Assuming the fight wasn't stopped and they could just keep on going could Vlad have beaten Karna?
Assuming the fight wasn't stopped and they could just keep on going could Vlad have beaten Karna?
So, why are there two Draculas in Fate again?
That's deus vult Vlad.
Didn't seem like Karna was that bothered by him even with that territory boost.
It was pretty even fight the event could be different in the LN though.
fuck no.
VS would've fucked Vlad along with all of romania
Seeing Karna vs Sieg after Karna vs Vlad is just sad because it's painfully obvious how little Karna was trying against Vlad.
Did he even get that many stuff in the legends?
Karna was easily the most powerful servant in that grail war who needed 3 servants put against him to take him down.
Vlad lost to keys.
Thats like asking why there are 15 saber faces in Fate.
Could *any* Apo character solo Karna?
No, he got rekt by Ishtar priest.
Without outside interference and Karna having good mana support? Nope.
Hell yes.
Both Karna and Arjuna really do read like that meme in their source material.
*summons Gawain*
No. Karna literally wears the ultimate armor of the sun god, Surya. Wypipo just mad as fk.
>Indra realized that Karna would be invincible in battle and unable to be killed as long as he had his Kavach and Kundal
>invincible in battle and unable to be killed
>unable to be killed
Are you even allowed to own this much gold?
>EA gg lol
Ask Gil.
>hurr durr we accidentally invoked too epic a character for our plot line
That's a pretty high divinity level you've got there, it would be a shame if anyone had a weapon that could exploit that
Why is Hindu myth so chuuni?
Hush. (you) should be glad to learn of Hindu mythology and it is a credit to anime that it is the only medium outside of Bollywood that acknowledges our heroes. But you better shut the fuck up before you talk smalk about karna again.
>mfw user get smacked down by a pajeet god (((user))) say it's delusional
All mythology is chunnk as fuck, but Indians had a hardon for universe destroying attacks.
Cuchulainn killed a man from beyond the horizon line with a throw spear.
Typhon's wingspan was so long one of his would dissapear on the horizon im one direction and the other would disapear in the oposite direction. He was also so tall he could tear stars from the firmement with his hands.
The Isle of Man is just a "small rock" Cu Roi tossed at some fucker.
Caladbolg destroyed three mountains when it's user *missed* the target.
Roland sundered a mountain in two with sword strikes.
Heracles got so pissed at the heat in the desert he fired arrows at the sun, who came down to earth to ask him what the fuck he was doing.
Hou Yi killed nine suns
>Implying EA can even touch the air around Karna when Karna is fighting under full power
Silly gil fanboys. You realize that Karna and Arjuna both have the capability to annihilate the entire universe right? The only problem is that certain abilities have conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to use them.
An archer Karna or Ruler Karna would absolute obliterate gil out of existence.
>uses Enkidu
>Karna immobilized and helpless
>charges up Ea
>fires it at him
>the very fabric of reality that supports his existence crumbles away
Psssshhhhhhhhh zasshu
>*blows his head off*
LMAO Karna
>An archer Karna or Ruler Karna would absolute obliterate gil out of existence.
A jobber vs a even bigger jobber?
>Heracles got so pissed at the heat in the desert he fired arrows at the sun, who came down to earth to ask him what the fuck he was doing.
Comedy gold
>laughing at karna
Somebody didn't read the texts.
Indian heroes are the fucking best holy shit I'm so glad I looked these guys up.
Nope. Vlad is low-tier. The territory boost elevated him to mid-tier, but that's it. Any servant who can't shoot lazers that could scorch an entire kingdom to dust is no threat. Karna is shown to not even be trying because he knows that whatever Vlad does can't kill him.
Karna and Siegfried would have been a fairer fight since they both have armors that reduce damage similar to Heracles' God Hand.
You should read the Mahabharata sometime, it's really something.
Probably the only mythology that's actually MORE chuuni than the Fate version.
Gimme a quirk rundown on why Karna and Arjuna hate each other
Their talk ends up with Heracles getting a giant flying cup made of gold that Heracles uses to travel (probably why he qualifies for the Rider)
Helios was a bro.
What if Vlad goes full dracula in his territory?
Nasu nerfed Heracles like hell too
Someone posted my OC! :3
Hindu mythology is literally DBZ-tier
>mfw DBZ is based on hanuman
Actually DBZ is based on Sun Wokong, who is based on Hanuman
Well there you go. It's like anime was /hindu/ from the beginning. Don't tell Sup Forums
Also Goku and Hanuman share birthdays :)
Karna killed Arjuna's son then danced around his corpse
Not that user but considering how herc was able to break free of Enkidu through pure will power alone, its safe to assume that Karna will able to do the same since his will power is even more insane. The dude survived without a core for so long in CCC and went out like a boss.
Also, you are talking about Fateverse Karna while that Karnafag is talking about the mythological legend of Karna. You have to understand that the characters in Hindu mythology are extremely OP to the point where each one of them can destroy the universe multiple times. And Karna isn't even the strongest, there are multiple characters who would shit on him when it comes to power levels. Indrajeet is one such character.
I know gil fans aren't up for critical thinking, but it's as simple as this:
Even if Gil trapped Karna with Enkidu (he can't), Karna's astras only require his mind in order to manifest, and astras can wipe out Enkidu with ease.
Powerlevelfags are the WORST
We could always have route wars
HF > HA > UBW > SN
>Karna with a team admits to only have a 50% chance of beating Gil
CCC hypes up Karna as Gil's equal, and the only reason you can beat him in the first place is because he left his armor on Jinako back in the real world.
>karna killed Abhimanyu
Normally I don't go full Hindu but Abhimanyu died because 6 assholes teamed up and coordinated an attack after he just fucked up their day because he overheard his dad explain the formation while he was in his mother's womb. Abhimanyu is a fucking BEAST. pic related.
Secondly, Karna HAD to lose because he was loyal to Duryodhan, who was against Dharma. It's sort of like how Boromir is a hero even though he was tempted by the ring, or how Edwin Rommel is still studied as a superb general even though he fought for the wrong side. Karna was on the wrong side of fate, but he is on par with Bharat (brother of Rama and for whom India is named) in terms of righteousness.
That's a movie, not a dude.
Why did Krishna act like the devil on Arjuna's shoulder and tell him to kill Karna while he was down, surely thats not right. They spent the whole time jacking off about honor and "just war" only for that to happen.
"Just be evil Arjuna lmao"
>Gawain proceeds to job while fighting under the sun
Gawain is overrated.
Because Krishna is the little bitch of dharma that tells you to do the (((right thing))) for the wrong reason. Why do you think ISKCON and (((westernized hinduism))) are so pro-Krishna?
Have you heard of Rama?
Krishna is supposed to be the perfect avatar of Vishnu, right? While Rama is only a part avatar. Is Vishnu a dick?
because Karna teamed up with 6 other assholes to kill Arjuna's son unfairly.
I didn't play whatever third rate game you're talking about, and that shit isn't canon, but you're not even addressing my argument.
All I'll say is that Lancer Karna is fucking nerfed to hell. Only thing from his arsenal that he really has is Vasavi Shakti which is laughable compared to his real powers (that were handed to him by the creator deities of REALITY itself)
Don't mind me
Just posting best curry
The only reason he is not the best Archer is because he intentionally nerfs himself into the Saber class for the chance of his wife being summoned as one.
You have to understand that Krishna is trying to maintain the order of the world. Sure, it was dishonorable, but the reason he intentionally fucked up Karna's chariot wheel and let Arjuna kill him is because if the Pandavas lost, the fate of the world would've been much worse.
He didn't by any means say "Just be evil Arjuna", he told him to fulfill his duty by participating in the war.
The way they brought up how the people of Romania rever him as a god makes it a bit tough. While in Romania, his transformation would have been even more powerful because in addition to his own god-tier status in Romania, the lore of the Vampire as something unreal and powerful might have put it over the edge. But then again Karma is a Hindu legend, so probably not. You can't beat Hindu gods or heroes. They literally destroy celestial bodies and do the craziest shit imaginable.
>and that shit isn't canon
user, I...
Why are they white?
He told Arjuna "Karna is pretty much invincible you can only defeat him dishonorably when I fuck up his wheel. WILL YOU DO IT ARJUNA? YOU BETTER DO IT BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T HE'LL FUCK UP YOUR ENTIRE ARMY"
He set it up intentionally so Arjuna would have to kill him against the rules of war.
>krishna is the perfect avatar
No, Krishna is a little shit that steals butter and is raised low caste. He is a victim of Dwarka yuga, when 75% of men are unrighteous, and is the hero the world deserved, i.e. a fucking bitch.
Rama is a part avatar but is a kshatriya, and the majority of men were still righteous during his age. The Ramayana is also a better story and has less politics because of the greater emphasis on dharma.
Its really complicated but I'll try to explain it in short.
>Karna was born to Kunti and the sun god before her marriage
>Kunti thought people would ostracize her for having an illegitimate child and set him afloat in a basket in a river
>The baby gets rescued by a charioteer and brought up as Karna
>Kunti later marries King Pandu and has 3 babies, namely Yudhisthira, Bhima and Arjuna.
>Arjuna grows up to become the greatest archer in the land after beig taught by legendary teachers like Drona
>Karna hears about Arjuna's fame and wishes to challenge him but is turned away everytime because he's of low birth and as such cannot challenge a prince.
>He gets taken in by Duryodhan, the leader of Kauravas, Pandavas half brothers and sworn enemies.
>Now thay he belonged to a royal creed, he could challenge Arjuna in archery competitions
>They both competed with each other in back and forth manner
>After some events unfold, Arjuna and his brothers find themselves witnessing their wife Draupadi being disrobed in a humiliating fashion by Duryodhan and company in a crowded court.
>Karna was among the ones laughing at her
>When the war between Pandavas and Kauravas started, Karna and Arjun were on opposing sides.
>In the war, Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu was tearing shit up untill he ran into an enemy formation which he broke into only to find the enemy's best warriors, including Karna waiting for him. They had laid a trap.
>The Kauravas gangbanged him as the poor kid fought valiantly. Karna also had a part in it, including disarming Abhimanyu and a classy stab to the back.
This is abhimanyu using a chariots wheel as a weapon after being stripped of all his weapons.
When, Arjuna heard of his son being cut down in such dishonorable way, he swore vengeance against the Kauravas and Karna.
There are no rules of war. Chivalry is a lie. Nobody who ever died died while thinking "man I'm really glad to be dying like this, right now." The battlefield is hell itself, no amount of rules can ever change this.
Go to bed Kerry
wtf I thought Karna was supposed to be the good guy
The guys who India is named after and the Rama's brother are two very different people.
Go look him up darkie. Indrajeet/Meghnaad was Ravana's son who defeated Rama and Laxman on multiple occasions.
>dishonorable way
More like Jayadrath used cheat codes for 1 day.
Thing is, Hinduism there's no black and white. The gods are also more human and have flaws
So are we just going to ignore that Hanuman saved the day? That's probably for the best, Hanuman would break fate.
Karna couldn't use his NP without running out of mana, Vlad might have whittled him down eventually.
Gawain beat Karna once.
Hanuman or Sun Wukong would solo most heroes
>tfw as a child you tried to eat the sun because it looked like a mango
Vlad the Count
Vlad the Crusader
One is younger still has ideals about being regal and stuff, he rejects the idea of being anything but human. Enjoys sewing. He's a defender, he doesn't move from his position when fighting.
One is older, has tasted very deep despair but he clings to hope due to his religion, he's very much a zealot in a sense but he's a very nice guy once you get to know him. He's no longer entirely human, but he's not a vampire either. He's very proactive in life and can't ever chill out, he's an attacker. Extra Vlad despairs about how there's no honest people anymore, since its Vlad post-betrayal by his own people.
Krishna didnt fuck up his chariot you fags. It was the curse of a Brahmin whose cow Karna had mistakenly killed which said that he would die in the same helpless manner that the cow died. Some other sources claim that it was the curse of the Earth goddes which said that his chariot would get stuck in the mud during the most crucial moment of the battle.
God I fucking love how absurd some of the servants are.
Gawain beat his CCC version who was heavily nerfed and had probably the shittiest master in the entire franchise. The poor guy couldn't even summon his spear for long.
CCC version has higher stats, only issue is that he had less mana to work with.
>a cow
He got stung by a bee though; where are you getting this holy cow?
FMA ed could probably solo Fate's whole universe
If you've been reading Fate stuff for long you'd know thag stats don't mean shit unless you're talking about LCK
That's a different cure you are talking about. The bee curse was when Parshuram found out that Karna wasn't a Brahmin and cursed him to forget the use of his divine weapons when he would need them most.
Karna was cursed on 3 or 5 different occasions depending on the sources yoy read.
>the bee curse
Ya then Karna pleads it down to "forget what you need most during fight with equal warrior" which fucks him when arjun does him dirty
Who is the most chuuni servant, counting all of the spinoffs and GO?
Dantes "The King of the Cavern" Komeada
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
Dantes and Edgy Jeanne
Can this asshole beat Gilgamesh?
They both have such a big ego and only recognize a person as their equal.