Sup Forums sings Poputepipikku

I think it's about right time for the Sup Forums sings of everyone's favorite or most hated season's shitpost to have Sup Forumsnon's wonderful voices improve it's shitpost quality by even more.

Thus, after a long long while I want to organize an Sup Forums sings for it.
It might not be entirely alright for me to do Sup Forums sings of something so popular out of the blue,
but I'll get that part right as well.
Anyways, my idea and everyone most welcome to suggest other ideas are welcome
>inb4 fuck off and die
I'd do a tv sized version of both the opening and ending songs, your turn.

>Vocal submissions and general stuff about their sound quality.
Preferably without dampened quality any vocal, speech or random autistic noises (be creative)
would make mastering and quality faster and better, also making your sound quality more understandable or distinguishable with other vocals put on top of yours.
All you need to do is disable all noise canceling filters from whatever software panel you use, like realtek audio manager for example.
>Preferable submissions format
To be in .wav for best quality
>Submission sending
Files to be uploaded on mediafire, dropbox etc (for steam/discord message) or mailed
mail: [email protected]
steam ID: /id/Seviloveran
Discord: Chenya#1655
>Suggested deadline
3-4 weeks from date of this post, depending on submissions amount.
Try not to use vocaroo as it butchers the sound quality by ten-folds(only sometimes somehow it's good) but do funpost in thread for everyone's entertainment.

And last but not least, this Sup Forums sings is gonna be uploaded to a newly created separate channel.
Also upon upload of finished product I will delete all Sup Forums sing's I made so far over the years,nuibob.avi or the long forgotten Sup Forums mega mixes.
I don't want to attention whore for hits that are completely out of place for the rest of stuff on my channel.
Not only those videos bait undeserved subs, also it's not fair to people who made them happen and popular as they are.

Other urls found in this thread:


And of course, all deleted Sup Forums related videos will get re-uploaded to the new channel.

in case someone will be interested, a bump

I'm totally down to sing this.
Here's a bumpu 4 u

OK, let's do this!

Well, as long as this thread doesn't slide to death before 20 replies it's gonna be a success

Bumpity bump!

Why not Let's Pop Together as well?


>le poop team rebbit

Noted, but crucial thing is having official instrumental. Playing one by ear is not impossible but may take a while.


As alternative you can use Let's groove instrumental.

let's do it, people will join in the last moment anyway

I cant sing

Gonna try this.

I am excited yet slightly terrified to hear this.
Just don't tell Jebus this is happening.

made my day with this post, you did

As always, but I learned that so far so prob gonna have to extend deadline in the end.
you got great qualities for a pop-star
to show nicochorus and other how it should be done properly
If you have DL link at hand post please, saves time going trough nyaa

pls be noticed by other anons, i want this to happen

Just add dot between o and s Fuck you too spamlist

Helllo there peeps \I gave my hand at it

here's this I guess

I'll keep bumping until some more anons will get to see this, and after some time when this one 404's

many thanks amigo

>there will never be an Sup Forums sings MOB CHOIR - 99

careful what you wish for because I marathoned Mob Psycho in one session


Are we going to do both the opening and the ending?
no matter what I'm down
Here's the lyrics to the op:

>I'd do a tv sized version of both the opening and ending songs

With how that was worded I wasn't sure what was meant, my bad.

>I'd do a tv sized version
What is that