
I love this page

Give me Gundou or give me death.

Carol is SHIT!

>when she tells you she's a man


So good. The last two panels are amazing.

How long before Jun is asked to leave for throwing murderous looks at customers?

oh boy

Tomo a cute!

Wants miso ramen, also wants it. Is happy she got it. Says welcome. Enters the Jun.

how broken is jun brain right now? is this the most broken we've seen him


>Love at 1000th sight
It's like love at first sight but for blockheads


>Two straight pages with no girls

>Enters the Jun.

what are the odds he's gonna think she's the girl he helped at the convenience store?


Order some oyakodon.



99% because we need to keep the status quo instead of having progression.

Thanks dropout

>this fast

You underestimate Jun's denseness.
that was fast

so how will Tomo fuck up Jun's order?


That would be one fucking hell of an asspull.

jun isnt right for tomo he destroyed her smile


Probably almost no text

I fucking told you people I would if the mangaka just did this. I'm out. Peace, fuck you guys.

>Inb4 Jun is brain dead again and does not recognize it is her like the last time she wore a wig and dress

Make sure you stay away this time.


she'd serve him food instead of oyakodon

She'll insist on cooking it herself.

>he doesn't know that face is the face a tomboy reaches when they've gone beyond the tomboy smile.

Tomo looks like a proper waitress.

see you tomorrow

>oh fuck...

what's wrong with it?

Wh...what would you like to order Jun.
You gurl
Manga ends

It seems you were quick to translate for once, you trash.

it's almost like two empty bubbles makes translation quicker, you fuck.

Well, fuck you.

Fixed a cleaning issue.


>your wife in a maid outfit
Best birthday present ever

Their faces is like they have just seen a ghost

I juat hope the pairof hyenas dont ruin this cute moment.

The shock was such that it was like a near-death experience, their whole future life flashed before their eyes

What does Jun order?

Dinner, a bath, and Tomo

I think there are still some miss translation left.



What kind of fag looks at three girls like Tomo, Misuzu and Carol and then picks anyone but Carol? She's clearly more attractive than the other two put together.

Attractive is average.
Beauty is unobtainable.

wow its almost like its subjective you fucking idiot


i want to fuck this cat desu

>More attractive
That's false. Pic related.


Nope, she's objectively better looking.


Surely he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to humiliate Misuzu by making her do it.



I want to fuck Misuzu

Even your prescious Carol is weak to Tomo's charm

To be fair, that was because Carol literally had no friends and everyone she ever asked to be her friend hated her for reasons.

Didn't you say Jun should dress up all incognito and all this bullshit Jun would never actually do?

She's just happy someone would be her friend. Real infatuation is when Tomo hugs Carol and realizes that she's been a failure as a girl.

And then, after that she made her love for senpai waver for a moment.

In both of these Tomo is blushing, clearly swept away by Carol's charm. Carol is so beautiful, both sexes find her attractive.

I want to make Misuzu smile.

Yes, what I hand in mind was much more entertaining than just jun walking into the shop. That alone invalidated yesterday's page, and this page was literally a nothing burger, cause we've known since they arrived at the ramen shop that jun would inevitably show up. This isn't worth the struggle to keep up with daily. Dropout must love pain to endure this; he would make an exemplary misuzu fanatic.

Don't even humor it.

>tomo at the end of her shift

Can't help but be reminded of Nakani.


No seriously, delete this.

Are Tomo and Jun going to have wordless, awkward, traumatic incest sex?

That bottom Tomo (and Jun) is priceless, So, I tried, but I'm beat, will post finished one tomorrow

I hope so

that's the start of her shift, dummy. Don't you know what kind of business this is


Man I love those doujins. Sucks that he only ever made two of them.


Wait, what? I've only ever found the one with the runner and the one with the cranky boss, are you telling me there's a third somewhere?


he did a trio of other doujins, one of which is the same.

Best damn chapter in months.

I can never get it up for this one because I start laughing uncontrollably.

Not-Carol has an audition

marry left, fuck right, kill middle

That's [incense], not [SPRAY]. Completely different.

>Carol more attractive than Tomo

That's why senpai likes is more attracted to Tomo