Genderbent guy still loves girls = Genderbent guy starts to feel attraction towards men but still loves girls because...

Genderbent guy still loves girls = Genderbent guy starts to feel attraction towards men but still loves girls because that's who he is >>> Identity death (loving men)

Other urls found in this thread: levels .pdf

Depends, really.
Mentality isn't as immovable as you seem to imply.
People become turbogay after just seeing the catboi from re:zero, and were talking about being put inside a woman's body and woman's brain.

What if the guy was gay for his best friend all along?

>Genderbent guy still loves girls

Loving men isn't identity death. As long as there is continuity via memories and personality traits then the genderbent character is still the same person.

That's fine, makes sense and is cute.


Someone who's attracted to the same sex is gay.

He was originally male so it's straight.

We never saw male Mai to judge the change or supposed lack thereof so that's a bad example. Also you're wrong.

We do see flashbacks of what Mai's life was like before her transformation. And Mai does have what could be considered boyish traits such as liking ninjas or transforming heroes, so it's pretty obvious that her personality wasn't rewritten.

Mai herself worried that her original self was going to disappear after she realized that she has started to be attracted to men, but in the end she came to the conclusion that even if she had changed she was still herself.

Identity death is when the character loses their memories and personality and is effectively replaced by a new person.

If she's a woman then liking women is gay and liking men is straight.

A change in sexuality is a change in how you view and treat every other person in your life. Not only that but it's caused by magic.

Everyone undergoes that change during puberty and nobody is claiming that puberty results in identity death. Just because the change is more rapid and magically-induced in this scenario doesn't make it qualitatively different.

Uh, but girls can't love girls.


>Identity death is when the character loses their memories and personality and is effectively replaced by a new person.
That's your opinion and not the definition. A single manga sharing your warped views is irrelevant.

Puberty isn't caused by magic and it happens when you're a child, not a fully developed person. It's a ridiculous comparison.

Pray tell, where did you get "the definition" you espouse? Identity death has a specific meaning; the erasure of the character's memories and personality and their replacement by completely new ones. E.g.:

Puberty and genderbending is an apt comparison. People change throughout their lives. Undergoing physical changes and developing an attraction to the opposite sex is what normally happens during puberty and nobody is claiming that the previous person dies. The fact the change is induced externally with genderbending doesn't make a difference.

>Identity death has a specific meaning; the erasure of the character's memories
Hilarious. Memories are irrelevant to identity death.

"I was just a kid", "He's just a kid", children are not fully developed people thus there is no identity to destroy by them obtaining an identity. Your comparison falls flat.

I see you removed the personality part from what you quoted. Nice job arguing in bad faith. And memories do form part of someone's identity.

Do you seriously believe that children lack an identity?

Also if you think liking ninjas is more integral to a person's identity than how they view and treat every single person around them then you are simply lost.

The personality part was irrelevant. A change in sexuality is a change in personality. Nice job playing the victim.
Obviously memories form an identity but someone's identity can still die with them intact.

Yes. Do you honestly think they have one?

>then you are simply lost.

Slow down Obi-Wan. I brought that up as a simple example of how there's continuity in Mai from before her transformation to point out that she didn't suddenly get a new personality as a result of her transformation.

Irrelevant ad hominems aside, "her" personality changed drastically as soon as "she" stopped liking women and started liking men. Ninjas are insignificant in comparison.
This is identity death, a large or major part or even the entirety of a person's personality is flipped on it's head.

A change does not equate to complete replacement of the original personality. The latter is what identity death entails.

Of course children have an identity. At what age did you become self-aware? At 15?

A significant enough change, ie sexuality, is enough for identity death.

15 is a bit young. 17 I'd say.
It's part of why there's age of consent.

>a person who is born straight will remain straight for the remainder of their life
yes that is how reality works

I like the last one because it makes yurifags mad.

The fact we don't consider individuals to be different people once they grow hair on their crotch shows that what you're claiming is quite simply false. By the way, if a man has his balls chopped off and loses interest in women, does that count as identity death? Are eunuchs different people?

So you were unconscious until you hit 17 and them suddenly became self-aware? That sounds pretty weird. By the way, developmental psychologists disagree with you and state that a child is fully self-aware by the time they're 4-5 years old: levels .pdf

Suzuka Gozen, it's you? what the hell are you doing? Now, you get back in FGO stupid fox

Here are some non-H manga MCs who get permanently turned into girls and start liking men. I wish there were more.

3 of them are really bad

Which ones?

Who is top middle?

En, from Entrans.

Hey man, all i'm saying is ship of theseus

What is bottom left?

Sekainohate de Aimashou

what even happened to maomarimo


Not sure. Only a handful of chapters got translated but the MC apparently ends up getting interested in a guy.

are there raws anywhere?

Maybe here this has them:

Looks like the MCs of Entrans, Maomarino and Megu Milk all end up being bi, while those of Boku Girl, Nozomu Nozomi, Idol Pretender, Remix Heart and Sekainohate de Aimashou end up straight. Not sure how Kanojo ni Naru Hi Another ends.

Which anime is this I'd like to watch I'm a fan of gender bend sorry Korean first language

I like the "guy was gay in the first place and the genderbending gives him an excuse" case like Jun-ai Sensation.

Right middle. Please tell me who this enchanting creature is. Fluffing my post so someone will see it and no other reason
>green text to not be ignored..
Firstly. No argument here just who is far right in the middle row.

That's because you're a mentally ill tranny

>putting 3DPD discussions in chinese cartoon threads

identity death is hot, you pansies

Idol Pretender MC.

i like to call it identity rebirth

It's basically brainwashing.

I dunno, being consciously aware of their own past as a man yet still lusting after them sounds even hotter.

Agreed. The character accepting herself as a woman while remembering that she had been a man is better. If she doesn't then she's no different from any other girl.

Ah thanks that story seems like garbage though. I like when they resist the change and fall for men.

you can't appreciate buildup.
it's about the journey, not the end result.

I miss this show
It deserves a season 2

That is one of my worst fears

Gugure Kokkuri-san
It's just one arc dealing with genderbent, it was a fun arc.
And then there's this demon that changes gender at will


>I like when they resist the change and fall for men.
you just described idol pretender

>implying any of you could win against dick

It's just unrealistic that a man genderbent into a girl wouldn't at least become bisexual.

Being turned into a girl and liking men after? Identity death? Or being turned into a girl and still liking girls?

Might be a better description than identity death.

As said, we do
"He was just a kid when he did that"
Also, you're implying the age of consent should be dropped to 5 years old? A bit deprived if you ask me.

Magically becoming the opposite sex is unrealistic you muppet.
If the individual is strong willed enough it only makes sense he would want to stay who he is unless brain washing/identity death were directly working against him.

You don't consciously control who you're attracted to. You didn't wake up one morning during puberty and go "if I have to choose between dick and pussy I guess I'll go with pussy".

Someone whose brain has been transformed into that of a heterosexual woman trying to like women would be the equivalent of a gay man trying to do the same thing.

You honestly think that people don't have a sense of self until they're 17? I presented you with a scientific article that directly contradicts your claims while you have nothing on your side. If you persist on believing something so obviously counter-intuitive with no evidence to back it up then there's no point in talking to you.

Identity death implies the original person is gone. Simply liking men is not enough.

For example, if a lesbian got into a relationship with a guy, is her identity dead? Of course not.

And by the way, almost all the protagonists of genderbending stories are teenagers somewhere between 10 and 15 years of age. I guess these stories don't have identity death by your own metric after all since none of these characters have identities to begin with.

I think h-manga get it more right than wrong.

If you were turned into a girl, all of the paraphilia you developed as a heterosexual man projected upon your anima may then be projected upon yourself.

>You don't consciously control who you're attracted to.
You're right, it's part of who you are, it changing would be identity death or brain washing.

>Someone whose brain has been transformed into that of a heterosexual woman
You can't turn someone's brain into a different person's brain without killing that previous person. That's not even identity death, that's just regular old death.

Do you honestly think the age of consent should be lowered to 5 years old? Answer the question or fuck off.
17 is a fair age but 15 or even 14 work as well, which certain countries recognize. The only countries to recognize your beliefs are Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

A change in sexuality is a change in how a person views everyone around them. Friends could be sexual partners, sexual partners could be friend or even enemies, it's a fundamental change of the person himself.
>Got into a relationship
Irrelevant. If a lesbian who found men unattractive her whole life got hit with a magic beam that made her attracted to men suddenly then is that identity death? Of course.

Age of consent has nothing to do with whether someone has a sense of self you fucking retard.

Besides, I have already proven that there is no identity death in genderbending manga using your own insane logic:

No need for beams, friend. Lesbians sometimes hit a switch at some point of their lives and decide to date men, just like that.

Who is to say a man-turned-woman wouldn't do the same?

>Not sure how Kanojo ni Naru hi Another ends

Straight with a pinch of marriage.

Why is there an age of consent at all if apparently children are as self aware as 50 year old men? If children are just as much of individuals as adults then why can't they choose to have sex? Individuality and age of consent directly correlate.
They aren't fully grown, they aren't individuals, end of story.

I said 14 or 15 could work, so you're choosing to remain ignorant. The age in which adulthood is reached varries not only from country to country but person to person.

Then they never truly found men unattractive. Simple as that. Not sure what you're getting at here but it doesn't relate to magic changing a person's sexual orientation at all.

Poor guy is absolutely mindfucked but at least she's happy in the end.

Read this and stop repeating that crazy bullshit: levels .pdf

Undeniably identity death



>Genderbent guy still loves girls
What's the fucking point then

Not protected

>Crazy bullshit
You've yet to provide a counter to it in your own words. Most likely because you don't have one.
A child becoming an adult is simply not the same as an adult having their world view drastically altered and even turned upside down. You've yet to show event he slightest similarity. Either form an actual argument or just stop.
I'm not saying you can't enjoy a character from a fighting game you don't even play, but they are simply brainwashed into liking men and whether they choose to accept it or not, and thus who they were before is dead.


What's the point of genderbent guys liking guys?


>scientific articles don't count because I say so!

Fuck off.

Absolutely irrelevant to the topic at hand, or is this an ad hominem?
Magically destroying a person's brain doesn't relate to feelings of grief at all. I mean your views are so disconnected from reality I can't tell if you're trying to imply I'm somehow grieving or if this relates to your insane "argument".

I'm not going to read a short essay just because you're too unintelligent to form and state your own opinions you buffoon.

I already summarized it in my posts, your colossal retard.

That's good to know.

>Communism works
>But it's been tried again and again and fails
You are a mindless drone so it's only fair you don't notice when peoples minds are destroyed I suppose.

And I've refuted what you've summarized in your posts to the point you need to beg me to read a short novel that isn't even in your words that you apparently don't even understand because you admit to doing such a horrible job summarizing it if you have to resort to linking it in the first place.
If you can't argue for yourself then we're done here. Argument is as dead as the male version of your fighting game character.

You asked:

>What's the point of genderbent guys liking guys?

And that was my answer: Character growth.

More like character death.
A man seeing and experiencing things from a woman's perspective would be character growth, and for that he'd still like girls.
A man who is forced to like what he hates and hate what he likes forever and ever is character death instead.
If you truly liked character growth then you'd like genderbent guys liking girls. You just prefer characters changing even to the point they're not the same person to begin with.

>Based on some recent empirical evidence, 5 levels of self-awareness are presented and discussed as they chronologically unfold from the moment of birth to approximately 4–5 years of age.

Here you go you moron. You don't need to read a novel (and do you seriously think that 12 pages is the size of a novel?); one sentence is enough. Do you mindlessly reject all scientific research that disagrees with your preconceptions by the way? My guess is that you do.

You like identity death, you just prefer there to be mental torture as the person sees and feels their identity dying. Their identity dying instantly is a buzzkill for you. Simple as that.

>Communism works
no one ever said this, not even communists

Most men do not "hate" other men. We have friends, family, companions, buddies, blood brothers and more.

Examine yourself.

Plenty of scientific research turns out false. If that article were correct then the age of consent would be lowered, but it isn't. I haven't seen the empirical evidence so the sentence alone is not enough anyway.
Regardless self-awareness is hardly an identity.

We hate the very idea of fucking other men. Thus loving what he hates. My point still stands as tall as it ever did. Examine YOURself.

>pink haired boy
I already got baited, nane?

If the character still has memories and personality traits from before their transformation and they consider themselves the same person, then there is no identity death.

>Male character hates the idea of sex with men
>Genderbent male character is forced to love the idea of sex with men
You didn't refute the sentence at all.

Scientific research is falsified by other research which you have failed to provide. Some random retard going "la la la I'm not listening!" isn't enough.

>pink haired boy
I already got baited, name?

If I magically obtain someone's memories and consider myself them despite not changing my personality and behavior to match theirs, am I suddenly them? No. That's ridiculous. You're sounding very silly.