
She will save the Accel manga from being axed.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/tz8xlz7oqxes711/Railgun 102.txt
mediafire.com/file/w57ydd40i6gllno/Accel 43.txt
mediafire.com/file/2dqukp8o19i846p/Astral 9.txt
mediafire.com/file/1i7d1k7mk727rsw/Idol 30.txt

Someone use math in an old thread that lead to there being 14 episode of the Sister Arc in Railgun which was 722 pages manga. So the Daihasei Festival Arc 888 pages of manga would be 17-18 episodes. So there no way that the Robutt Arc 708 pages of manga could fill in the last 7-8 episode because it would be about 12-13 episodes long.




Damn the #6 looks like that?

hello drawfriend here accepting requests



>Literally digging her own grave by making an even more powerful enemy than her
For what fucking purpose? She's just setting herself to get cucked by a fucking loli since it is stated than Colorless Girl's only purpose was to kill her and nothing more. How would this even benefit her



Ironically or unironically?


well i may take a while to deliver, but i am indeed accepting draw requests

Will Kamisato ever interact with Gunha? He was proto gunha. After Kamisato and Ayu , is there any turned down character designs that could/should come back?


Kyousuke won't love her since she's the strongest, so she just had to get him to make an even stronger enemy!

Is Accel in danger of being axed?

tied up kuroko

and you ruined kamikoto

make mikoto sexy, but with blood, like fangs,
or do kamikoto where shes biting into touma

Kuroko and Accel hugging please

I thought it was selling well, what happened? Did it have a sudden dive in sales?

All of them are possessed

That Accel manga? It doesn't look completely terrible, neat.
Who's that new qt

You're getting baited.

the west hates it
kamachi stated he's disappointed by its progress and story

Some panels are still kinda iffy.

Good pun

Fuck off retard.

Am I the only user here that enjoys Accel manga despite its horrible pacing and drawing issues sometimes? I feel like the artist is improving this arc (though the barely-drawn background characters can be a bit off-putting) and it'd be sad to have it get axed. Are people just that harsh nowadays? Maybe the idea of it getting axed is just sad to me because I'm an Accelfag.

the state of my black closet
sasuga black closet fags

There's also something up with the Colorless Girl, she stated that allowing the Girl to kill her messed with the Girl's settings. Queen's got something planned out.

The most cucked mc

Why is Kizuna Ai an esper now?

Those reaction faces, though.

Why are girls so punchable?

Kuroko standing on her tip toes to give Touma a kiss please.

I enjoy it. I don't think it's even in danger of getting axed. Or atleast, I never saw a source for that claim.

Leave the manga to me

This please.


Is there a bigger dickhoarding, cockgobbling cumslut than Saiai?

Accelershitter manga will get axed and replaced by true number one manga.

What is Saten's daily intake of cum?

>standing on top toes
Patrician taste

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Kamijirou cucked Mikoto with Kuroko

Is this a newfag thing?

No he's the new antagonist of NT20.

Thicc jc. I want to rub her arm and sniff her armpit.


Don't be a faggot, it's just a name.

I want to rape the nuns (maids).


I want to rape the maids (Saints)

Pick the 3 most rapeable girls in Raildex to you. I'll start:
Index, Marian, Thor

Oriana, Brunhilde, Marian

>raping Mariydi

Railgun 102 Translation: mediafire.com/file/tz8xlz7oqxes711/Railgun 102.txt

Accel 43 Translation: mediafire.com/file/w57ydd40i6gllno/Accel 43.txt

Astral Buddy 9 Translation: mediafire.com/file/2dqukp8o19i846p/Astral 9.txt

Idol 30 Translation: mediafire.com/file/1i7d1k7mk727rsw/Idol 30.txt

God speed Js06.

A little too fast for my taste

I want to rape this new girl

Thanks, mate.

Kizuna Ai saves everything she touches so of course she will.

Kamachi probably likes Ai. His type anyway.

Why is Mitori nobra?

It's not in danger of getting axed. It literally just started a new arc. I've seen other Dengeki series sell worse and continue just fine so they have certain expectations.

Here's a picture of all the non-shit Saints.

That's a normal magician you idiot. How can I take the opinion of someone that doesn't even know what a saint is with any value.

Showing off to Dolly on their date.

I want Mitori to step on me.

White Queen punching Touma telling her to live her life correctly while Kyousuke watches

Fuck, i meant Touma punching White Queen

You'll get your backstory when Kakine jobs and dies to Mikoto, and never before. Hope you find it worth it.

Holy fucking shit that is the smoothest armpit i've seen in a minute. I want to rest my head on it

>Implying Mr.T will ever let her kill someone

Thank as always,
also to all the dumper in last thread

It was better the other way.

Every worst girl from their respective series?

It's a "babby's first waifu" collection.

Can't be. Illyasviel is not there.


But Saber is and they're equal.

>It was the only way to make Hokaze-san take this seriously.

Is this supposed to be so cheeky? I couldn’t help but laugh. Drills has a super~ action packed story now!

No one is shittier than Illya.
That whore deserves to get punched.

Wouldn't the flowers covering a bit of the bottom right of the screen get annoying, or is that just me?

Fuck you, Illya is lovely. Except when she's trying to kill Shirou, but eh.

I'm still getting used to the rounded corners and edges of the screen on my new phone, but it seems you adjust eventually.

Literally kill yourself with your shit taste.

>Implying he will even be present when that happens
She probably killed some randos offscreen in NT17 anyway

>introduce a bunch of magic gods
>bring boring old neph back to the main world

Cute lil Niang came back too.

Neph was not boring, fuck you.

What's the appeal user?

A shit.
Worst girl.

Chocolate goodness, scandalous wear, risked her life to save a girl. She has plenty more appeal than no-underwear loli that got offed without doing much aside from stabbing Mikoto.

Why does she wear the horns?

Why were the Magic Gods so kind? What did they have to gain from such kindness?


Fuck off, Queenfag.

Niang is smart, ended the normal highschool boy meme, a variety offensive magic and has good banter.