Tokyo Ghoul:re

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bump? no one ?

Why was Arima such a piece of crap
>wouldn't step up to be a useful king
>gives "your" shit suicidual "kid"the title
>played both sides
>only told hirako about the kaiju possibility
>let ccg for years killing things he knew were mostly innocent
Fuck him

So next chapter will either be CCG affairs with a Fruit and Plot Device cliffhanger. Or will actually continue off of this one with a Hide and Kaneki reunion maybe. I hope when they do meet again it's underwhelming just because fuck Tumblr

I know people hate Hide because of the fans but I really want Kaneki to know he didn't kill his best friend and that's probably gonna happen next chapter and that's nice. Other than that I liked Urie's words this chapter, he realized what Kaneki has failed to realize all these years so I look forward to their conversation.

Femtoneki is still happening right?


Can someone explain to a nonmanga reader what is wrong with Root A? How does first season, Root A, and the upcoming re relate to each other?

>let ccg for years killing things he knew were mostly innocent
he killed cats?

what if ken is in rize and rize is in ken for la twist

Sure, right after Eto comes back and this kaiju shit ends

If I get it right then
S1 is like from manga
S2 is non from manga, only some major stuff
S3 should be from :re manga

I think they will start :re anime like in manga, but I hope that they will show arima vs kaneki fight from tg manga, like when kaneki brings hide to ssg from anime s2 ending and it ends
And then fight and kaneki loses and becomes saski
But some user could probs explain better

kinda ehi
but if like rize acts like kaneki and does not give it away and stuff (hide or touka or some one would notice anyway) and kaneki does same then maybe....

back in the day, we used to get spoilers in early friday... oh, what has happened?

Arima, Eto and Shirazu are in the other dragon bodies

Root A doesn't follow the manga, and with like most other anime that change the stuff that happens in the manga it's really bad.

Season one and Root A are the adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul:re is the sequel of Tokyo Ghoul, no idea how they're going to try to tie them together considering the changes that Root A did, maybe they'll just ignore Root A and explain the things that happened in the manga in flashbacks or something like that.

Ye, I know
Don't have TG edited one but this

Back in the day when we used to get good chapters. Oh what happened

This chapter was good. Stop being a negative nancy

One of the sources for leaks got caught or something.

Also if I'm right japs get chapter on tuesday so it's fine I guess

F based chink
He's probably back in china now

MS's version is out

Eto spot is Hairu spot though.

Is it just me or is the art getting bad?

For me it's getting better :v

Current Cuckneki looks pretty weird in some panels, like an entirely different character, but aside from that it's alright.

back to fb, you fucking spic

Don't even have fb acc :D

We used to have non stop TG generals. Wtf happened?

Faggots stopped trying to post their theories about numbers and card motifs, people really a fantasized memory of the old non-stop TG threads, most of them were shit and tumblr posting, Now they all fucked off once their theories dried up and Kaneki got a confirmed ship.

Someone remember when the boys from 24th ward said to Ayato they arenĀ“t ghouls but humans

The kids that talk better than the kids on internet?
Also everyone will become ghoul and part 3 will be "World Ghoul"

>wtf happened
Something as every manga, it turned into shit. TG took a huge nose dive in quality and thus the the threads dried up. The same shit happened with SnK threads.

>Kaneki finally meets Hide
>Remembers that he in fact ate Hide entirely
>Whoever currently is Hide is just pretending
>Probably Uta or some other bullshit
Yfw Tumblr's fw if this happened

I wouldn't mind a twist regarding Hide but we already had Hide and Uta in the same place at the same time when Hide went to look for Touka a few chapters ago.

>What are dumbass Kagune Clones
I'm in no way saying this is likely but I'm convinced Ishida would do anything at this point

dead manga


>first scene of Kaneki awake
>it's him beginning to cry
For fucks sake Ishida can you just stop this. When will get a masculine Kaneki. This type of thing just kills the entire chapter, it's like Kaneki had no character progression - he's only growing more and more emotional.

Saiko is gonna fucking die

Real men cry user. Just reporting the facts

Urie's epiphany of "shit sometimes just happens" might be ignored by Kaneki.

Ishida's greatest creation in these last year two years or so.

we're in sun, i think it'll get through to him.

Good chapter, multiple things actually happened. Surprised that we didn't get 5 chapters of Kaneki in a coma.

So Like I skipped from when kenaki got btfo, to this chapter and i don't think i missed much, but are they trying to show that kaneki brought all these people together from all his triple double lives/personas?
I think the sentiment is pretty sweet if that's what ishida was going for but to those of you that have been reading all of this, Does it work?
Like did the emotional impact land for you when you saw everyone gathered around him?

For me it's a dud, but i skipped like 20 chapters do idk if my opinion really matters.

i think it's really cool to be honest, like i wouldn't say i felt emotional but i really liked it. good chapter for me.

two straight very good chapters.

Agreed. Coming here week by week shitting on this has become the new norm through

kanou - "i hate v and the ccg so i'll make dragon"
V - "Thanks for helping us"

Root A's premise is that it takes a major divergence from the manga plotline and has Kaneki join Aogiri tree after he defeats Jason, in order to tell an alternate but similar story to the latter half of the TG manga. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, and it's an interesting idea.
Big problem #1 with Root A: They never gave Kaneki a reason to join Aogiri. Nothing about him changed or was explained differently to give reason for his choice. Viewers can draw their own speculative conclusions, but they are baseless and simply serve to fill in massive gaps in the narrative that the show writers failed to fill themselves. Kaneki accomplishes nothing in Aogiri, which in itself is the problem.
Readers liked white-haired Kaneki because (especially contrasted with original black-haired Kaneki) he was extremely driven and got shit done in the manga. Most of the events happen because Kaneki is taking action in the world. In Root A this is completely different. Kaneki just mopes around in Aogiri and seems to just be following their orders as they commit atrocities.
The second huge problem with Root A is that it does absolutely nothing new. It took about 60% of the content from the latter half of the manga, reorganized it a bit, seemingly arbitrarily, and then released it as is. The result is a boring mess of nonsensical, nigh-unrelated events that aren't aren't even adapted on-screen in an entertaining way thanks to Pierrot being a shit studio.
Kaneki drags his feet to Cochlea on Aogiri's orders, happens to meet Shachi because Aogiri wants a strong ghoul, presumably. Shachi fights Kaneki for no reason, Kaneki gets kicked through a wall filled with ghoul corpses (???) and instantly gets a kakuja. Shachi leaves and is never mentioned again.
Juuzou fights the twins for no reason and they then disappear forever. Dr. Kanou isn't even a character that exists in Root A.

shitposters killed discussion, as they do for any moderately popular series

not denying the anime faults but don kaneki in the manga didn't really accomplish anything either if you think about it.
but yeah in the pv for root a it had kaneki saying i'm going to kill the oek. but the studio cut it out so there was no explanation of his goals.

After all the spits I had done on his grave, now he still come back?

So assuming Eto is dead, she's for sure one of the Nucleus. I guess the people sperging about Eto being dead are blown out either way huh.

>After turning into an abomination and murdering thousands of people you awake to see your wife and friends still care for you even though you fucked up colossally.
You'd cry too.

>Wow I just tore apart the city
>People still manage to love me even though I feel like a complete shitter
Gee I fucking wonder why he's shedding a tear

You just don't understand a man with the urge to party.

No Mutsuki all cats are innocent, I meant the Antieku-esque ghouls and the children. Also going along with the fact he knew ghouls were just infected humans all along, but instead of helping this he decided on being the best at genocide and making cool weapons. No, he felt bad at the end of his life though so its OKAY

Who the fuck said it was okay though, of course the CCG was okay with it, they're a bunch of hypocrites and Arima was their ghoul slaying savior. None of the ghouls have forgived Arima, Yomo made it clear when he talked to Take. Why he didn't tell Kaneki about the Dragon shit before slitting his throat, I have no idea, but he couldn't be a king when he was already damn near a blind old man.

Eto wasn't doing any better either, as much of a good leader as she was, she still expended a lot of her forces in raids to the point where she said fuck it just die on Rue as a distraction. Both Eto & Daruma had no choice really, the OEK plan was iffy but it worked... somewhat.

So I guess we can agree the nuclei are Rize, Kaneki, Arima, Hairu, Shirazu, and I have no clue who the other two are. One of the Dragons in the early phase resembled Noro so I'd say him, and Eto for sure if she's alive. If not then Hajime for sure, he was the only Oggai mook with a name or character really.

Aren't there only 3 or 4 where the fuck did you get 6? Also Noro is dust he's not coming back (probably) I'd say Karren over Noro and Hajime

What if the "little thing" Eto referred to when Kaneki cannibalized her Kakuja in Rose was one of Noro's Kakuhou or Nuclei? I mean it explains why his Kagune started forming mouths in specific.

Nah, Marude or whoever said there were Dragon like things present in all the wards or a few or some shit, we just saw 3 or 4 in particular. Also there's 7. Back in Part 1 there was this panel and it looks like there's 6 more silhouette's behind the large Dragon that more than likely either represents Kaneki or Rize.

if TG is ever going to pick up improve itll definitely be after these couple of chapters

a lot of things need to be explained as its currently messy but ive even come to terms with urie being able to save mutsuki

biggest fucking hole atm is ghouls and ccg suddenly being best buds

Author wrote them up an entire book length draft and this still fucking happened

>Who the fuck said it was okay though
The narrative is what I mean. As of right now everyone choosing humble-faced kumbaya is painted in a good light and the "totally mature" option even when some grudges are pretty justified. Anyone who has had any negative resistance or feelings are shown like assholes. I think we're honestly supposed to be sucking his dick as god daddy perfect man Arima, but he's just a coward asshole and I can't get over it every single time Ishida jerks him off.

>he couldn't be a king when he was already damn near a blind old man
They made the plan to find someone else when they were young though, and if age limit is such a big deal why fuck up Kaneki so much his limbs regenerative abilities were giving out?

Agreed.. never liked him anyway.

rofl at the last part.. but true though.

It'd be funny if one was Kaneki's actual mom and she smacks the shit out of him for crushing his aunt's house

This... and edgelords crying as soon as the pointless killing stopped.


fucking whoosh

I just want Kaneki to be happy anons, but he keeps fucking himself over and over every time he can. ;_;

I miss Black Reaper Kaneki...

He's happy now though, everyone is literally gathered in his lab bed resting and awaiting his return, hell even Ayato the lad who had his bones snapped in half by him.

Your missing an integral part.
>Hack slash your son to ribbons and rapidly accelerate his aging which put him in a bad spot to get smoked by boipucci
I don't know how you consider someone a son and then do something like that to him and threaten to slaughter his friends if he doesn't get up. I mean Kaneki needed to keep living but Jesus.

You guys see eto in the shadows?

He was trying to get him to snap out of the childish pacifism.

I don't know but, as long as Furuta gets torn to pieces by Rize and she goes Kakuja, I'm alright.

>Proceed to realize it's all in your head
>I.. am the One Eyed King
>Proceed to continue being a pacifist and get everyone starved
W-Wheeee, but either way it was fucked up.

I don't know but, if anything is a possibility it's Kaneki's tulpas combining with the mentality of the reborn bodies. If Arima gets the Black Reaper persona I'll be pretty pleased though. Rize will get her own persona though since she had a tulpa and it was damn accurate.

That's the thing though, he painted that Arima was perfect. He never wanted to do any of this, wanted to die, and felt like shit because of it to the point where he slit his own throat. It doesn't make him any better for what he did but, he's not perfect.
>They made the plan to find someone else when they were young though, and if age limit is such a big deal why fuck up Kaneki so much his limbs regenerative abilities were giving out?
This is the same man who forgot to tell Kaneki that people would be turning into ghouls before he offed himself. Anyway though he was just trying to make Kaneki stop being so bitch made and actually kill, but he continued the hypocrisy. He was still young though, and I guess Arima assumed his body would be fine or he would cannibalize, I don't fucking know I can't speak for him but the plan was semi okay.

Eto's so called dead was also off-screen. Never believed she had died, still think Ishida is just shitting us, waiting to bring her back like Dog and Ape.

I thought Ishida would go full out on the symbolism and have him awaken on the week of Easter but damn, he woke up kinda early considering his body looks kinda fucked right now, but then again a lot of RC cells were pumping through Dragon and he gained some new organs so it's all good I guess

The One Eyed King Kaneki was a mistake

Kaneki's whole body from his neck down is solid Kagune isn't it. That might be a good thing though, he could block Kagune and shit with simply his body and probably form Kagune quicker. No sex anytime soon though unless he has a Kagune penis.

Yea that shit, was done intentionally. She's either perfectly fine and MiA to stay under the radar to recover her strength since she looked worn the fuck out and kinda older in the Cochlea, plus she was surrounded by the bodies of dead V agents. Or she's dead and will become of the reborn Dragons from the nuclei. Whichever works though.

Dead threads for a dead manga unironically.

It truly was, unlike the rest of his personas I don't think I can find anything good or likable about the OEK. He basically had everyone underground waiting to die until the last minute when he went to grab food.

The amount of threads this week was actually a huge improvement from the last few chapters.

I wonder how this Kaneki will turn out. He seems interesting.

The dead mango argument never gets old, just because the threads due to shitposters and whatever else doesn't mean the manga is. It's like, in the top 5 most sold manga in Japan over in nipland. You probably unironically think the threads dictate the state of the manga

OEK had such a promising start too.

Why can't I find any Hinami doujins

Femtoneki garbage aside, probably the Nameless King route

Wait, you missed the dragon?

other dragons = anyone kaneki has consumed the kakuhou of? yamori eto rize idk who else