Breaks character half way through the season

>breaks character half way through the season
>gets called #10 best anime of all time

I really don't know why Sup Forums hold's this in such a high regard, I watched it probably 8 or 9 years ago. Nothing special. Only character that stuck out was Ami.

>>An anime where the someone actually ended up with someone in the end.


I will never stop enjoying the tears of Amifags. Best girl won, get over it.

>Love makes you completely change who you are immediately upon falling for someone

It must be horrible having your tastes so formed by terrible harems where characters are static from episode 1 to episode 100 that you consider character development to be a bad thing.

>character development

Episode 1: Meanest badass in school
Episode 19: Super kawaii moe Christmasu

In reality we call that bipolarism

Wow, it's like, she was never cute and adorable when she was with Autismo girl. Oh wow, it's like, she's open about her feelings with people she feels in ease with. Damn. All humans are bipolar.

That's what you're upset about? You mean the part where she literally tells you she's putting on an act to appease santa?

In reality we call that character development

You have the wit of a middle school girl, jesus christ...

And you sound like you don't have a single grasp of human mind.

>Episode 1
Teenage girl who his essentially bullied by entire school, lives alone in filth, has one friend, and a horrible family acts bashful and aggressively towards those around her
>Episode 19
All of that changes for the better because of one person. She started loving him way before episode 19... she didn't act on it and tried to suppress it for the sake of the one friend she's had throughout highschool.

Wow, it's insane that after she finally gives in and acts on her feelings she acts differently. Once she realizes Minori also more or less "needs" Ryuji (to a far less extent than she does) she pushes away her feelings and acts like she does to the one friend she has a normal relationship with during the show. She even acts the same way towards Kitamura after her feeling are gone entirely, making it obvious she's been harboring feelings for Ryuji for almost the entire story. She always acted completely differently around him. She's not ungrateful, her character didn't change. She's a teenage girl (who is nothing like 3d because she gave the love SHE NEEDED to her popular best friend) who fell in love with a good guy.

You're both too dense and stupid to understand that and say "wow she is so mean to ryuji and her character is poorly written XD XD bad show! how is this populor?". Don't comment on a show until you at least try to understand the story.

It's an adorable show with cute girls and a great romance story no other show has been able to replicate or beat. It has great character development and doesn't take itself too seriously. It has excellent pacing and makes you actually care about every single character on the show. You're just a contrarian nu-Sup Forums faggot who can't enjoy a comfy show that isn't shitty moe.

Do you fundamentally not get how and why people change? First of all she didn't "break character". She is consistent from start to finish but she does, because it's good, change based upon events over time and expresses herself differently at the end of her story than she does at the beginning. I know that's unheard of in most anime. Ironically, she gets called a new school style tsundere (flipflops between hostile and sweet, which she does) but she is also a *defining example* of a classic tsundere (gradually opens up and goes from hard when she's introduced, to soft as you get to know her and as her character progresses). It's also crazy to even imagine but it's a goddamn anime that has a distinct beginning, middle and end. It's not a season, it's a 24 episode complete story. Almost all anime should be learning from that rather than dragging on indefinitely (with never an end intended) or else ending after advertising a LN or getting axed.

I'd be interested in knowing what halfway point she did anything out of character in your speedwatcher opinion. My guess is when she flips out at the Christmas pageant because her dad ditches her. Already established that her dad is a fuck who abandons and betrays her at a moment's notice, that she will go along with things that seem unappealing to her if it will please her friends or get her dad's attention. Already spent the first half of the story building up that she has gradually come to be in love with Ryugii, the only man in her life who's taken care of her and been there pretty much replacing her dad). FInally loses her mind when she realized what she's done by sending him away and that leads to one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever when she runs out of her apartment smelling his scarf (which she's been clinging to for a while). In her bare feet screaming and crying.

That's how shit works, user. You DO have points where your life is disrupted, things come to a head, you have to face some facts, etc.

Because its good and it must be rewatched every christmass along with every fellow Sup Forumsnon, only newfags and crossboarders can't appreciate this show.

Toradora's plot is somewhat predictable (and retarded).

(Someone even accused every character of being fake, except Ami.)

Ami is great an all but she's not a person that things would have likely worked out with. Even if it would have, sometimes you get split between more than one person and you have to choose. Figuring out what your heart really wants is one of the harsh parts of life and there is usually fallout. Part of why Ami is great is because she knows this and manages to rein in her bitchy personality and support her friends because she knows the truth: there never was a Ryujiibowl. Anothe rthing worth noting is that Minorin is not autistic and retarded, she's just an oddball and a specific type of class clown. It is a facade though and that fact is spelled out multiple times. She can actively turn the wacky crap on and off. It's not like it's a split personality, goddamn people. She has a serious side and a silly side and in school or for Taiga (who loves it) she usually turns on the fun side. She uses it to protect herself as well.

Class President is super-composed and infallible but in reality is barely holding it together, gets his ass kicked in by his dad, is insecure etc..

Ryujii is visibly diametrically different than his actual personality. He looks like a thug but is a sensitive caregiver and kind of naive. The entire show is about 5 people who have masks but only Ryujii's is involuntary. I don't know how this flies over people's heads but it's a litmus test. They all have masks that cover insecurities and fears.

Also...Toradora is the greatest love story ever told, deal with it.

>It's an adorable show with cute girls and a great romance story no other show has been able to replicate or beat.
I've watched my share of romance movies and... well... Toradora is nothing special.

>mfw I realized that the real autism was us all along and had the best 25 days of anime ever

>Toradora is the greatest love story ever told, deal with it.
It probably isn't.

Newfag detected.

It's says so right here, user. No room for debate it's written.



It's up there
By virtue of something actually happen