Does fanservice help or hurt an anime?

Does fanservice help or hurt an anime?

that fang is obscene

Is there a thing as too much fang?


Too much fang makes the girl look like a orc that is missing a tooth

It hurts me, physically.

I don't see the problem.

>still no komachi doujins
life isn't fair

Nothing wrong with some fanservice.

It's like she's standing in a lineup with garbage.

its great because it warns people with taste to stay away and not waste their time

It’s fine in small doses, but really annoying if a character can’t go one scene without it.

I just wish there would be more tasteful fanservice and not the forced, blatant ones you see all around.

Spice and Wolf did very well in this. Also the 80/90s one where the woman is in the shower and then has then to hurry, fumbling with some 80s tech. I can't remember the name of that though, someone has the webm?

it helps for the unwashed masses
it hurts for the high IQ patricians such as myself who have ascended far beyond sexuality

It has to be decided on a case-by-case basis. In case of this show the Komachi fanservice really hurts because it only serves as a painful reminder that Komachi end is theoretically impossible.

Depends on the context. Usually boosts sales because you can pander to waifufags and pump out erotic merch, but alternatively if you're trying to make a "mature" series it might just make the show a fucking mess. Nippon cannot into fanservice that isn't somehow comedic or cartoony.

Komachi is an ugly snake whore, so it’s acceptable.

Fanservice can be good. Game of Thrones did it pretty well.

What's that?

The notion of what's acceptable widens quite a bit when you have shit taste.

I can't find it on MAL is it a really old one?

I guess that explains why you want incest shit.

I haven't heard of this anime and google isn't helping. What's the Japanese title?

A game where celestial beings from the christian theology called thrones, which are ranked in the first sphere beneath the seraphim and the cherubim play.
Hence, game of thrones.

Reminder that Komachi is the author's self insert character

Fanservice can't make a terrible show good, but it can make a good show great.

You should both drink poison.

Sounds complicated. I'll just stick to simple fanservice

Geimu ofu suronsu.

Found it, it's live-action. Imouto seems like kind of a bitch, though.

Please, you're embarrassing yourself.

>Is there a thing as too much fang?

It is a necessary component.

Right after you degenerate.

>Does fanservice help or hurt an anime?
Depending on the context of the anime, it can go both ways. Like we expect in an "adult" anime for their to be some lewd shit going on. But like in a strictly comedic anime, fan service is not needed.

Help me.
Hurt SJshits and fags.

Depends on the tone of the scene as well, if you've got a round table meeting in a post apocalyptic show filled with pantyshots, it's gonna grate pretty fucking hard

There you go again. You'd have known what was degenerate and what wasn't if you'd actually read the bible. Spoiler: God loves incest

Why is always the fanservice what's under scrutiny?
We can leave out of many manga/anime lots of stuff that would not change the overall plot or add something to a character.
But is always and only when someone spot a pantyshot that people need to complain.
The good question is not "is this necessary" but "why shouldn't be here?" "what's gonna be better without it" "The plot is going to be better without it?" "some character gain something from wearing an hijab?"

Because fanservice isn't just something that might not add anything to the show, it tends to be more obnoxious than that.

>But like in a strictly comedic anime, fan service is not needed.
Everything is relative user.

Fanservice becomes an issue when there's too much of it, to the point that the plot/action/characters suffer for it. As long as fanservice doesn't interfere with the rest of the show, it's fine.

... and i disagree.

Depends. If is an ecchi manga built on that concept of course there is a lot.
It would be like saying "this sport manga is shit: is all about soccer, people training, people playing, people talking about it... what a shit"

It all depends on presentation and the timing.

I was extremely disappointed at the complete lack of fanservice of Nichijou.
Not even one (1) pantyshot, goddamit! Over 26 episodes!

Ok, but a massive number of people don't disagree. Most people, in fact. Surely you can empathize.

>character A walks in on character B in a state of undress and the camera pans up character B's naked body and flustered face
>character B hits character A
I don't know but I hope this cliche form of fanservice dies forever

Yeah, if in a battle between gundams all of a sudden would appear a pole dancer that start destrying robots by twerking and shooting lazers from her nipples it would make cringe even me.
But seriously, how much of stuff like that you see, if not in strictly parody/ecchi manga/anime?

Already toned down a lot.
Most of the B character today would even try to make A join them.
And so is born an even more cringey trope: A reacting like a fag to that situation.

Well yes, it's different if the entire point of the show is fanservice. Didn't think I needed to elaborate on that. It then becomes an issue of how good the fanservice is.

If the show is trying to succeed in other areas, and there's so much fanservice it just becomes a problem, that's when it's an issue. IS2 is a really good example of this. There's maybe 3 episodes worth of plot stretched out across 12 episodes. Almost the entire show was disconnected fanservice episodes, featuring such masterpieces as "Char's panties disappeared" or "the girls takes turns dressing up in stock fanservice outfits". To date, it's the worst season of anime I've seen.

Compare to something like HotD, where despite having a massive amount of panty shots and jiggle, the action/plot never really stops for fanservice, outside one breather episode in the middle. You could remove all fanservice and you'd still have a perfectly function zombie anime.

>Most people, in fact.
Learn 2 "loud minority". Everything goes trough the law of demand and offer. If it was truly so hated, the offer would not be so high.

I want to sexually fuck Mio

Hurt, there's no debating it.

It drives down critical thinking, it creates cancerous viewer bases that avoid criticizing their dumb fun and overall it just looks bad and tacky to the people that aren't already turned-on/absorbed/foaming at the dick, that includes people that like anime and newcomers.

Then again I'm not entirely sure is 99% of the anime community isn't already filled with dumb nerds that masturbate over the same stupid shit endlessly or if they actually take anime seriously so with that in-mind, yeah it's probably a good thing.

I would have said no before I saw OP's image. The way she always smiles to one side to excuse showing that much fang makes her look like a stroke victim.

Mio is the cutest!

Oh, here's the "look i'm a fag! That's make me super human" fag.

>you will never touch her butt

>w-why you bullied my f-f-fun

I genuinely feel horrible about hurting your feelings.

That's a very chubby Mio.



A little fan service wouldn't hurt, but too much attracts cancer fanbase.

I prefer serious themed anime has little fan service, and lots of it for SOL etc.

I literally live for beach and onsen episodes

Just more of her to love

>Didn't think I needed to elaborate on that.
You have no idea how many rants i had to go trough while reading love-ru from people endlessly raving about Rito not becoming halfdevilukean supersayan, no bad guy wanting to destroy the earth, and why the girls are always naked. Look like there is a lot of people that don't realize that not every single manga/anime is supposed to be a clone of dragon ball.

Would a single, suble panty shot improve or detract from Texhnolyze

Funny enough, SOL tend to have fairly little fanservice compared to other shows. Over all 3 seasons + OVAs of YuruYuri, the only episode with any fanservice in it was the onsen episode.

Helps obviously. What a stupid question.

>Neckbearded otaku outnumber people who hate anime fanservice
Nonsense. That's like saying Justin Beiber fans outnumber people who hate his music.

Nah don't worry. People ravings about how supersmart they are, to the point they cannot get their dick hard cause all the blood flow is focused on their faggotry... i mean intellect... always brighten my mood.

Both and it depends


Thats a battle shonen though.

But is humorous and the TnA is totally contextualized.

I judge anime by the amount of pantyshots it has. The more better.
As of now Agent Aika is my higest rated show

Cersei is the older sister

I'm not even smart I just think there are problems that are specific to anime that no one likes to address because anime fans live in a hyper-sensitive bubble where no one likes to address what's really happening behind these scenes.

Yeah the titties are flailing but you're getting people
>spreading these titties to reddit
>spreading these pantsu shots to youtube
>Spreading armpits all over Sup Forums
then these people eventually shitpost on every corner of the internet about how kawaii their waifu/husband is so everyone that says
>hey that anime was actually dogshit and here's why blah blah
gets drowned out by a million retards screaming over their boner for WAIFU-CHAN SO KAWAIIIII UGUUUUU YOU'RE JUST NO FUN

It helps my dick so it also helps me enjoy a show.

Just avoid those topics instead of butthurting that you fave superserious, no fun allowed, anime/manga have only you as the reader, and watching in butthurting envy masses of people enjoying their cancers.
I too would like to see more topics about Masamune Shirow's stuff. But ranting on waifuthreads about how people are wasting their time instead of liking what i like is not gonna get me any.

>gets drowned out by a million retards screaming over their boner for WAIFU-CHAN SO KAWAIIIII UGUUUUU YOU'RE JUST NO FUN
I'll take things that never happened for 100$

>the only episode with any fanservice in it was the onsen episode
The entire premise of the series is built around fanservice, it's literally a yuri-bait show.

I largely do. I just think it's sad that if an anime I like has fanservice, I'll see retards jacking off over it in the threads of it.

Even worse are people that jerk off over legitimately horrible characters and get defensive over them because they cater to a fetish.

Fanservice isn't a contained thing, it bleeds over.

I'm exaggerating but we get a lot of people defending bad anime that are filled with 1.Cute fanservice and 2. sexy fan service and even more people pretending anime with those two things both good and only discuss those things.

More than fanservice itself i see more of a problem how much people obsess with it diluting the meaning of fanservice.
Ok you don't like something like valkyrie drive or love-ru darkness. That's upon you. But hell sometimes even camera angles, or the fact that a femnale character is not flat as a pancake trigger fags.
I still remember battleship nadeshiko. Not a single tit out or pantyshot, no walking in while changing or other common ecchi tropes, everyone talking about it like it was a softporn.

>battleship nadeshiko
I mean: battleship YAMATO.

kiba = garbo

Very few doujins with Hiratsuka as well.

>Then our mother took a precious day off from work in order to take Komachi to the dentist. When I came home that day and saw her bashful smile, I didn't recognize her as my cute little sister at all. Give it back, Komachi's appeal! Kawasomething will really dump her for sure; my little sister has been ruined for marriage.

It helps keep retards and normalfags out.

Shitzuka is ugly as fuck. That’s probably why.

Fanservice is worthless pandering so it hurts. What the dumb fans want isn't usually good. Fanservice also doesn't just mean excessive pantyshots or whatever.

True. And that's something many people fail to understand.
There is things that are way worst than ecchiness.

Without fan service there wouldn't be as many neets in the world.

She’s a more mature, busty, Yukinoshita. She’s perfection.

She’s a used up old hag that reeks of tobacco.

Don't compare Hiratsuka-sensei to that worthless cunt; she's not like Yukinon at all.

arent they twins?

She just looks like a better version of her. Hiratsuka sensei is perfection both inside and outside

> used up

She’s a good girl who is saving herself for the right man.

Damn look at Kudou's hips, she's just built for birthing!
