Yesterday, prosecutor charged Watsuki Nobuhiro for holding child porn DVD in Tokyo district court using simplified prosecution process.
In the same day, the summary court issued a summary order of 200,000 Yen fine (US$1800) for those media he owns.
Rurouni Kenshin author fined for child porn
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Wait, what. Just $1800? He should go to prison.
>cgdct is not the pedo containment zone they said
Maybe that's actually expensive in Japan. I'm not economically savvy, though.
For each media or for possesing all that shit? Anyway, the guy is trash.
It's a relatively new law to ban this stuff, it wouldn't make any sense to suddenly start handing out the death penalty. You just got to slowly up the punishments until it's culturally frowned upon.
So he evaded prison or is he still going?
The total sum
Many thousand people are caught for this, I don't think they would have enough space in all those prison if they really goes that route
The case should now be closed unless maybe they want to appeal it?
He's shounenshit though.
Why is child porn so demonized?
If you kill a guy you are a bad person, but if you have CP you are literally the devil.
>only $1800
God bless Japan.
/ourguy/ is a-okay.
Fuck pedos but burgers are too much
>100 years for the same crime
Because there are scenarios where you kill as a form of self defense or eliminating a known criminal threat.
There is no excuse for possessing child porn.
At all times there needs to be some form of witch to hunt to make yourself feel morally superior. If it wasn't CP it'd just be something else. No need to bother thinking of the why.
haha look at this fucking idiot
there's no excuse for regular porn either.
you don't NEED porn. but the porn is also not hurting anybody.
China is quite brilliant in this aspect, they ban all kinds of porn regardless of child or not
But you are still causing harm when killing in self defense.
You aren't causing harm when watching CP.
I think it's very uncomfortable how society demonizes CP but still can't provide a solid argument against it.
Bet he bought Yuru camp BDs.
He doesn't draw cgdct though, he draws action/battle shounen.
Would it be correct to think that he'll never publish anything new anywhere ever again after this verdict?
>Would it be correct to think that he'll never publish anything new anywhere ever again after this verdict?
You are indirectly causing harm by supporting the CP industry. If it makes money, people will have more of an incentive to kidnap children (or perhaps even use their own children) and put them in situations that shouldn't even be happening with children
Considering Shueisha is only putting RuroKen on hold, I bet he still can.
If Toriko mangaka can get away with it, why couldn't Watsuki?
Probably see him at comiket trying to push loli doujins.
It's due to taking advantage of and potentially actually hurting kids in order to create it. And if there is a market for it then it encourages more to be made, harming more kids. Keep in mind that this was about 3D CP, not 2D loli or other lewd doodles. And people get protective as fuck about their kids.
You own CP, don't you?
The fine is fucking nothing, but it's not like he'll ever get as job after this. So whatever.
Watching it only encourages and support people behind it to abuse children even more.
Stop defending CP.
So, I remember an actor from that Glee show killed himself for the same shit. And in Japan Watsuki just need to pay 2000 and keep working?
I know right? Being protective of your children and fearing threats to them is so retrograde.
That was already basically true even before this. He had to go back to drawing Kenshin because his like 3 series since then all flopped and got cancelled. He's stuck making Kenshin until he dies.
Half japan male population should got to prison for kiddy porn if they enforced those laws billed not that many years ago.
>Because there are scenarios where you kill as a form of self defense or eliminating a known criminal threat.
Man, that's such an American thing to say.
How cute.
Reminder that it was fetish porn PRETENDING to be underage and not the real thing
This, it's like when music industry lied that pirating music will make the artist poor and can't make anymore music.
Those kids will be fucked regardless of act being recorded or not.
>but it's not like he'll ever get as job after this. So whatever.
Regular porn features grown ups and they do it out of consent. The opposite of CP.
I mean, was it real child porn or did he get busted for 3D drawn stuff?
Mitsutoshi had support from a bigger mangaka and Jump was really pushing to make Toriko the next big Jump money tree at the time. Watsuki hasn't had a success in years and even his new Kenshin stuff is getting a lukewarm reaction.
There were barely any lolis in Rurouni Kenshin though.
Fuck you cp defenders
I love loli and i don t want to be related to you sick fucks.
kys moralfag. What are you doing in Sup Forums?
It's only been illegal to have full on child porn for like 10 years. It only became illegal to make it like maybe 15-20 years ago. Japan was really the last country across the line here.
You're retarded.
Someone abusing his daughter at home will not make videos, or if he does, he probably won't publish them online for sales.
The vast majority of CP videos are produced by crime rings for money. If there was absolutely no audience for that, they wouldn't be made.
It was over 100 dvds of actual child porn scattered between his home and office along with what was basically a confession posted on a legal advice forum known for being a honeypot.
Is this the Sora Yori thread?
I was about to watch some Kenshin today too. What a coincidence
Videos of nude girls hardly qualifies as porn to me
Toriko's mangaka case was long before he got big and draw Toriko you know.
>Shonen author that didn't even draw lolis turns out to be a pedo
>Loli authors who make a living out of drawing little girls are fine
Seems like cgdctfags are more decent human beings that shonenshitters.
The law shouldn’t exist at all, but at least he got out of it with just a fine instead of having his life ruined like he would have in America.
>life gets ruined from groping woman on the train
>only have to pay 1800$ owning cp
Japan is weird.
>getting a job after SHAMEFUR DISPRAY
Ikemoto getting popped when?
>be child fucker
>pay a fine
Great country weebs
Most of the lewdest cgdct series are drawn by women as well.
Making something illegal doesn’t stop crime rings from profiting from it, it’s the exact opposite. Organized crime can’t exist without prohibition.
Why do you want the whole population of Sup Forums to go to prison?
Based. Too bad his manga is crap.
yeah, raping somebody dosen't hurt anybody amirite?
>he probably won't publish them online for sales
How would you know?
You rape every girl you fap to?
Just reminding you that centuries ago, old men marrying girls as young as 9 was normal in a typical society.
If the fine gets paid, would you still read Kenshin if he goes back to it?
Even in America child porn laws didn’t exist until the 80s.
Who said anything about making something illegal? It's already illegal, that's not my point at all. The discussion was about how watching/buying CP makes you partly responsible, because you create a market for those videos to be made and therefore encourage their production.
>Implying people care as along as he deliver.
How's that "merit-based" work environment doing in freedomland?
Funny how a few people every thread have access to Watsuki's stash
Are art books with nude child models also illegal in Japan?
There's a recent game with shounen jump characters and Kenshin is at the front and the series has ben put on hold but not oficially canceled.
I don't know how much importance do nips give to this, but there might be a chance that he can keep publishing.
Why shouldn't I?
It's not like I ever paid anything to read it.
You say that like child abuse isn't also illegal.
He isn't saying making it illegal will stop it from being made, he's saying it gets made because there's a market for it. Get rid of the market and it discourages those groups from making it because there's no profit in it.
>porn made by youths under 18 still counts as CP
>there have been people arrested for making CP of themselves
Great argumentation, fag.
Plenty of reasons. Fear of being recognized, tech illiteracy meaning getting vanned during the process of upload, and directly uploading proof against you that can't be withdrawn.
It's the same reason why people who kill don't immediately take a selfie after. It's basically the difference between a murder and a snuff movie.
No, that's fucking retarded.
I'm not defending it, but I find that there is something weird in the morality behind it and how having some cunny pics is more evil than literally beheading someone.
We are talking about a climate where you can legally post pictures of dead tortured children as long as there isn't any nipple.
>Organized crime can't exist without prohibition.
It can and it does. Just goes by another name.
All of the information online says it was videos of nude girls.
When Hokkaido arc started I read it rather indifferently. But after the incident my interest went way up.
>moving the goalposts so hard
If you ever paid for anime, manga, or other products from the Rurouni Kenshin franchise, you indirectly supported the fabrication and commercial trade of CP.
Take this, shounenfags.
You can buy those in japanese stores if you want.
But he already got huge panishment socially.
Japan really has an odd attitude towards this shit and given the target demo they might just be waiting for this to cool off. It's bad, don't get me wrong, but it's closer to Ricky Gervais not paying his taxes wrong rather than Jared from Subway wrong to them.
Oda bailed him out.
Nobody on Sup Forums is a pedophile. We hate those sick fucks. Children are different from lines on paper
Yeah, and a few centuries ago we were wiping our ass with old corn cobs and burning people for being witches too.
I think CP and pedophilia in general might not be seem as that big of a deal in japan compared to the west. I wonder if the guy getting caught with drugs would cause a worse reaction in nips.
I can say that your assumptions are very incorrect.
t. Darknet guru
I wouldn't be that confident saying something along those lines when talking about Sup Forums in general
Are you the pedo poster from Sup Forums?
>Yeah, and a few centuries ago we were wiping our ass with old corn cobs
Fucking murrikans.
To be fair, young asian cuties are way better than western ogres and asian hags.
7-15 years old is the golden mark of a asian girl.
Yeah. I would simply pirate it, like I always did.
Source: FOX news, your ass.