Why did Mitsuru save Kokoro? What does he gain from that?
Darling in the FranXX
A new onahole.
Yeah it would be much more realistic and natural for his character to stand there and do nothing while his teammate gets crushed, i mean he had literally no reason to help her.
What's she going to do with that book about baby making?
Oh you know very well what will happen. I'll give a spoiler Teenage pregnancy
Judging by him being vile faggot in every single interaction with anybody earlier, you managed to be right even through you were sarcastic.
Effective sociopaths will still do the "right" thing if they calculate that the long term benefits will outweigh the temporary inconvenience.
He secretly wants to fuck her and he will. The book shows it, he will impregnate her because Futoshi is going to die in a few episodes
Of all of them she, by her looks and personality, is definitely the most likely to be impregnated. She's that sort of girl.
>Hear me out, I will NOT protect you okay?
>follows her around and protects her anyway
He is tsundere, user.
He is sociopath. He obviously wants to dick her because every healthy male would, but he doesnt bonds with people.
>everyone thinks Mitsuru is a sociopath.
He's just misguided. He only cares about his true love, Kokoro!
>She's that sort of girl
Too pure for this world. I only hope at the end Fatty will start to care about her.
>He is preoccupied by his combat performance
>But he would still let a teammate be injured and lower his team chances of survival because 'lol i am a sociopath'
Kokoro will murder Fatty or let him die so she can be with Mitsuru. Screencap this.
He fits pretty well.
>obviously not autistic, shy, introverted etc, but doesnt want to interact with people without reason
>they dont bond with people, but enjoy power and dominance over them more than anything else (sociopaths IRL often reach high social status due to their mindset)
>sociopaths have deep innate understanding of human nature, so at least at subconscious level he knows much more about male/female relationship than other kids
>therefore he understands that there is few more powerful displays of dominance than taking other man's woman for himself, and he tries that second time less than 1/3 into the show, this time learning on his mistake and picking easier target
>very sure of himself and doesnt cares if he did wrong - recovering after wild ride with 02 he was thinking not about if he was a faggot, but attempting to understand how do Hiro manages it and how to not fail next time
>utter disregard and absence of empathy towards his partner - piloting with him visibly tortures her, but he doesnt bothers
Both fatass and milkers are about to get fucked. Not that they dont deserve it - fatass is hardly a character, and kokoro has it coming to for falling on somebody like this.
Kokoro did not choose him, it was an imposition.
She did nothing wrong.
A chance of a new partner.
As bland and useless old one can be, this will be anything but improvement. At least I dont remember her looking like this when riding with a fatso.
I've already told you you were wrong before. Stop this bullshit.
Mitsuru likes his girls to be mutated freaks.
>What does he gain from that?
Being a human being?
Time will tell who's right. But for now he looks like outright negative character with hardly any ways to redeem himself. Although achieving proper mutual understanding with his partner may work.
Mah boy, you don't even know half of the story.
That's not a sociopath, he is just an edgy teenager.
>But for now he looks like outright negative character with hardly any ways to redeem himself.
That doesn't make him into a psychopath, stop pushing for something you know is wrong.
Thats weakness
Mitsuru is going to rape Kokoro, I'm calling it.
Fresh Kokoro lewdposts
Psychopath and sociopath are different things.
>stop pushing for something you know is wrong
I'm about 60% sure I guess. Once again we dont know everything yet, this is assumption based on what we saw.
Ruthlessness and lack of empathy towards peers arent just edgy of they come easily and naturally, these are signs of particular mindset.
>But for now he looks like outright negative character with hardly any ways to redeem himself.
the saving kokoro thing was added precisely to characterize him away from 'sociopathic demon boy'
he's just supposed to be arrogant and edgy, not full on villain-tier
Why the fuck not? He was just saving his co-worker from being crushed by a falling beam.
Shit, why did I have to skip these threads?
>I'm about 60% sure I guess.
All your points are wrong.
>>obviously not autistic, shy, introverted
Was as a kid, Ikuno knows he's awkward.
>they dont bond with people
Wanted to bond with the other kids.
>sociopaths have deep innate understanding of human nature
Everyone can see through his bullshit.
>at least at subconscious level he knows much more about male/female relationship than other kids
He only cared for Zero Two as an object, not a female. Same with Ikuno.
>he tries that second time less than 1/3 into the show
He hasn't made any moves in her direction and it's possible she'll be the one to start it.
>very sure of himself and doesnt cares if he did wrong
He's constantly criticizing himself in public and being sarcastic.
>utter disregard and absence of empathy towards his partner
Warned the others the place they were going was dangerous and he helped Kokoro.
Even with such a vile characterization, there's more than enough reason to save someone's life: Kokoro owes him something that can never be repaid.
That's kinda how you end up being an evil bastard but still having people in your employ.
>>very sure of himself and doesnt cares if he did wrong
>He's constantly criticizing himself in public and being sarcastic.
Yeah, that's pretty stupid seeing how he was hidding his medication and how he didn't wanted people seeing him being weak after riding 002.
>Kokoro owes him something that can never be repaid.
they are literally constantly saving each other's asses in fights with giant subterranean dinosaurs, but grabbing her out of the way of a falling bookcase can never be repaid?
cmon think a little before you post
>people itt dissing Mistsucutie
Kokoro was very appealing in that EP for some reason, like they wanted to draw her to look more sex appealing. I wonder what director has in store for her
I ship it now.
Anons, I have something to confess.
>being mean and insecure = sociopath
Nice analysis, guys.
That's expected duty. They're pilots. Mitsuru is under no obligation to mind and keep Kokoro outside of that context.
Of course, I don't believe in the characterization at all, which is why I started by dismissing it.
Honestly I think Mitsuru is a softie underneath, but is aggressively defensive ever since the Hiro he looked up to washed out. He isn't upset at Kokoro for expressing concern for him in the birdcage garden; its simply fatal to his self image to be cared for, most of all from a character that is mostly defined by her caring personality.
He's not a sociopath because there's zero evidence for that, but he's just more selfish sometimes and also mean. The interaction is giving more depth to his character and it says that despite these flaws he watches out and cares.
>long shots around the plantation in previous episodes
>there's nothing around
>now they have a sea and a abandoned city in the backyard
sasuga speedwatcher
>Ikuno knows he's awkward.
She also hates him, it was most obvious in last episode. Dyke memeing aside, she was attempting to get herself together by remembering Ichigo who was friendly to her to endure Mitsuru who breaks her with a poker face without any regard for her state. She is closest person in group to him, her reactions is our best clue. He doesnt seem to be capable of any empathy.
>Wanted to bond with the other kids.
But didnt. I doubt failure was on their side, lets look at manlet who may behave like a bitch to assert his status, but in the end nobody rejects him because of that and Hiro is friendly towards him.
>He only cared for Zero Two as an object, not a female. Same with Ikuno.
Because sociopathic people generally see others as objects. Aside of family and closest persons to them maybe, which he doesnt have.
>criticizing himself in public
Cant remember when that happened.
>Warned the others the place they were going was dangerous and he helped Kokoro.
It was only logical. Losing one of pilots is very undesirable from any point of view.
>tfw no mommy gf
Dumb frogposter. Fuck off
He looks like a standard cunt to me. Plenty of cunts out there, I thinks it's a good idea they've included one, the kids are a group of ten and there's easily a 10% of cunts in the world. Just check this board, 1 out of 10 posts is a shitpost.
I kind of wish the Ichigo bully pastas were also done as a collage instead of a pastebin. There are probably too many of them to all fit on one canvas, but more people would get to read them that way.
More like 6 out of 10, on a good day.
He's right even if he has a dumb picture.
the frogposter has a point
So they all have great manners and are well spoken, but not literally nothign of sex or histoyr, and clearly they don't have any kind of academic schedule, and from what we've seen from plantation 26 pilots don't get to adulthood, so, what the heck is going on?
>sociopaths have deep innate understanding of human nature
>therefore he understands that there is few more powerful displays of dominance than taking other man's woman for himself, and he tries that second time less than 1/3 into the show, this time learning on his mistake and picking easier target
This is just being an asshole, and I don't see it at all as a reflection of "deep innate understanding of human nature." Yes, he's more cold and calculating than the rest of the cast. That doesn't make him a sociopath.
>very sure of himself and doesnt cares if he did wrong - recovering after wild ride with 02 he was thinking not about if he was a faggot, but attempting to understand how do Hiro manages it and how to not fail next time
He was frustrated and ashamed... and slightly traumatized. An ideal person, after an incident like that, would think "Oh no, how could I do such a bad thing!? I must make my amends with haste!" A normal person has a lot more conflicting emotions, like Mitsuru.
>utter disregard and absence of empathy towards his partner
You don't know that. Don't make a baseless claim. Despite their mutual antipathy, they seem to have an implicit understanding of each other (e.g. when Ikuno helps him out of his bed into the franxx, and the fact that they both stand as mature "loners" with respect to the rest of the cast, as highlighted when they were calmly conversing while looking upon everyone else having fun on the beach).
Woops, forgot to call a retarded frogposter.
>Dyke memeing aside, she was attempting to get herself together by remembering Ichigo
She was doing quite a bit more than remembering Ichigo. It's the first time we even see her smile.
>She is closest person in group to him, her reactions is our best clue.
Not when Ikuno is the kind of person that stays reading while all her friends go play at the beach. If there's anyone who's shown empathy to their partner only because it's their job it's her. Mitsuru has no problems telling others he doesn't like her and would want someone else.
People act like their relationship is all his fault when she makes no effort to work as a team and is completely different with Ichigo.
>But didnt.
Not an argument.
>Because sociopathic people generally see others as objects.
Not the point. You're moving goalposts. He didn't want Zero Two because he would dominate Hiro as a man. It was all so he would prove he's just as good as Hiro.
>Aside of family and closest persons to them
You mean like his childhood friends?
>Cant remember when that happened.
He's been obviously facetious in almost all his interactions. He criticizes the team and himself for being weak in ep 6.
>It was only logical.
Except he did it on reflex.
And I forgot
>(sociopaths IRL often reach high social status due to their mindset)
He's not even third on his team. The only he's above is Futoshi who's basically a huge child.
>Mitsuru roughly rapes Kokoro in all her holes
>"You didn't have to cum along if you didn't want to."
He doesnt mind it either way
>implying she won't be the one to rape him
It's just human nature.
I still think he'll have a redemption arc
>wanted to cuck Hiro
>didn't work out
>decide to cuck most pathetic team member, fatty
Chances are pretty high he will succeed this time
>we did it reddit!
oh baby
>calling out a frogposter is reddit now
when did everything go so wrong, also I don't see the appeal of Kokoro, she is too plain for me, even the dyke seems more interesting
Yeah, she and Futoshi are at the bottom for me too, but she's getting better.
>Kokoro-san will never /ss/ you
>she will never turn you into a quivering, cum-splattered little mess who obeys her every whim
>If there's anyone who's shown empathy to their partner only because it's their job it's her
Because once again, she hates him. Because he basically tortures her with a straight face.
>People act like their relationship is all his fault when she makes no effort to work as a team
We don't know where exactly their problems began, but in the end it's up to men to have initiative to set things right, and up to women to follow them (especially passive and introverted ones like Ikuno).
>You mean like his childhood friends?
They are not his friends, despite being overall friendly to people. This may say something, but it has been promised that childhood wil be shown in details later, so no conclusions here.
>He's not even third on his team. The only he's above is Futoshi who's basically a huge child.
He attempted to topple Hiro whom he perceived as center of team, and claim his place, all in ruthlessly humiliating manner to make sure to damage his authority as hard as possible. So he clearly not satisfied with his position(but very concerned with it, probably much more than Zorome) and will continue to claw his way to the top.
>Because he basically tortures her with a straight face.
It's their job, and also not his fault. None of the other pistils feels like she does.
>in the end it's up to men to have initiative to set things right, and up to women to follow them
Bullshit, none of the other girls acts like she does. Miku is completely forgiving of Zorome even though he's a complete idiot.
Mitsuru did something that ended up saving his team, got him extremely hurt, and all he gets for it is Ikuno being more terrible than usual. She doesn't have any pity for him. She's doesn't care and will only react to the person she wants.
>They are not his friends, despite being overall friendly to people.
They are literally the only people he has in the world, and his comrades in arms.
>He attempted to topple Hiro whom he perceived as center of team, and claim his place, all in ruthlessly humiliating manner to make sure to damage his authority as hard as possible.
Mitsuru never cared for Hiro's authority, he was only concerned about Hiro being special. It wasn't about the others, who don't respect him anyway, but about his perceptions of himself and of Hiro.
Kokoro is a motherly onee-chan type. She's not into degenerate femdom or mommy fetishes. She's the cute motherly country girl that you marry right out of high school and immediately becomes a housewife. The type you come home to exhausted from your blue collar job and find working hard in the kitchen in nothing but a naked apron ready to do her duty as a wife. The type you impregnate 4 times in your first four years together and start a big happy family with.
T-tell me more about lewds with Kokoro.
>not his fault
He clearly sees how bad his partner has it, and doesnt gives a shit. Even after being told multiple times by officers to care about his partner. I dont know how else it could be called if not "absence of empathy".
>They are literally the only people he has in the world, and his comrades in arms.
But he doesnt treats them like that, purely job interaction. He clearly isnt shy, his actions in ep 3 (and more so in manga) anything but shy, you dont act like that if you have no balls.
>Mitsuru never cared for Hiro's authority, he was only concerned about Hiro being special. It wasn't about the others, who don't respect him anyway, but about his perceptions of himself and of Hiro.
Then why did he relished humiliating him so much, why did he talked so much shit? On public comms of all things, please dont tell me it has nothing to do with social status.
That fat guy and that milk faggot are so shit. Kokoro needs a chad like me.
Pick one
>Guys, why is this character multifaceted with both flaws and virtues instead of being a one dimensional asshole?
I dunno. You tell me.
Fats already cares bout her.
She doesn't care about him
post yfw beach episode
>I dont know how else it could be called if not "absence of empathy".
Not having empathy for someone you have a strained relationship with is not the same as being incapable of empathy. He clearly blames her for her problems because he's not going to blame himself the way he is.
>But he doesnt treats them like that, purely job interaction.
He cares enough about them to be sarcastic about Hiro coming back.
>you dont act like that if you have no balls.
He didn't know what he was getting into. It's not proof of any bravery because Hiro hadn't been affected by her and he was running on the deluded assumption that he himself wouldn't either. Afterwards he's completely terrified of her.
>Then why did he relished humiliating him so much, why did he talked so much shit?
Because he was losing his shit. Hiro had managed to get back on top and with a veteran pistil after he had been a disappointment to everyone and likely to him personally. Meanwhile he was second to last and failing again with Ikuno. Then he gets in Strelizia and it's a world apart from piloting with Ikuno. It's all about his ego, not social status. He feels powerless and abandoned.
Kokoro's scene was so out of the blue which is why it makes it interesting.
Mitsuru acting like some sort of saviour.
Kokoro picking up a book on birth and babies, If they're secretly dating or something stupid then fuck this show.
Its not that they're secretly dating. She's just gonna slowly learn about reproduction and Mitsuru will be the one she turns to "test" it out.
That's even worse user.
>a sociopath in a society of 8 people
Her only other option is fatty and he only cares about tasty food. He wouldn't appreciate the the subtle refined flavor of pussy like Mitsuru would.
Why are people blowing Mitsuru saving Kokoro way out of proportion?
They have known each other since they were children and she was just about to get flattened
Because this show attracted NTRfags like flies to shit with episode 3.
user, don’t you know? Mitsuru is a sociopath incapable of emotion, based on the one episode where he sperged out and showed a shitton of emotion, and obviously there’s no way he would have saved her life unless he was planning to manipulate her for some nefarious plot pulled out of some faggot’s ass.
>erotica written by a lonely, smelly dude behind his screen
Hell no
If it helps you fap, the artist of the comic is a girl.
>incapable of emotion
Literally one of the most emotional characters on the show
I've been listening to it almost daily for the last few weeks. That and VEG's OP are usually long enough to get me though the walk to or from work. If I'm going slow one of the OPs or EDs from Houseki no Kuni or Girls Last Tour usually comes on after.
user, that's exactly what he said. Do you not understand sarcasm?
read the thread before posting