Are you excited best girl Yoshino’s going to win?
Masamune’s Revenge
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This garbage is still ongoing?
Yoshino a shit.
Aki a best and will win.
It's obvious from this chapter that Aki will win, shitposter.
>Still hanging on to last thread of delusion.
Did you not see the spoilers for this month’s chapter? Aki BTFO’d and she’s clearly laying the path for Yoshino to swoop in. Just wait for the chapter to come out and you’ll see how deluded you are.
I remind them.
>Hahaha, no. Now that Aki is gone, he will eventually realize that the person he loves all along truly was Aki. Such an obvious trope being used, the absence makes the heart grow fonder one and cleared up misunderstandings will have MC chasing after Aki. Yoshino will feel too guilty and will eventually push Masamune away. In addition, Masamune will, without a doubt, discover that Aki found out about his revenge and he will confront Yoshino about it. This will have him realize that Aki cared about his happiness more than her own. That's the proof of sincerity that Masamune needs to finally understand that Aki's feelings for him is genuine, and his past and present selves are not separated where Aki prefers the former like he thought. Hell, maybe even Neko will realize she was wrong and appeal to Masamune to support him to go after Aki.
>Yoshinofag is this delusional
>he can't see Nisekoi 2.0
Your tears will be delicious.
Link to full chapter:
How can a girl cause so much damage to a relationship with so little screentime? These last two hardly had any meido, and in the scenes she is in she's pretty supportive, yet she's ruining a lot of everything.
I seriously doubt the author would pull a switch-and-bait at this stage. We’re too far in already. Maid’s Cinderella, so she has the highest chance to win.
Kei a shit? Nice joke.
Yoshino a best and Masamune will make piggy in a blanket with her
There's that meme again.
There will be a two-page spread of Master and Masamune kissing, with Masamune hanging upside down from "that" tree.
Kill yourself you Akifag/Horikitafag/Eririfag.
Yoshino is fake bait and switch. Are you retarded or something? There won't be a bait and switch, just like how it didn't happen in Love Hina and Nisekoi.
>one is a loser
>one is the intended main girl
>one is the main girl
Your comparison sucks.
You’re wrong on 2 of those.
>shit tier
>mid tier
>high tier
Master is basically Rem. When Master confesses, Masamune will probably answer I love Emilia.
>one is the intended main girl
She is bait
>shit tier
>shit tier
>ok tier
That’s better.
It's an argument against cover girls, not main girls.
And who would be ok/good tier in Youkoso?
Not anymore.
Yoshino is a non-factor when she isn't going to win and Saeano's title refers to Megumi and there's a meta reason why she wasn't on the first cover. Try again.
Yeah, the setup is clearly Nisekoi, otherwise he wouldn't look so sad.
But what if it's a double fake out?
Sakura is good but Kei is awesome too, the only shit tiers are Kushida and Ibuki(aka the stone).
Why do you people keep on saying it’s going to be Nisekoi again? It’s not. That series sucked and look at where Komi is now, nowhere to be seen. I seriously doubt this author would be that stupid, seeing it’s his only mildly popular series.
It's already the 27th, anyone has the raws?
See .
That series still made far more money than this one, and if you think the author isn't stupid, go read that shitty fake Masamune arc again.
>multiple childhood friends
>dragged out plot
>fake bait and switch
>main girl runs away to make MC happy, but it's all a misunderstanding
>MC and main girl will reunite in spectacular fashion and get together in the end
Because it's similar.
>OAD announced
>Yoshino on cover
what did they mean by this?
Fake bait to extend the story for another half year because the author needs to eat.
This shit looks like the Kuroneko rejection in Oreimo.
Shit ending I say.
I finished reading the chapter, ask me anything.
r u gay¿
>That series sucked and look at where Komi is now, nowhere to be seen
Thing is, Nisekoi was a highly successful romcom. It was more successful than most romance manga tend to be. Like it or not, it is going to have some influence in other romance manga for some time.
Plus, not sure Komi isn't avoiding the spotlight on purpose. Anyone knows how much he might have made out of the series? A romcom making it to 229 is quite a feat, specially in WSJ
It means the OAD will focus on Yoshino
I haven't seen the maid much in the recent chapters. Glad she finally fucks off.
/our girl/ Aki is.
Fuck off yoda, rape the maid.
>lose bowl
>act overly dramatic about leaving so that they'll be compelled to pick you instead out of guilt
Easily the most pathetic way of winning there is. Even Chitogefags were disappointed by the end of Nisekoi because she won in such a copout way.
>rape the maid
Get off the internet Shiki
>neko lost
>aki lost
>fat cunt retard maid apparently wins
Glad I dropped this trash.
what about Koujuro-kyun?
Best timeline
What the fuck is this bullshit? Where did the fat kid come from and why did it make shit so much akward and unbearable to watch 0.o
The cruel princess is pretty hot though.
>Patrician taste
>Normal and respectable taste
>Shit taste (love yourself)
Top tier taste
>Patrician taste
>Normal and respectable taste
>Shit taste (love yourself)
Aki a shit.
Excellent taste.
Did anyone watch Two Cars because of same character design?
>Shit taste
>Patrician taste
I hope you're joking
>Patrician taste
Just love yourself already.
Your tears will be tasty.
What does the last raw mean?
The Yoshinofags are already dead. They were on suicide watch last thread.
Don't lump actual winners with the losing maid
>Patrician taste
That's fine
>Eriri, Whorikita and Aki
Kill yourself
>Patrician taste
>Normal and respectable taste
>Shit taste
I for once don't care who he ends up with. If it's Yoshino, she's so fucking hot I'd ravage her day and night. If it's Aki, she's cute as fuck too, so it's a win-win situation for me.
Yoshino is absolute shit, and I'm fully willing to fight any of you IRL over this.
Nigga pls.
good taste
post your address bro gonna fuk u up 4 liking yoshino
At your mom's house.
Except that Masamune title refers to Yoshino.
The revenge is him getting another shot at making Aki fall for him. Just die already.
You shouldn't expect too much from those who supported Eriri/Utaha and Horikita.
I would be, but it's pretty obvious at this point that they're gunning for an Aki end. There'll probably be a kissu scene with her, but I wouldn't count on anything else.
>the author
Comic Rex needs to eat. Look at their magazine covers recently, it's all Masamune all the time.
Who drew these? An animator?
Who's the most popular girl in Japan? Was there a popularity poll?
I do remember there being an anime poll and Yoshino won it but there weren't many voters.
You obvious dont know shit do u lmao. Last chapter has it all sorted for Maid end. If its going like u said whats the point of bringing out MaidxMasamune liking each other out of the blue near the end of the story, secondly Maid's problem is still remained unsolved if its going to end like you said.
Its most likely going to relate what aki said from last chapter, having Maid to "Research" something about Masamune. Aki setting up a path for Maid and Masamune to realise their true feelings for each other. Let me remind you again what masamune said to himself in one chapter "Its a feeling he must not have" for Maid, therefore he likes Aki out of Guilt nothing more.
Maid end confirmed. Maid is going to confront Masamune for ditching aki, and helps him to chase her back. In the process, Masamune realises his true feelings for Maid and confesses.
The maid won that poll (barely but whatever) thanks to the fact that her backstory wherein she was a cunt to Aki and Masamune wasn't shown. That was also way before Aki finally reconciled with Masamune and underwent some major developments.
So many hints that lead to Maid end. For example, "she is not going to do something for herself unless someone orders her to do so", that is a hint for aki comes in and help her.
Another one would be the last chapter umbrella scene, where Aki accidentally knocks the umbrella off Maid's hand, and hand over hers, this means Maid needs to get rid somethig, and handing over umbrella is a form of lending a helping hand which also means " take it from there".
Except that the true target was Yoshino all along, she was the one responsible for everything.
I'm leaning towards maid end because of these hints too.
However, guilt trip end can still happen with Aki at this point. It's the shittiest one for sure, but because of nips, the chance is still high.
/ourgirl/ is not a loser with disgusting cowtits.
>Forced Heroine
>Girl who only won due to executive meddling
Nice list
>Yoshino’s going to win?
Hah you wish maidfag
>forced heroine
You prolly never even read it. Their relationship grew slowly and nothing was forced. You only see it that way since she cockblocked your selfinsert.