
What makes Gappy such a lovable character?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's Jotaro but not boring

You mean he's Giorno but not boring

You mean he's Josuke but not boring

You mean he's Johnny but not boring


You mean he's Jonathan but not boring

I'd say he's less boring than Jonathan because he's more like Jorge

Jonathan had more personality when he was a kid, specially in the manga. But then he became an adult, and also the most boring character ever made.

Because he makes me happy

At least you had an excuse this time.

Why does Gappy make you Happy?

t. jealous jotaro

He doesn't even know who he is but still does the right thing.

He already knows who he is, you wiki reader.

I don't like him.

Well, he doesn't like you neither.

Yeah, I know.

Do you know who makes me happy though?

I miss Urban.


Honestly this but truth be told (personally) Gio's got swag that can't be replicated not even if Araki himself wanted to

Doppio gets me Uppio

>2.93 MB

because i'm glad in this universe kira redeemed himself.

Why does Nero looks like an edgy Deviantart OC?

Because Araki stole Nero from a deviantart artist.

Based windowhairposter.

His autism.

Where did people post their OC's when there was no Deviantart?


t. jealous part 4 jotaro

Back in my day, we used to send our OC's to anime and gaming magazines because there was no Internet whatsoever. Those were the times.

The stoic pride of Giorno/Jotaro, the innocent nature of Josuke/Jonathon

The moment I wait for most is when he confronts the big bad and says something along the lines of "Kira was a cautious guy and would have went into hiding, while Josefumi would have shown mercy.. but neither of them is here" before popping his head like pic related


Reminder that Kira was devoloping feelings for Shinobu and Hayato ruined everything.

Good on Hayato

I'm going to _____ Jolyne.


Few more months, and he would have lost his killer urges.
All he wanted was a waifu that loves him whoely.


Today is National Pancake Day at IHOP!
And, speaking of pancakes, also the 80th anniversary of Caesar's death. Rest in pastries.

make Jotaro fuck


arrange a marriage for


I want a pancake inspired recreation of caesar's death.
Make the pancake shaped like the stone, and the syrup his blood.


I want Jolyne to marry a black guy

i say amen to that brother!


I want Jolyne to with Hermes

Jolyne is American too

no, Jolyne is one for Jotaro

I want to hug Jolyne
I want to kiss Jolyne

I want to live next door to Jolyne and her black husband so every day I will be reminded that I'm a worthless piece of shit that'll never have anything, or amount to anything, as I see them kiss each other goodbye and welcome when they leave and return from their work commutes.

Retard, he literally kissed Shinobu there to spite Hayato.


What Part does Araki stop doing unrealistic shit like stupid face expressions or emotional like scenes such as this? I'm curious when his art takes a more "realistic turn" with just stands and whatnot without supernatural art effects.

Arhacki's art is always shit


>implying there are men inside of women acting like a skeleton
lol ok user
also, remember one of DIO's thots made an ugly face when joseph/avdol outwitted her

>what is Kira vs Stray Cat

Jotaro, I don't think that's legal.

The new rohan One-shot


But I thought you could marry anyone you wanted in Florida.

As seen in the last 3 threads


Is she Jotaro's daughter?

you didn't exclude stuff like that in your previous post.
This isn't simply exaggerated art, this is the actual stand being used.
Stop being a shitter.

haha epic cute high school anime girls funny moments funny jojo reference incredible.
What do you mean I have a spic's IQ level?

>This isn't simply exaggerated art, this is the actual stand being used.
>actual stand being used.
t. speedreader

I love~~~
'Pizza Mozzarella'~


I love~~~
'Pizza Marguerita'~

>defending this shitty """bond"""

Gyro vs Bruno.
Why would Gyro win?

because cute ugly teeth

Is the translation out? I can't find in anywhere.


Why does he not ask crazy diamond for a quick repair?


I felt so bad for this guy, it Thought his arc was one of Vento Aureo's finest. I loved how stubborn he was and how you feel him evolve and actually get character development in what little screen time he had as he fought mista, only to die in an extremely gruesome way anyway

There's a dedicated kirashinofag here unfortunately

>deliberately forgetting about this

>implying there only one person who likes that pairing in this general
How cute.

I hope the animation doesn't go to shit for this fight since its right before Diavolo's reveal. White album is one of the best fights in the series.

This is only half of the reason why Kira x Shinobu fags are pathetic desu.

I prefer Black Albums, you racist.

>implying there only one person who likes that pairing in this general
How funny.

Where did Diavolo's suit go?

>implying there only one person who likes that pairing in this general

He spent the rest of the VA as Doppio who had is own clothes.

Araki realized that Diavolo would look better than Kira in a suit, so he made up an excuse for him to wear different clothes(there's a twink inside me!!).

Nobody is "defending" the "bond" in that picture, you utter retard. It's all based around this particular moment. You can see Kira was clearly doubting himself. He thought of the possibility that he might have felt attached to a person for the first time ever. If he truly was a psychopath unable to feel love up until that point, he wouldn't even have considered it, and wouldn't have needed to reassure himself that he felt relief "only because it meant that Jotaro wouldn't find him".

Cum stains are hard to get rid out, so he just tossed the suit.

Thank you user

Also, we know that during the BtD arc, Kira was acting like that towards Shinobu because he knew nothing could go wrong, and he was so cocky that he taunted Hayato all the time line that, NOT because he was in love with her. We aren't retarded, but apparently you are, since you can't comprehend the true reason why we like that pairing.

Why did Araki write Kira so sympathetically? Between this and Dead Man's Questions.

Araki loves Kira. His second favorite after Josuke. Makes sense why he gave him some sympathy.