Could you summon the meme version of a historical figure as a heroic spirit?
Could you summon the meme version of a historical figure as a heroic spirit?
With his Noble Phantasm: Thirty Goddamn Dicks.
You need a catalyst to summon a servant, so the question would be if something relating to the real George Washington could summon the Brad Neely Washington, or if you would have to use something like an old drawing done by Brad Neely.
That's like asking if you could summon fictional characters as a heroic spirit.
Pepe, with the power of shitposting
Didn't they make a point that Vlad Tepes denied the legend of Dracula was true, but his Noble Phantasm was still becoming Dracula?
He's coming
He's coming
He's coming
Six foot twenty, fucking killing for fun
aren't they already bastardized versions of their historical counterparts?
Could you?
It's been how many years now?
Eight long years.
Of course not, if you could, everyone would just summon some ridiculous overpowered fictional character like God.
You summon historical figures with powers from their legends so you summon meme versions by default.
More importantly, considering Archer, you should be able to summon meme versions of people who are still alive, right? Got our Berserker right here.
6 foot 20 fucking killing for fun
Would he be Rider or Saber? He has a horse made of crystal, but he also killed his sensei in a duel, and he never said why.
Reminder: George Washington literally started a world war which lead to the American Revolution and the French Revolution which lead to German Unification and our current world order.
He is the most important man in modern human history and could possibly solo Gill.
Killed his sensei in a duel, and he never said why.
>Killed his sensei in a duel
>Rode a horse made of crystal, had a pocket full of non-crystal horses
>Has a gun and threw a knife into heaven
>Spread the Delaware
>Ate opponent's brains, put an opponent's wife's hand into a jar of acid at a party
Has like thirty goddamn dicks
Let me lay it on the line, he had 2 on the vine.
it all depends on what his NP is. I imagine it would have something to do with either the Delaware or the Declaration of Independence, neither of which lead to something that could hard counter GoB
Heroic spirits are memes in the first place anyway.
>historical king arthur had an invisible sword and could shoot beams from it and is also female
Could you summon Babycakes as a servant?
Well it already applied for Zhuge Liang, considering how much of an absolute failure he was in actual history. The Romance of the Three Kingdom loser propaganda pretty depicts the opposite.
Who is the most memed servant then?
Does Da Vinci becoming the Mona Lisa count?
I'd rather him become some kind of monstrous petruvian man cartwheeling all over the goddamn place
Is Frankensteins monster not fictional?
I guess not in the Fate setting.
What about Frankestein
Summoning fictional heroic spirits causes limitations to be placed on them, ex: Sasaki Kojiro lacked a noble phantasm
Keep in mind that Fate is a world with magic and monsters being real in it
Medusa is considered nonfictional, Medea could speak god language that allowed her to do supermagic, Avalon is real, etc...
What is real and fictional in the world of Fate is different from what is real and fictional in our world
>pic related
>fictional character
So in the Fate universe stuff from legends are actually real? And do regular people actually know that?
Regular people don't, mages do
People use objects related to the heroic spirits as catalysts to summon them, so I'd say yeah
Before summoning Saber in F/Z, the Einzberns go and steal Avalon and give to to Kiritsugu. It is the real Avalon, so that implies that the legends are true.
Could you summon Trump as Pepe?
Is that because he was fictional or weren't there other weird circumstances?
If you can summon Edison as a giant spider anything’s possible.
Is that a thing that happened?
>Implying it wouldn't be the axe from the cherry tree myth.
Apparently this is Edison. He's a spaceman lion for some reason?
>who is Nursery Rhyme
>You need a catalyst to summon a servant
You actually don't. In absence of a catalyst you get something based on compatibility.
He's the MGM Lion. He's more or less "the American industrial revolution" personified as a heroic spirit
just summon this guy since he's always a demon lord in every game/series he's depicted in
Nobunaga is a meme queen voiced by tsunderie in Fate
where the downside?
>Can kill with a stare
He wasn't a real person and was instead an amalgamation of like three different stories into one wraith. He was summoned by a servant as well. He didn't have a Noble Phantasm because he wasn't a real Heroic Spirit to begin with.
There is none.
What if it were Mount Rushmore?
First of all, things like Frankenstein's Monster, and even OG Assassin (who was literally just japanese fairy tales taken shape) exist in canon. Secondly, deity level figures aren't able to be summoned via the Servant system, only partial deities like Herc and Gil.
He was a hyper-charismatic, telepathical knight
>Implying he wouldn't simply irradiate his enemies.
Didn’t mythological characters really exist but got retconned when the Age of Man started?
>He'll save children, but not the British children.
Some did, but Fate Herc is fictional.
NP: Merry Christmas
George Washington started the 7 years war?
There's Nursery Rhyme, who's literally a book of fairityales with a mind of its own
More importantly, why are there no Portuguese heroic spirits?
Yes actually.
>Mason Ring
I'm sorry, but I thought his NP was Tsubame Gaeshi? I mean it was clearly a finishing move of sorts and he nearly KO'd Saber with it
Washington didn't sign the Declaration of Independence, he wasn't present for it at all since he was actually out fighting the war and leading troops.
No Spanish servants either. And only one African
Washington the man who lost every battle aka Aaaaargh France save me!
LOL leading the troops from the back.
Niggers are illegal in Japan.
Look, we don't need history where we're going.
Damn, now I have to go watch it again. I miss the times when Neely was funny and talented.
he saves children but not the British children
The show which will not be named must have been the result of some sort of psychotic break. Fucker had a fine thing going with China, even if it didn't always hit.
It worked for Jesus.
I wonder, what would a Servant based on normie preception of "Anonymous" would be like? To some of them we are already some kind of mythical beast, thanks to the mainstream and some """alternative""" media. Like if every over the top thread screencap from multitude of boards fused in a singular consciousness. Would he even be good in combat? What would his Noble Phantasm be?
The hacker known as fourchan could be the base.
>hacker on steroids
So, berserker?
Anonymous would hack the mainframe and take control of the system, and that's basically magic.
A Nazi that hacks reality by sharing memes on Facebook.
Untrue. Turns out he was real now.
>What would his Noble Phantasm be?
Sup Forums as a reality marble. It'd collect the minds of everyone within a given area and give them the power and freedom to do whatever they want with the security of anonymity.
If you want to really stretch the definition, a myth could be considered a meme. Dracula is the best example I can think of of a real person with a "meme" counterpart. Lancer Black seems to be a mix of both, apparently not being a vampire in life, but being a vampire as a servant.
So yeah. You could probably summon memes.
It was a special technique, but it wasn't really an NP.
Or there can be two of them:
Anonymous. Caster, for the most part well-meaning. Fucks shit up because doesn't know any better/really interested in seeing how bad can it get. Formed by a perception of norimes before the fall of Sup Forums (pranks, raids, "fourchan hacker" etc.)
Anonymous Alter. Berserker, full-on Stormfag, does not make any attempt at hiding it. Disagrees with everyone about everything. Fucks shit up for no reason whatsoever. Formed by a perception of everything that came after.
>A Caster with meme magic as a NP
>An Assassin who can move through computers
>An Archer, since Anonymous attacks you from far away and acts unpredictably
>something that looks like F/Z Assassin, but with the Sup Forums color scheme and Guy Fawkes masks instead of skull masks
>dips her eyes in a jar of acid
>at a party