cracked a huge smile. Thanks for that.

The one with the sharpest beak wins.

He lusts for Leo


Still cute

>when is the timeskip happening?
end of chapter 30.
>and is the manga actually finished?
Far from it; the Destival just started.

fuck you Japan

>like I said a caveman on steroids
Sorry but Neanderthal and Chimps are the closest you'll ever get to a Human Theranthrope.

am i supposed to believe this

What benefit did Leo have to hold back?

is the tournament of the second arc seriously called that
Si setiB gnilliK tahw s'taht

I think;
they can't call it Destroyale.


DESUTIBARU, so it's DESTIVAL or DEATHTIVAL if you're feeling metal enough

he didnt if he is as strong as his hay lover said he is she should have had no problem beating her even with her trick

No, faggots are just salty they got BTFO by a girl

Dumb animals

Seriously now, those things are fuckign savage. Like there's some primal connection to their inner T-Rex ancestor double wielding rocket launchers.

Cows are not made for fighting.

I'd like it to be the case, because that would mean that even a great/powerful fighter can lose if they commit big enough mistakes (in this case, giving Hitomi a big enough chance to attack where she wanted to).
There might be evidences in favor and against Tiger's claim, though.
>Leo giving Bear tips, expecting him to be able to win against Hitomi
>Leo not entering the tournament due to an injury (and/or maybe knowing about Kido's potential), either because he wanted to fight Hitomi at his best condition (as Tiger said, his full force), or because he might think that Kido has better chances at winning (with or without injury, though, it's not clear).

>Geese have teeth in their beak
>Geese have teeth on their tongue
>Geese are angry and territorial
What kind of god makes shit like this?

"I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars. Thus, Killing Wasps."

>Is woman
>Gets excited about lesbianism on-screen
Is she playing for the other team?

>bitchy ojou sama with hime cut
>that backstory


She's playing for both teams.

>>Gets excited about lesbianism on-screen
>Is she playing for the other team?
Actually, it is her JOB to act excited. It's like being the host in an award ceremony. Even if you are bored out of your mind, you have to push on and act excited.

>tfw announcer-chan was about to describe the action in minute detail but then the Mitsukado bitch is an hetfag

Have you seen just how hard she flips her shit? You can't act that, mate. You just can't.

Not sure if that's hot or degenerate.

whens caterpillar anime

The same kind of god that thought lampreys would be a cool addition to the environment.

Nah, she wasn't blushing like she was when they were beating the shit out of each other.

>leg lock
>tail coiled around the leg lock
I can't tell which one of them wants to be knocked up more.

>Not sure if that's hot or degenerate.

That's just "bisexualism" user.

Chapter 21 is out:[Raptor] Killing Bites Ch

How do we stop her? Do we even want to?

>She really did go full Vince McMahon

someone made a killing bites wiki

It is not riddled with articles that only say what Killing Bites is

missed opportunity if you ask me

>How do we stop her? Do we even want to?
Nah, I'm just waiting to see if she orgasms on stage. I'm sure she won't tho.

Why don't they just make a werehuman since man is the most dangerous game?

Because Man have the capability to destroy the entire planet with Nukes, it won't be fun.

>The human!
>They can build weapons to kill people they don't like!

A: they all have human int
B: it's called "Killing Bites", not "Run a marathon using excellent stamina and tracking skills to inevitably exhaust your quarry before stabbing it to death with a stick"