Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Chapter 25






Someone's still translating it? That's a surprise, I thought it was dropped so I just started reading the raws in stead.








been a while. i thought it would be more popular in Sup Forums honestly.





For some reason it gets a lot of hate in romance threads, in particular from Kaguyafags.

Hasn't been updated in like 3 months. Might've dropped a bit in popularity.

It started out super strong, but it petered out a lot.












About damn time.










Last page. Credits next.

I want to NTR Percia's dad.

That's it for this chapter. See you in a bit!

And make him watch as she acts all tsundere with me during anal.

Thanks user

Thanks for dumping man. It's kind of sad that it's not more popular

this is the first i've seen of teh series in a really long time, so i wouldn't be surprised if most forgot about this

ok so how many chapters are out of this series? i thought it went from a monthly mag to a weekly one, so i assume there's a bunch of stuff untranslated still, right?

Did dropout pick this up or is this a 1 time thing?

what do you think their message on that page implies, user? haha


This is my first time seeing this thread on Sup Forums

I thought scanlators dropped it and I completely forgot about it as time passed by



Haha the expulsion shit for falling in love with someone from the other side was true.

It happened during her mom's school time.

If Hasuki ends up with that shitty white cat analogue of theirs, it will the one of man's great injustices

Teria is so adorable.
Percia is still the only viable endgame and I am ok with that, but god damn, Teria is just the cutest.

She'll end up with Maru.

The glasses faggot? They barely interacted with each other, if at all, did they?

She can be their daughter.

Teria makes me so fucking hard

Thanks for the dump! Can't wait for next chapter.

So how long before you guys drops this too like you did Kaguya, rhino?

I can accept this. Teria deserves a caring and loving family.
Don't lewd your daughter

Hazuki should wins desu.

Kill yourself, Hazuki.


Thanks OP