
New chapter is out. Translation soon.

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thank you based translator-user

Can't wait

I fucking hate this bitch, honestly.

Oh boy
Stalker is the only worthwhile tripfag

I want to hate-fuck her too user

BASED tripfag
I'm glad I can RECOGNIZE this great man's epic POSTS on this ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD
*glug glug glug*


Naga: Senpai,
Naga: you don't ever talk back, do you.
Sen: What?

Naga: Even when I'm insulting you, you never fight back, right?

Chapter 10: Come on, Senpai! Tsukkomi! Tsukkomi!

Naga: You're totally disgusting, Senpai~
Naga: You're twisting~
Naga: and super shady~
Naga: so fidgety~
Naga: And so!

Completely forgot that a new chapter would come out today.


Little did she know.

>Even when I'm insulting you, you never fight back, right?

Why does she look upset when she says this?

>Another "senpai I'll shit on you hehe" chapter.

I'm so tired of this shit, honestly.

Anime never

god damn I wan to be insulted by Nagatoro

Naga: Enter the tsukkomi!

Naga: By being a tsukkomi,
Boke: You're disgusting.
Tsukkomi: Shut up!
Naga: you can turn the opponent's insult into a joke.

Sen: Will it go that well?
Naga: Of course!

Naga: Come on, let's try it out.
Naga: Please stand over there.

>trying to teach him how to counter insults

you mean
>Another "senpai will eventually even things out by unconsciously doing something so wicked that leaves her flustered beyond her own smuggy demeanour" chapter

Naga: So there was this scarecrow standing there in the middle of the road, right?
Sen: ...are we doing comedy*...?
*Note: He said manzai, which is a two man joke routine, no idea what the English equivalent for that is.

Naga: Why is there a scarecrow here?
Naga: I thought it was strange, so I went for a closer look, turns out...

Naga: It wasn't a scarecrow, it was just you!!

You read literally one page and draw that conclusion? How does it feel to be literally brain dead?

You mean a double act?

>Bad at jokes

That's the word, thank you.

hahaha that joke, i spilled coffee all over my keyboard

He was out standing in his field??

Naga: Who are you calling a scarecrow!

Naga: See? Wasn't that easy?
Sen: Are you sure about this...?

Naga: We're not performers so there's no need for some good come back.
Naga: Just put some spirit into it and give a quick retort, that's all!

That was awful

>no u

Sen: I see.

Naga: You're as disgusting as ever~
Naga: You're like a clump of disgust~
Sen: If I do this, maybe I could...

Sen: Shut up!!
Sen: retort back against her...!!

Naga: Right then, let's continue~
Sen: We're still going?

Naga: Now we're really doing it!!
NAga: You'll have to give me a proper tsukkomi!

So he is going to ignore the fact that she kissed him?

Real talk: senpai is cuter than Nagataro.

What, did you think everyone was reading this for Nagatoro?

Naga: Senpai,
Naga: I'm sorry I called you disgusting earlier~
Sen: I don't really mind...

Naga: Rather than disgusting...
Naga: You're amusing!!

Naga: You got this cutesy creepy mascot feel to you.
Naga: Like 'there's something weird here!.'

Naga: Your hair is amusing too!
Naga: It's all fluffy!
Naga: Kinda like sheep's wool.


I miss ass kicking and verbal abuse

Exorcise that disgusting creature.

Naga: Isn't it about time for a shearing?
Naga: Should I give you a hand?
Naga: I'll shave them off with a hair clipper.
Naga: Shave the fluff(heart)
Naga: Shave the fluff(heart)
Naga: Ahahaha(heart)

Naga: Come on, Senpai!
Naga: Tsukkomi! Tsukkomi!

Naga: ...Senpai?

iirc , yesterday's stream featured the ass kicking chapter

Will this manga end with Nagatoro getting NTR'd like she deserves? There's no way Senpai is actually attracted to her and I want to see her heartbroken.

but there is verbal abuse right now
she's calling him cute like a mascot character and says his hair is fluffy
I'd cry if a girl said that to me

he is going for the win



Sen: You didn't have to... go that far...

I want to fuck Reset.


>admiting to enjoy when she's around
>is more talkative to her
>gets especially inspired while drawing her
>has wet dreams thast feature her
You're denser than senpai

what a soy

Oh wow, I didn't think Senpai would be so sensitive about his fluff.

Naga: Ah...

Naga: Sorr...


You can call Senpai a disgusting creature from the bottom of somebody's shoes and maybe insult the size of his dick, but as soon as you insult him on his hair he bitches out?
Them priorities though.

>I want to fuck Reset

she's cute


he probably sees himself as a total loser so that insult doesn't hurt as much anymore but thought his hair was actually decent and now gets to listen to her make fun of it

I'm seriously need to punch Nagatoro.



Nobody fucks with the hair, dude.

[Sadist Activate]

He's taking her for a ruse cruise, retard.

Punch her throat it


Holy fuck she's soaked.

fuck him

oh shit


You can't fight nature, Jack.

Come on do it. just rape her now.

he's going to have some fun with those airbags I can tell you that

Lmao she’s beyond soaked

>just rape him now.


Naga: What's wrong...? Why are you sulking...?
Naga: You really are disgusting after all (heart)

Naga: My, my? Are you going to cry again?
Sen: N-no I'm not...

Naga: Come on now, give me a tsukkomi.

Naga: Just hurry and spit it out!

Naga: Come on!
Sen: Ugh...
Naga: Senpai (heart)
Sen: Uh...

>Them priorities though.

Call him worthless and kick him in the ass


do it faggot

Sen: Just shut up!!

He finally did it!


oh no


RIP senpai



>back hand slap

Basically a pimp


God I wish that was my hand

Here we fucking go

the madman senpai



Just punch de titty


Let's be honest this will be th No.1 thing he remembers from this event.

Naga: !!
Sen: So-
Sen: So-
Sen: Sorr!!

Sen: Sorry...
