What if Euphemia tried to kill Suzaku due to him being Japanese and he in turned killed her via his Live command?
Code Geass
The power of love would cancel out both Geass'
There was a doujin where geassed Euphy raped Suzaku than killed herself.
I think that would have been even more gut-wrenching. But I don't know, maybe Suzaku needed to see Lelouch kill her. And him nuking Tokyo would seem less shocking.
In all seriousness, would he ever forgive Lelouch or himself? The scene would be so fucked up, but so good.
Can't just drop this without sauce.
That's fair, wonder if the writers thought about doing it. Seemed like with Lelouch geassing both of them it was perfectly set up.
The problem would be a narrative one: Suzuaku would be put to death by the Britannians for assassinating the princess.
Here you go.
What if Suzaku captured Zero and brought him to Charles right afterward? Charles knows about Geass and is emporer, he could've publically acquitted Suzaku. This could've also helped Schneizel gain homeland support and make the 3-way conflict more interesting.
I really expected that to happen, was surprised when it didn't. Would have been the perfect clusterfuck.
I don't think a frail woman on her deathbed clawing at you is particularly dangerous to your life.
This is the same show with Lelouch's joke. I'm sure they could've worked in something for the sake of drama.
Would he survive that level of mindfuck? I think he would've killed himself right after.
Best part of that doujin is that it was broadcasted in national TV and Nina was watching.
Can Suzaku even kill himself?
Nina gets NTRed on national television.
>I think he would've killed himself right after.
tfw he tries but he can't because of good ole "Live".
Best girl.
I have a mighty need for OT3 doujins or fics.
Nunnally and Euphy did break their geass, so if there's enough will for him to kill himself, maybe he could.
That would have been fucking hilarious. Euphie getting geassed and going on a murder spree is one of the best things I've seen animated. I don't think anyone has ever been shit on harder than Suzaku was in that situation. To top it all off with him learning that his waifu tried to kill him on her deathbed and he killed her in self defence but doesn't remember doing it because the Geass took over would have been just the icing on the cake.
The story after probably would've played out the same way. Lloyd and Cecile were outside the operation room, they could have proven his innocence. When he later attacks Lloyd to get the Lancelot key and switches into "Murder Zero" mode his manic hatred and departure from his usual composure would be even more justified.
That and selling out his best friend for a promotion.
>Yes moot, /jp/ is... a great success!
Huh, but then it would make more sense for him to break his geass because he had enough will not to kill her. I think this is the correct answer.
Why when Shuzaku was trying to convince Kallen in Season Two, did not he tell that Zero was responsible for the massacre? He told her about Geass
>''sup Suzaku, I geassed your girlfriend into massacering your people on national TV and then killed her, all this on purpose to suit my terrorist needs and I regret nothing. But that was all of like 2 hours ago so be a sensible man and put it behind you so you can help me now, k?'
Yeah, Lelouch wasn't really helping either.
I'm actually kind of disappointed they didn't go with this now.
>Conversation plays out until Euphie remembers Suzaku is Japanese
>Euphie's Geass takes over and she grabs a knife or scalpel or something
>Suzaku calls for the doctor
>door opens, Lloyd, Cecile and surgeon-kun come in
>just in time to see Euphie stab him
>we get a quick monolog thought of Suzaku accepting his fate but his Geass activates
>grabs the knife quickly with some CQC moves and stabs her in the throat
>This whole scene plays out while cutting back to scenes of the black knights securing the disaster zone like they did in the show with the "ZERO ZERO ZERO" chanting getting louder
>scene ends with her hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes at suzaku feet while the chanting reaches it's loudest "ZERO"
>harsh cut to black
>ED starts
That would have fucked people up.
Lelouch has too much pride to explain that it was just a very tragic accident.
Suzaku than telling Lelouch who realizes he really fucked this one up.
Nunnally did it, Euphemia was literally more dead than alive when it happened.
I think at that point he still had to act like Lelouch was dead and that there was another Zero.
These are the kind of changes that I would've liked for the new movies. Not keeping Shirley alive (I say that as someone who doesn't dislike her).
Pride is often at the root of many troubles, sadly.
>Not keeping Shirley alive
No fucking way? They didn't did they?
They did.
Now that would be a change worthy of a movie.
Shame about Taniguchi being a faggot.
Despite her costume couldn't help but feeling with the way they drew her facial expressions, wrote her dialog, the music they used when she was introduced they were trying to pull at everyone's heart strings. It fucking worked, there she is in some slutty deer costume and there I am tearing up like a bitch.
I'm afraid so, user. They might still kill her in Movie 3, but there's a chance that she survives the whole thing.
Did they retcon her death to bring her back in the new TV series? I really liked her character and hated her death but I don't know how I feel about them changing that.
love C.C., but appearance-wise, she's just a clone of shizuka without the funny witch hat
Me neither. On the one hand I'm 99% convinced she son't survive movie 3, on the other hand I wonder how she'd react to Zero Requiem and I wouldn't mind seeing her again in R3.
In all honesty, I think they're saving Shirley's death for the last movie to enhance the build up for Zero Requiem. In contrast, they're also saving CC's true wish (so far in these movies, they cut parts about her past including the reveal of her geass) to simultaneously drive the point home that Lelouch can't die because he needs to fulfill his contract with CC.
>Can Suzaku even kill himself?
He tried to do that by joining the army to begin with, followed by willingly going to his own execution, and then by knowing an assassin was after him but deliberately want to avoid it. Lulu is the only reason he is still alive. Remember, the "live" Geass is what forced Suzaku to stop the assasin in the last possible moment.
Suzaku was a liar all along, he only pretends to be righteous when all he wants is to die ASAP so he doesn't need to follow through with helping people. Lulu indirectly punishes him by forcing him to live as Zero.
>Lelouch has too much pride to explain that it was just a very tragic accident.
No, he refuse to explain because he does blame himself. So he doesn't see the point of explaining, which would only be excuses that he himself would not accept.
guess again
>Suzaku was a liar all along
Wasn't it implied that he had such PTSD from killing his dad that he didn't remember he did until Mao showed up? That he was unconsciously trying to kill himself until then?
I mean if Lulu is coming back and they're retconing one of the greatest endings I've ever seen, retconning Shirley's death is kind of inconsequential. And I'm in the same boat seeing her reaction to the zero requiem would actually be something I'd want to see admittedly. I just don't why they're changing things.
Geass again*
He was a child when it happened and all the adults convinced him to live with it and allowed them to turn it into a suicide story to retain his honor and stop the war. So he did and was trying to remove himself from any selfish thought and put himself in harms way in the hopes he might die saving someone else and atone for his sin. He had just never had anyone call him out about it before and in front of Lelouch of all people who at the time Suzaku probably cared about viewing his actions in a positive noble light rather than one built around a suicidal desire for atonement.
>mfw CC eats Dominos Pizza in R3
yeah that's what I originally got from the show but I remember Sup Forums discussing this at some point and mentionning that he'd actually blocked it from his memories
>implying he woulnd't just have Spinzaku'd her to knock her out.
>mfw we are getting daily CG threads
To be fair, it's hard to really call a terrible joke an accident. Even if he did explain the out of control Geass, hardly anyone would ignore his joke example to Euphie.
Kallen = Lelouch's Queen
Lelouch has no queen. He is the queen.
He might have, but it was likely drudged up when CC used her powers on him during the Narita conflict. Then Mao compounded the situation shortly after.
I like Code Geass, but whats the point of remaking a series into 3 movies? Are they different?
Weird how he looked even more regal than Lelouch in that scene when he wore that.
Also, never quite got why he had those pantyhose over his arms for his final battlesuit.
To drum up more interest for R3. Far as I heard, the first movie just glosses over some of the original season while largely omitting Kallen's growing interest in Lelouch/Zero.
Can CC get pregnant?
Pretty sure Lelouch designed that suit. What was going on in that man's head when he did is anyone's guess.
Don't see why she couldn't. Hell, given her personality up until meeting Lelouch, she probably could have bore some children and left them to whoever fathered them without much regret.
Suppose that's true. Then again, Britannia had some questionable outfits for its knights, as seen with Monica who barely had pants, or fucking Anya.
Does that make C.C. a MILF?
>not Cicis
She could be, but probably not. As seen by the climax of the battle with Charles, she was apparently considered guilty of nothing but her own personal demons which she overcame shortly before Charles and Marianne were absorbed into C's world. Would be kind of hard to imagine her justifying abandoning a ton of children over the centuries.
Still, the Knight of Zero outfit is something else.
Eh, it's only really the shoulders that look off. The rest looked pretty good. I could get that maybe it was to make arm movement be unrestrained, but then again Kallen's suit in most instances has had weird shoulder pad things that look like they could get in the way.
So did they sleep together before the final battle?
Of course they did.
Got to wonder how long he was able to last in that pizza-enriched ass of hers.
Just imagine if Lelouch hadn't lost Kallen as an asset in the finale. He'd have curbstomped that entire final battle.
Every fucking time.
>Just imagine if Lelouch hadn't lost Kallen as an asset in the finale. He'd have curbstomped that entire final battle.
Lulu asked Kallen in season 1 if she wanted to see his face. She declined, which meant she was locked out of the throne room so to speak. I expect Lulu to invite her to join him a 2nd time in season 3, assuming she doesn't force herself on him against his will.
Pretty sure she wasn't involved with him in the final battle because he had (to her and the black knights) turned against the entire world and was bent on its destruction. As much as she clearly grew to love him, it's unlikely her love would have seen her betraying her nation. As for how she'll interact with him in R3, we'll have to wait and see. From what I've heard of some people who saw the first remake film, they feel like the new trilogy might be the continuity used for whatever R3 turns into.
If/when you rewatch this series take notice of the music they use in episode 2 when Lelouch wastes his Geass on Kallen to ask her a simple question in the schoolyard. It's a little detail that you'll only notice on a rewatch but when the choir track swells up during the brain rewiring sequence you realize how much of astronomical fuckup it was. If he had been able to use a late game Geass on her he could have done anything.
Would love it if someone could actually animate that.