ITT: Anime only 2 people at most watched.
ITT: Anime only 2 people at most watched
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Everyone remembers salami-chan
Pretty good show. Greatest love story ever told.
Make that three.
This robocutie is a treasure but I was very confused by the plot of this anime.
>no one watched it despite being top tier and the rest of the manga will never get the animation it deserves
Everyone watched this when it was airing, newfag.
It was the dumbest, blandest, most boring show I actually managed to finish.
So yeah nobody was missing anything.
I am one of the 5 people in the world that has Samurai Gold on their hard-drive
Never heard anyone mention this one before. Played on International/AZN channel.
to be fair you need at least a phd in shinto studies to understand s@g
Welp. Time to go watch hare hare yukai.
Don't bully Sasami
How is this?
It had a nice OP.
Everybody watched it.
Check my filename.
Would you be willing to share?
not liking yuno voice, what's wrong with you?
You just wanted a Salami thread, didn't you?
Speaking of Haruhi did that show fall off the map hard, recently I saw a comment of a hare hare yukai video and people actually ask which anime it was, which really cement the fact that most anime watchers nowadays are casual that started watching after crunchyroll get on the scene.
Not have I only watched the anime, I also read the novel up to 8th volume and I regret it.
Fuck you Akira, all your novel sucks cock.
maybe dont judge "most anime watchers" by a random youtube comment
if you go to any events you'll still see plenty of ugy, fat haruhi cosplayers
Endless Eight backlash killed the series so we got the Yuki Nagato film and KyoAni forgot all about it. Real shame, I wanted to see later characters show up.
Are the novels on hiatus or did it end?
well it's just silly
someone who pays any attention to youtube comments is about as retarded as crunchytards
To be fair I never go to con because I just don't want to be disapointed by shitty cosplays.But I am just really surprise how Haruhi which was hype to be the biggest thing in anime culture disapear from it entirely.
That and Aya Hirano got busted for being total slut really pissed off the waifu fag and make them drop the show like a sack of dumb puppies.
Myself not included. Only aware of it because of the unusually specific setting.
i didn't even know this got an anime
Salami-san was a fucking terrible show.
One of Shaft's worst.
i unironically enjoyed this
>Salami thread
Nice. Best girl.
Ya got the TADA BANRI version?
"Haruhi-Mania" was 12 years ago. It's been almost 10 fucking years since Disappearance, 7 years since the last novel.
What the fuck do you expect?
And I really don't see it disappear entirely. Sure as hell is still getting plenty of porn.
One of my favs
I believe nobody in this thread have watched Neo-Ranga or I my me Strawberry eggs.
I remember watching like 5 years ago an anime about a wolf detective that had a dominatrix as an enemy that always abused MC's sidekick
Salami-san was nice.
plenty of people watched garlish
Anyone remember Manabi Straight?
Yeah! Setting was pretty neat in a subtle non intrusive kind of way! Back in the day where ufotable was a no name studio.
I watched this. It was a 6/10 adventure, ultra cliched. Had Bakugou before Bakugou was thing if I recall correctly.
Dropped the manga for reasons unrelated to it, might pick the anime then.
Everyone watched this. I heard it was shit.
>Look at this duuude
6/10 is way too much and you fucking know it
A good amount of people watch it. They're just not very vocal about.
Galilei Donna
>A good amount of people watch it. They're just not very vocal about.
I feel this is the case with Figure 17 too.
I've had it sitting on my drive for 2 years now, how is it?
I watched this show cause my mother forced me to.
op is generic garbage
eds are great
I liked her naked overalls
Is this good?
This show started off so good and then went to garbage fast.
A lot of people watched the first 2 episodes of that.
>This show started off so good
did it really, user?
Don't post my robot-fu crying, please.
my childhood faps
Tell me about Chitose. Why does she wear the egg?
Cuticle Detective Inaba?
Post more like it
Candy Candy was fucking huge, man
I actually learned some physics watching this.
First episode was terrible.
The potential was there. Cute loli engineers could have made history.
Yeah, I remember some people here watching it but it was never talked about again. Maybe it was too mediocre
Salamimom was a Gendo tier parent.
you take that back. she's a fucking goddess
Are you sure? I've never heard anyone talk about that show.
Basically, Hozuki alone makes it worth watching at least once.
Even if you ignore that the show got cut short (it was originally gonna be a two cour show) there is still plenty of room for improvement in a lot of aspects like character interactions.
Still, it's a completely serviceable show in terms of production values and has some pretty cool mechanical designs if you are into that.
No you're not, faggot.
It has a good OP too
>implying that those seeds aren't just spoofing
Psychological mind games for weeaboos.
Makes you want to mate with her or something along those lines.
Hell yeah.
What a qt. Picked up.
It's fucking terrible, the ending is incredibly bad
Which is a shame because the girls are cute as hell.
I mean it was huge in the 70s, 80s and 90s, most 40+ y/o know about it
Were there threads about Ben-To when it was airing? I think I remember it being semi popular but I'm not sure.
The designs are the best thing from that anime
I remember.
Yes, it was decently popular on Sup Forums.
>talking shit about god
Literally, there's no one in the planet with more than 25 that doesn't know Candy.
Yes. It didn't even make that one anime jewtuber's "official" top 100 anime poll (and lucky star barely made it on).
I mean, there is something incredibly ironic about you complaining about "those damn casual anime fans that don't know about muh Haruhi" when 12 years ago the Haruhi fans were the casuals/cancer/anime posers.
This has been stuck under my on-hold list for a while now and I still have the folder for it. Convince me to start watching it again, Sup Forums.