thanks netflix
Is anime mainstream now?
The popular shit has always been mainstream
Is that the guy from creed
Anime has been mainstream for ages now, Where the fuck have you been.
Yeah it's Michael B. Jordan. People have been geeking out over him geeking out about Naruto and DBZ.
A lot of chads like naruto and dbz desu, these anime are cool enough that you're not a total faggot if you admit you like it.
So just your standard normalfag anime, at least Kanye admitted to liking Akira and has a Zaku statue on his house.
Akira is as normalfag as they come.
Still less normalfag than DBZ or Nardo, but I doubt a famous person will come and say they enjoy K-ON. The closest to it would Robin Williams liking Eva, but Eva is still mainstream.
not in the west
>thanks Toonami
Normies liking anime now because of Netflix is the same as someone putting on a Batman or Superman t-shirt and thinking they are an expert on comics despite never picking up an issue.
Let me ask you this, does it matter? Anime has been trash since 2010 and only manga is worth checking for.
I don't get it
normies ruined video games
anime and manga will be next targets
Also, he said that OPM is his "dessert" anime, the man has taste
Especially in the west. It's the immediate next step after Ghibli movies.
japanese video games are still good though
Normalfags ruined western videogames, jap ones are ok. I don't see why anime would change.
Does Japan even have an equivalent for the insult "normie"?
I can imagine it now. I mean it already happens in some small doses but people will proudly call themselves "otaku" despite only watching Ghibli movies and MAYBE Shingeki like how calling yourself a nerd was big in 07/08
>Does Japan even have an equivalent for the insult "normie"?
of course they do you fucking newfag, it's riajuu
Yes, it’s lurk more
>It's not greedy publishers and cheap lazy devs that is ruining games
>No it's other people enjoying MY hobby
GamerGay was a mistake
Sup Forums was a mistake
Get out.
Rip Nermar
Kill yourself. You are so fucking new it hurts.
I don't think anyone who watched DBZ when i was younger didn't like it. Literally everyone like DBZ.
but i hate it
supposedly he watches more than that but of course it can be all bullshit to make the retards that actually watch anime feel like even a chad can likes anime tiddies.
I know there's a tweet of him asking for Bleach scans, I wouldn't be surprised if he also follows BNHA
If it hasn't A) played on Toonami or B) gotten an official english dub, it isn't mainstream. You'll never hear a Hollywood star talk about how Nisemonogatari made him get a boner whenever he started brushing his teeth.
Eva is fair from mainstream dude. It's absolutely mainstream among anime fandom don't get me wrong, but if you ask the average joe if they watched it, the best you'll most likely get is a "I've heard that title". That's not the case with actual mainstream anime like DBZ, Naruto, etc.
worst mist cast of the history of the universe
holy cucumbers of fuck
what a shitload of fuck !!!
that shit's been mainstream since Toonami
A lot of stuff have official english dub that is far from mainstream.
>self-aware weeb
No professional weeb uses anything but MPC-HC with madVR or mpv
What? Is it really that well-known?
how weeb can one be
>black people watch nardo & dbz and nothing else
well, nothing has changed and it never will
Step it up
Pharrell is a closet lolicon
>hurr durr, dbz & nardo must be the same because they have the same attire
You are not a chad
niggers and their shit taste in anime disgust me.
probably why I despise anime and thinking of abandoning it
>No it's other people enjoying MY hobby
Yes, because there is so much of them that they become new target audience, but as they like everything only on surface level (or even worse on social level) everything getting dumbed down to hell for those new people.
>black people
what the fuck
There are plenty of black people that watch plenty of obscure anime. But a famous one who probably doesn't have time to binge-watch every fan-service series on crunchyroll in their mom's basement is probably gonna say the most popular ones.
are you new?
How new are you? There's fuck loads of black weebs.
>that user who tweeted MBJ and got burned by the man himself
I don't know, enough to post on Sup Forums
>niggers and their shit taste in anime
It's literally the most popular anime he's listing, black people aren't responsible for them being the most popular. Whites and asians contribute to these series' being the most popular.
Pretty sure a footballer in the UK admitted to liking anime in an interview.
popular doesn't mean good faggot, there are millions of idiots in the world
What do you think?