How can anyone like this faggot? He's got no personality, his charisma comes from being "gud at vidya"...

How can anyone like this faggot? He's got no personality, his charisma comes from being "gud at vidya", he's a beta manlet and he's a right edgelord.

Other urls found in this thread:

they must have absolute shit taste in anime and characters.

Kirito was actually 172cm at the end of the Aincrad arc. Which is above average for a nip Teen. He's on his way to becoming as tall as Karen (183cm)

He's underrated desu

Kirito-sama is cute. CUTE.

I see this get thrown about everywhere when talking about Kirito. Why do people say this?

Cause he dresses in all black, literally no other reason. Edgy has lost all meaning from misuse anyway.

That's retarded. That's like calling Caesar gay because he uses bubbles.

>literally no other reason
He acts like a right fuckwit in front of the boss clear team and proceed to equip his edgy black longcoat as he walks away like a dickhead.

He refuses the help from a bro like Klein and soloes a boss just because he can.

He set the pain limiter to 0 just to prove that he can hax just because he can.

In what world is this not being an edgelord?

Sword Art Online Abridged is miles ahead of SAO proper for this exact reason, Kirito is a huge dickhead but much more believable as a character.

Because he's a bland self-insert AND bland husbando bait. He has such a lack of personality to make it easy for dweebs to be able to self-insert as him. The only elements of character he has other than being "cool" is all shit that makes ladies swoon, making him extremely easy for basic girls to fall for him. Asuna is effectively how someone would write Kirito as a woman. (Extremely flat and boring, to help women self-insert, with her best traits only there to make her a good waifu-bait character)

They're both perfect for basic anime fags to imprint onto.

AND he's actually a beta male! Unlike his original.


fuck me is it 2014 again? I gotta go kick my own ass then

He's not wrong. He's a snidy, overpowered, sarcastic and condescending asshole in the game but gets bullied by his sister and others in the real world. Which is exactly the reason he acts the way he does in-game in the first place.

New SAO thread? Here's to the new sociopaths in SAO.

Can't wait to play this boy in Fatal Bullet

How would he deal with being Isekai'd?

Read Alicization. Also he'd try to go back as fast as possible because people actually care for him and has a place to call home.

disgusting lanklet

Stop stalking her then, Goushi

For a moment I thought he was Ghost Banri.

Is it just me or has every girl in the Gameverse have been progressively getting bigger boob?

"Hey Kii-boy, wanna /ss/?"

Perky and round tits.

You're not the only one to think this user.

Lizbeth is a growing girl. She's only like 16-7 by the end of Aincrad

>The retardation in this post

>He acts like a right fuckwit in front of the boss clear team and proceed to equip his edgy black longcoat as he walks away like a dickhead.

Because Kibaou and Dragon Knight-kun were about to fucking start a progrom on Beta testers after Diabel's death. Kirito only acted like an asshole so they would put all the blame on him and not try to hunt down Argo for spreading "false information" or something. This is explicitly pointed out in all versions of the story

>He refuses the help from a bro like Klein and soloes a boss just because he can.

Except Furinkazan were actually getting hits in, he never refused them, just told them to get back while he used duel blades. Which was desperation instead of showing off since he almost killed himself doing it.

>He set the pain limiter to 0 just to prove that he can hax just because he can.

He was mad as fuck at the guy who was five seconds ago attempting to rape his wife. Wanting to make sure someone like that never hurts her again is Edgy now?

Jesus fuck, SAO is a simplistic story with a fair share of problems, but somehow brainlets have to ignore the actual faults for made up ones because they are too stupid to understand shit that is spelled out

Pretty sure it's just a shitpost, I'll be surprised if someone actually believes this case.

You should never go to a MR or Digibro's video of SAO then.

>shortstack rat onee-san with super cute voice

Is Argo the biggest achievement Kawahara ever made?

His biggest achievement is the miracle that is the gameverse.

>MR or Digibro's video of SAO
Why would I watch them?

I enjoy the gameverse but still find the canon timeline superior

I'm wondering where gameverse is going to go next because I'm not sure how it will handle Alicization. I'm curious if the OC and their group will stick around of if it'll just go back to Kirito's group in the next game.

The coats they wear look so comfy.

Ordinal Scale maybe next already in like a Yakuza style combat and the same combat initiation.

Strea is still best for hugs

Lisbeth unstoppable sexual desire has spurred her tit growth

Alicization is definitely next, the anime adaptation is coming this year after all, it would be dumb not to announce the next game as the gameverse Alicization.

This miracle being back in my life makes the Gameverse great

What if Reki makes Progressive a separate continuity from the main series? If he's going floor-by-floor there's going to be A LOT of interactions and intimate moments that will be left unmentioned in the main timeline. It wouldn't make sense to develop all these previously one-dimensional side characters and then just not mention them again for the rest of the series.

>he's a beta manlet
>has a wife he fucks all day
>has a harem even after having a wife
>even his cousin wants his dick
I think you are more beta than him on this prospect

>a separate continuity from the main series
He's already referencing things that have happened in the Progressive in the main continuity isn't he?

And we're back.
I think what hes getting at is that Progressive is going to be bigger in world-building that Kawahara may have thought, and that a great many characters will be too developed to kill off.

>great many characters will be too developed to kill off
It'll get very cluttered. We'll have a shounen manga series tier of the amount of characters introduced with their own story if if goes that path.

Is kirito becoming a tall chad?

I think Progressive will be big enough to handle it, but i understand anons concern.

Lewdanon, if youre still here/if you show up, please write part 3 for Lis. I need it in my life.

They don't have to die to explain why they don't show up in later volumes. Maybe they had other things in their lives after SAO. Or maybe they reacted like a normal person and after two years in Aincrad never touched VR again

Hmm... I wonder what setting KiritoxFemKirito be in?

Aincrad post floor 75?
Or underworld?

Actually just vote here:

Lewd Lis is best Lis

Hmm.. It seems it's tied between Aincrad and UW.

Oh well, I'll make one of both with the Aincrad first.

Kirito is cute, kind and I want to fug him.

How can he be a manlet if that's the average height where he's living? You guys sometimes are really obsessed with height.

He's actually above average. He's 172cm by the end of Aincrad. Which is taller than many other nip protagonists when they were 16. Not to mention, he was in a coma at the time so yeah.

Good taste user


I think it'll be okay. The only character really getting developed to the extent that it'd be a problem is Argo. Yeah some of the other side characters are getting better fleshed out, but most of them aren't much more developed than Yolko and Caynz. Between deaths to floor bosses (25 and 50 are already slated to be brutal battles with high body counts), deaths to Laughing Coffin, Kibaou's guild retreating to merge with Thinker's guild and form the Army, people abandoning the front lines to run a business, or just because they had one close call too many; there will be plenty of reasons for characters to exit from the story and not come up for mention again. Especially when you throw in the number that likely swore off VRMMOs after escaping SAO. Plus even if they have a relatively important role, they can just simply not come up for mention because they're more acquaintance than friend, such as Ashley.

You rewound time right user’s?

It's like I've gone back to 2014

Liz has her thirst skill maxed out

He is THE self insert character in anime


His female counterpart also has the harem aura that he emits. Who would be the first to be absorbed into each other's harem or would it be both simultaneously?

I'm not the same user who posted that.

If Asuna was out of the picture, who would've won the Kiritobowl?



I wanna say Lisbeth but Argo and Kirito are pretty close soo...

First thought was Liz, but Asuna was the primary reason they even met. So maybe


Fuck ultra beasts.

What kind of pokemon trainer would Kirito be?

What would ArgoXKirito sex look like? Just Argo teasing him throughout the whole session? sounds pretty hot desu

All the edgy shit. Would probably only have stuff from gen 1. Probably multiple legendaries cause he's fucking kirito

Definitely would main a charizard.

Probably Liz
Even without Asuna they would have encountered each other sooner or later cause of there senpai

Actually Alan or whatever his name is from Gen 6 mega evos and XY&Z is a lot like Kirito.

Even wins against the Ash the one time he shoulda won.

Bisharp, Aegislash, Sziscor, Luxray, Sceptile and Feraligatl

I remember this. It even had threads on Sup Forums

It was probably the funniest day I've ever experienced on /vp/.

Similar to OreImo finale day.

>all physicals
One steelix could fuck up that team.

>implying Kii-bou wouldn't retaliate and tease her harder as she cums

>he's a beta
How so?

I think OP is talking about Abridged!Kirito.

You're forgetting about Kirito. He will get a critical hit every turn.

Also even with that high Def, Steelix will still die pretty fast to any high power stab. Not to mention it won't do much damage itself.

Sugu would have fucked and laid claim to her Oni-Chan when he got out of SAO for sure

There's a Feraligatr there for a reason.

That makes a lot more sense now.

Being superior to a justified target isn't impressive,

Also it's preachy garbage more unfunny than post Freeza DBZA. I remember the earlier episodes which were good piss takes on the show plotholes while being funny rather than preachy rewrite shit with lame humor.

Sugu is the best


That material edition story of Kirito and the flowers her grew for Sugu was pretty nice

Which is her best design?

Stacia > HR = OS > FB > Pre-KoB = KoB > Undine > Titania

Fantastic taste user. Stacia Asuna is best.

Blocks your path

Personally I'm in the sect of solus

Alicefag here.

>Has a harem of the three main goddesses in UW AND the Radiant Medium
How can any other girl compete?