Why don't you respect Ichigo?

Why don't you respect Ichigo?

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cuz she already lost

She's not real

she's autistic

Cuckqueen don't need respect.

do you respect your sister user?

Because I love her misery.

Be humble, sit down.

Just you all wait till she got her prosthetic arm and people starts calling her Big Boss instead.

Watching ichigo getting btfo is the funniest shit in the week



fuck TLRfag

What an absolute garbage nigger song, why can't Onifags listen to something good like


Because she feels more like a one-note meme and not a character.


Its sit down, be humble.


because she's Sayaka


reminder that violet wants to know what is love

Because she does not respect her self.

because she is a representative of a cheating whore

we never saw his bankai

We saw her hallow form though

Picture related what's going to happen to ichigo

Because I HATE that cunt.

so, Hiro wants to have a gangbang with them

this makes more sense

No it's not user. Be humble, sit down.

She's a cuckquean.

Because Miku is best girl, dummy.

she is a cuckold

why are black egos so fragile?

She wants something not meant for her, when she already has a more compatible partner

Not understanding that Ghostface Killah is best rapper


probably because they got whipped for +300 years, and then jim crowed for +70 years

Not even the best Wu Tang.

ichigo is going to be the blue oni

mitsuru prefers the remix
and stunts on everyone's taste


Has best verse on a Wu track (I Can't Go to Sleep)
Most consistent discography (Literally not one bad album)
Provided half of the content for best album of all wu members (Only Built For Cuban Linx)

Best storyteller, most lyrically intricate, solid high pitch fast paced flow

I break bread, ribs, hundred dollar bills might be best opening line ever

I'll respect her when she stopped being a cuck and go nuclear.

Did she poked her eye out when manipulating with fake horns?

I'll do it when she gets an hint

Because other than you pathetic Strawfags, I remember the moment when this bitch showed her true colours. But yeah, continue talking about one fucking frame, where Zero Two doesn't smile, while going through a door.

Seasonal cuck is actually very replaceable.

She was talking about herself here.

Yeah, tell yourself that Ichigofag.
Not, that it isn't true.

Because she will win the hirobowl due to the death of 002

Because she's a terrible leader continues to show the only priority on her mind is getting the MCs cock

>Hiro: Im sorry
>Ichigo: Don't apologize
>Ichigo: You were awful

>the Ichigo focused episode is the best one yet

How does she do it bros?

By having the best mech.

She'll be back to save the show, lads.

Another EOP
Why am I bothered



>punished cuckberry
Did she lose the eye while trying to peek at Hiro and 02 having sex?

Even if I wanted to stop bullying her, she keeps setting herself up to get bullied anyway. This applies in-show as well

is she looking at ichigo after they finished and as if saying she won?

Ichigo would kick your asses

But I do. She's a great leader.
She's adorable too, to boot.

Thats an awkward translation

just end it already and take me away oni pls

But I do. Cute boys like Ichigo make the best girls.

A fruit doesn't deserve respect.

Can somebody explain the "strawberry" meme to me?


Fair enough, weeb.

>Goro, I'm already a Parasite

Oh I get it now. It's a name pun.

But Ichigo can wear bikini despite her Flat Bob,while Zero two cannot wear bikini at all despite being protagonist.

I dont get it if she and hiro not compatible why didnt try another male?

Hiro was a special case because of whatevr his number is and whatever the people in APE keep forshadowing with him being a special case

we know that the less numbers you have in your codename, the better you are, and plantation 13's squad ranges from a bunch of 2 digits to throwaway three's, which I am guessing she was one of. easily replaceable.

Because she's probably around 14.

she just had bad luck to show up in the same show as 02. if she had been in another one she might have been my favorite.
same goes for Miku

She already has despite being dead.

Without her ghost's sound spiritual advice Hiro would have died in battle and there'd be no UMI DA and 02s smile would be lost forever

fuck off

Wait that mean fatty is the best after ichigo and goro and ikuno

>One of them isn't even from the same universe as the other two
Why are black people so fucking retarded?

Ichigo talking about herself, Hiro, or the situation is irrelevant, there is not fucking way that would change into her seeing the kiss as something special. She is just telling Hiro that because she sees it as something she can use to get closer to him. She's a fucking retard that should get a hint already.

>yfw she's 9 iota's partner

Who is Nine Iota? Zero 2?