thighs > rest
Thighs > rest
My nigger
Won't argue that
heh, at least one thing we can agree on.
I do enjoy some healthy thighs.
Thighs have nothing on tummies and tummies are inferior to hair
Damn fine taste
Even though I'm an assman, I do like some thighs since they go hand in hand.
God thighs are the best
I'm proud to call you a comrade, OP.
You guys understand how great is thighs.
>thighs > rest
I'm not too sure about that, but I do agree that they're pretty good.
Best Amagami
True that.
More thighs, please.
I see I am accompanied by men of exquisite taste tonight.
The whole lower half, really.
Can't get enough of 'em
Patrician taste.
I do love her thighs.
hips > all
hips + ass + thighs is the trifecta though
I'm more partial to arms.
Good thread.
Here's the webm.
I misquoted.
I thought I was in Sup Forums for a moment.
f*ckin rad dude
Best taste.
> the stockings are nice in their own way
A man of culture
Neck >>>>>>>> *
Too bad anime don't bother doing detailed necks
Nice Thighs
>tfw discovering Aoyama Yuki's works today and seeing this thread all within 30mins of each other
Every part of Yozora is so delicious, even her personality.
bless this thread
Did he actually stab the dog or
Short haired yozora was best girl
If anyone wouldn't mind sharing the web, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I liked long haired Yozora better.
you guys are alright sometimes
It's a plastic toy knife that makes the blade recede into the grip when you "stab" something.
No webm but I got this.
Did that cherry tomato come out of her ass?
>fetish for thighs
do straight guys have a fetish for girls?
Is that a problem?
I was just wondering if I should wash it before eating it or not.
>stomach that low
shame on you
This is what peak performance looks like.
Late as fuck but does he have any pixiv I can follow?
Best thread on the catalog here.