Do you like harapan?
Do you like harapan?
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Harapan means hope in my language
Coincidentally chinchin means ring in my language too
I forgot the point I was trying to make. Whatever.
Harapan is a nice thing to have.
Why do you want to harm your waifu?
Because she likes it
Harapan gives me harapan
Hara hara harapan!
How do you know?
Her reaction will tell you everything you need to know
No. You'd have to be some find of sadistic baka to like it.
Orang indo... ngapain ke Sup Forums
upper, middle or lower belly?
Middle right, right in the liver.
Aim for the uterus
God bless this artist
Forgot pic
I don't think she is enjoying it, please stop forcing your sadistic fetish onto her.
Harapan? What's that, can you eat it?
Upper for me, maybe even some ribcage contact
Oh yeah, he draws nice girls
liking a shit fetish like ryona
I really like her soft looking tummies
t. footfag
Tummies made for punching are FLAT and LONG
It can be good if done tastefully, like just about everything else.
It's only for beta fuck's that feel the need to beat something easy like a woman after life and other people had constantly kicked the shit out of them
They can also probably relate since their dad constantly beat their moms the same way
that's a whole lot of projection
How come everytime someone makes a fetish thread some faggot has to come to and play armchair psychologist
That's the magical thing about fetishes. Each and every one of them is only hot for a small group of people, while everyone else starts foaming once they are confronted even with the slightest sliver of it.
Why the fuck did this fetish never catch on among ryona artists?
when did you realize you had a ryona fetish, Sup Forums?
Videl vs Spopovich and fighting games in general
What does it feel like? I tried harapan'ing myself but I can't get a good angle. It just makes me need to pee.
Lower to hit the uterus. Harapan done correctly is a form of sexual intercourse.
what do i call it if it isn't exclusive to girls
I want to punch a loli in the tummy so hard that it arouses her and makes her pee
No. My waifu got punched in the stomach in her anime and I hate it.
I like when its paired with femdom
Doesn't work if you know it's coming. Lie down, close your eyes and throw a dumbbell into the air.
If you're a cute 2D girl, I can punch your tummy for you.
Cyclone is so fucking good.
Which doujin is that?
I like it alright
It's kinda boring but I'm pretty sure it was from something by fatalpulse. I was sure I wasn't into to guro and I'm still not, but ryona just goes so well with humiliation in general.
So a vanilla loli thread gets nuked but harapan is okay? Not that I’m complaining about the harapan, but lolis need loving
The only reason why loli threads get deleted is because ABIB gets offended by it.
Of course, he doesn't mind trap and homo threads one bit, which tells a lot about him.
for posting such picture i wish you a horrible death
I like this picture because it's Nico getting what she deserves for being such a shit girl