>Casca wakes up but it took so long that Miura completely lost his ability to draw
Which one of you fuckers used the Monkey Paw. This is a goddamn tragedy. I can't even laugh, it's so sad.
>Casca wakes up but it took so long that Miura completely lost his ability to draw
Which one of you fuckers used the Monkey Paw. This is a goddamn tragedy. I can't even laugh, it's so sad.
You're retarded. He's drawings still look good.
Miura's always been weak at drawing faces.
He's taking a few speed-drawing shortcuts here and there but he's still in the top 5 percentile of mangaka.
what? no, at a certain point he was great at it. aside from using the same female body type for everyone he doesn't have that sameface problem most artists have. Vol 20-37 was pretty damn consistent. just take a look at this random Casca with proper bone structure.
if that's the case then standards have goddamn dropped.
The only issue here is he chooses to mostly leave out her nose since we're looking at her directly face to face from above. If anything Miura should go back to practicing noses those seem to be his weak point in this chapter.
No, he forgot how jawbones work and that Casca isn't a 6-year old girl.
Spergs STILL haven't noticed that the art changes given the proximity to the Elf King.
I don't even mind an occasional badly drawn face, but couldn't he at least spend a bit more time on the first panel in many years with unretarded Casca.
Schierke was really bad this chapter, in almost every page. She's almost full ayy lmao territory.
Did he get Rebis to draw this?
Perhaps the Casca front face was drawn by an assistant.
Make it easier for dem shitty ass fucking CGI seasons in the future
You know thats not even Casca you fucking retard
Jesus christ plebs in this thread SMDH.SHMDH
The doll is naked, you blind moron
What in the hell happened to Miura? The shift to digital was back during Rickert's escape from Falconia, but the art was still good then. Did it really fuck his style up THAT much?
The art at the current stage is "acceptable" for most people, but this fall from grace cannot be denied
Picture in OP is Doll Casca, Size of a fire extinguisher.
I know retards browse Sup Forums but I didn't think it was this bad
She is the real Casca
Will you stop spamming this retarded potato face?
At least I actually read Berserk, unlike you.
People on this board ''discussing'' about any sort of artwork always crack me up like nothing else.
Please never change because your idiocy is a bright flame in the darkness of this world.
What is even the point of drawing manga digitally? They're still images, it's not like they have to move. Is it even that common? I know some artists make 3D models to better visualize what they're drawing and that's actually a pretty good idea but drawing manga entirely digitally seems like the epitome of laziness.
>What is even the point of drawing manga digitally?
Saves money and time on cleanup. Nowadays you have to scan all pages for printing anyway.
>What is even the point of drawing manga digitally?
>but drawing manga entirely digitally seems like the epitome of laziness.
Is it normal for the average poster of this place to be so ignorant about comics?
That laziness part must be a joke, right?
you do notice that the doll is naked but the other casca isnt?
I think he's right though. Miura's probably merging the doll's face with Casca's identity, thus the collar.
She is clearly wearing some sort of cloak you mong.
>What is even the point of drawing manga digitally
Drawing is about as fast. But with photoshop/digital layers, you can go from sketching to shading and inking, really really fast. So that saves time
You also skip needing to scan/clean the scan, saving time for the magazine. And remove the need to transport a physical copy
And several other benefits, that saves times.
All at the cost of losing the physical side, which has a lot of neat things, but the gains are only for experts doing long time projects.
So what? Her hair also appeared instantly, Thats the doll Casca opening her eyes in the dreamworld.