Herr durr imma go see my body swappin mate because im a retard that cant even look at the current date
>goes to school, didnt knew what the current date is
Too busy fondling self.
You can poke holes in every movie so I don't know why they try so hard with Kimi no Na wa.
Is it just because it's popular so they want a reason to not like it?
at the end of the day one can always just claim that the bodyswapping simply makes them forget what year it is.
This is the major plot hole. Taki shouldve masturbated all day with thay body of mitsuha
Eh, not with this big gaping hole. Its so wide, its comparable to your mums hole
>Is it just because it's popular so they want a reason to not like it?
More-or-less. It's a great movie, so lots of people say it's a great movie, so the retard brigade blows any flaws they can find with it way out of proportion.
They kind of did imply that anyway; they referred to the bodyswapping as "like being in a dream", and showed multiple times that memories of some details were at best a bit fuzzy and sometimes just vanish entirely.
I like this head canon
>It's a great movie, so lots of people say it's a great movie
Like justin biebers music. I wish I was part of the unwashed masses
haha woah it looks like you didn't look at the date either, its 2018 not 2012
Its just an example, as expected from a kimi no shitter defender
It's practically impossible to talk about the film here properly anymore, which is a shame because back in last April we used to have great discussions about the grander aspects of the film. I'm quite glad the film is still popular and well-received in the East, but I can't really say the same for the Western reception.
Magical realism
Who the fuck crops like a retard?
Muh safe space
It's practically impossible to have a meaningful discussion about any anime here. Occasionally we can manage two or three anons having a decent conversation in amongst the dozens of shitposts in a thread, but I don't remember seeing an entire or even majority of a thread be reasonable discussion.
did you always remember every detail about your dream user?
>Wanting actual and intelligent discussions is the same as requiring a safespace
Liking the plothole: the movie is very brainlet like
The west is really obnoxious about their complaints about it too. Had someone say they didn't like it because it couldn't decide between being a body switch comedy, existential drama or time travel thriller. mfw
>goes to school, finds a way
There's no plothole, between the year not being a very important part of the date, and the bodyswapping being dreamlike, there is plenty of opportunity for the date to be missed.
Disliking a movie because you didn't pay attention is the pinnacle of brainlet like.
>why didn't they look at le phones
did you faggots even watch it?
Where did I ever say that I liked the movie? You need to get that social justice boogeyman out of your head sometimes, the dude was merely asking for constructed debates.
>Hurr durr muh plothole
Is not a proper way to spark a debate btw.
>there is plenty of opportunity for the date to be missed.
Ah writhing it off like that. Nice defense retard. Still a plot hole
It's not that it's not a plot hole, it's that it's not a terribly egregious one, and besides, who fucking cares? I'm not sure I've seen any movie that was completely devoid of plot holes of some kind.
Did you not read the rest of the post where I tell you why it happened? It's not a plothole retard.
You can't even refute the points.
I liked the part when Taki returned to his body, discovered he was missing an entire day where his friends say he acted really weird and then doesn't really think too much about it.
Well it was said body swapping feels like dreaming so they don't remember every little detail.
That being said, the movie doesn't bank on the magic making perfect sense, it's honestly irrelevant to the movies emotional impact.
So even if they forced a line of dialogue explaining that they can't remember minuscule things like the date or time, or if the gods made it show whatever year they are from even in the others person life, it makes no difference.
It's still the greatest japanese animation put to film and there's nothing your petty complaints on a Chinese image board with all of 200 people can do about it.
It's not a plot hole, it's a plot convenience.
Considering they didn't even realize they were switching bodies at first and that it was a dream, they probably didn't realize the date either cause it was like a dream.
I mean how did you miss the dream parallelisms when it's flat out stated
>use phone of girl while you have swapped bodies with her
You sure about that? I was in these threads back then and people were constantly bringing up how the movie conveniently has Taki and Mitsuha conveniently forgetting things to move along.
Just because it tugs on your heart strings and looks pretty doesn't excuse the lazy writing.
>Clearly establishes that the swaps are dream-like and it's easy to forget the specifics of the experience
>Title of the film is literally a reference to how easily details are forgotten during the swaps
>hurr durr why isn't it spoon fed to me
Being incapable of understanding the movie is not the same as pointing out a plot hole.
It's like you retards forgot that they swapped bodies in their sleep. Assuming you don't keep a sleep diary, how much do you remember about what you dreamt about last night?
The real plot hole is how the phone diary magically deleted it's entries
very often a lot, actually. especially right after waking up. besides, tihs isnt even relevant and doesnt even address the problem. they are concious about the fact that they are swapping bodies, but for some reason they wouldnt be concious about the date? this would only matter if they noticed the date and then, after waking up, forgot about it again.
You answered your own question retard. By the same logic you're employing one could ask:
>hurr how did they magically swap bodies
Maybe whenever they figure out the date, they just forget it. I mean there are moments when they completely just forget each other. It's not a good way of doing it but it's plausible.
Why would you ever have to check what year it is? Phones usually only show you the day and the month.
Even if they forgot about it after waking up, you'd think a little something like Quantum Leaping into the future would get a mention when she was writing diary entires on Taki's phone.
i considered that too but come on, this is the least of things in anime ive suspended disbelief for
You completely forget that at multiple times Sam was taken over by whoever he was acting as, like in the Lee Harvey Oswald episode, so you can't use it as an argument for them having 100% true recollections about everything that happened during swaps.
again youre missing the point. its not about them having a recollection of what happened, its about them noticing in the first place. gigantic difference.
Okay, but they didn't notice at first glance.
That's not a plot hole. That's just how the plot worked out.
I think you're overstating the number of times Sam let his personality be taken over during a leap. Besides, there is no sense that happens in this movie.
Why are people in this thread incapable of telling a plot hole apart from a plot convenience?
i never claimed that it was. to me its just poor writing. not like thats much better, though.
I see what year it is ever single day. It's on every PC screen. It's on every calendar. And it's tons of other places too. I don't think I could go a whole day without seeing what year it is, unless I stayed at home, and only read or watched TV, with no computer use.
The body experience is sort of dream like. Hence the details from the dream quickly fade as well. Can you remember the date of your last dream?
I'm not overestimating the time, I'm just saying it happened a few times.
As to , the movie doesn't tell us which happens. Assuming you aren't underageb&, you've probably had a dream where you were in high school again long after you actually graduated and didn't question it because it's a fucking dream and your brain doesn't question things like spoopy monsters or funny gravity in a dream unless you're good at lucid dreaming.
They mentioned and showed that every time they went back to their original bodies that they would forget a few details about what they experienced. Mitsuha's grandma mentioned "You can't remember every part of a dream once you wake up from it", remember?
Hey, that's my birthday
>because it's a fucking dream
have you not watched the movie? they were very conscious about the fact that they swapped bodies with someone else. they didnt wake up and were like "wow what a weird dream". in fact, they last time they do it they are enthusiastic about it having happened again. stop comparing this to a normal dream. if you wake up you know that it wasnt reali. taki and mitsuha were fully aware that what just happens WAS REAL.
>they were very conscious about the fact that they swapped bodies with someone else
It actually took them many tries to figure out that this was happening, and that's literally the most major part of the entire experience. Seems pretty likely that they'd be incapable of figuring out much smaller details about it.
>they didnt wake up and were like "wow what a weird dream"
Yes they did, several times in fact. Did you even watch it?
Is a brainlet that doesn't realize that a long amount of time passes during the montage
It's like dream logic. When you are body-swapping, you are still from a personality standpoint "you", but you fail to realize that cars shouldn't be made out of marshmallows or something.
Only their logic was less trippy and more "fully embedded in the current present"-like.
do i really need to say "from the moment they realize that its real"? the entire post implies that you fucking imbecile. even if they swapped 5000 times without realizing that it was real, the 2 times did after would matter more.
irrelvant to the point.
>when you are *dreaming
Okay, so since it took them so many tries to figure out the most major detail about the experience by far, why is it mandatory that they should ever figure out every single tiny detail about the experience?
Lucid dreaming being a thing completely refutes your point about dreams being different from swapping you retard.
again, this doesnt work. you dont enter the dream and wonder why you just fell off a building. everything happens subconsciously. they didnt do anything subsciously. they cheared the second they woke up in the other persons body. theres gigantic difference here.
>write down stuff in a diary
>a diary that has a date
>autistically organize said diary for proper instructions so the other person abides by the rules
it isnt dreaming, though. they are consciously aware of the fact that it is reality.
Why are you so caught up in what you think "ought" to have happened, when you can just instead accept that it didn't? People miss more important details than this in our current real world all the fucking time.
>be Taki
>wake up as Mitsuha on day X
>open notebook
>don't question the date because you're asleep
>do what she told you to do in the notebook
>write diary entry for day X
>go to sleep
>wake up
>read what Mitsuha wrote about yesterday
>5 minutes later don't remember details about what you did as Mitsuha on day X, but you know that you swapped bodies and might remember
Nowhere in the film does it even say that Taki would recognize Tessie and the thot friend if he saw them while he was awake. They write read and write about the dream/swap while in the dream, every single time.
because to me this is very poor writing when its essentially the primary plot point (and twist) of the film. mind you, i like the movie, but that doesnt change the fact that this "detail" devalued my overall experience by quite a bit.
>don't question the date because you're asleep
but thats where youre wrong
>lucid dream
consciously aware that you are dreaming
>normal dream
subconsciously think that its reality
>kimi no na wa
consciously aware that it is reality
youre still so hung-up on what happened AFTER they woke up when that was never part of the debate.
>It's very poor writing because I personally can't comprehend how someone could have missed it, even though real people miss much more blatant details about things all the time and it is in no way a stretch to think that it could have happened this time too.
doubt id been able to shed tears during the bike scene if i actually was autistic, you little pissant
I'm autistic (officially diagnosed) and after watching it 3 times I still tear up just hearing Sparkle or Kataware Doki
Is it stated or implied that they have 100% perfect memories/personality transfers from their usual life?
Are the rules explained, but then inexplicably broken?
So your critique is stupid.
>>lucid dream
>consciously aware that you are dreaming
>kimi no na wa
consciously aware that it is reality
Can you demonstrate that the difference between these two things make a meaningful difference in your ability to remember details about either? What frame of reference are you using? What real world example?
As far as I can tell, and as far as what was explained in the movie, there is no difference. And there are no real world examples to demonstrate otherwise. So I'm not sure how you can pretend to know for a fact that it would be. You're just inventing new rules for a fictional device that were already established for you canonically.
>writes diary entries (with dates) in the others' phone
>doesn't know what the current date is
>ability to remember details
do you purposely miss the point or are you just that retarded?
No, I understood the point and responded to it accordingly. Thanks for the non-answer, though.
in what kind of retarded country do they remind you what year it is every day ? I find myself asking my coworker what year it's going to be almost every new year