What is your opinion on dominant and sadistic women in manga and anime?
Do you think more of them should be drawn as like they were looking at you like walking garbage?
What is your opinion on dominant and sadistic women in manga and anime?
I'd be worried if I walked into that and she gave me this face
Well, my dick would be diamonds.
It's comforting and feels natural because that's how 3dpiggu look at me anyway.
Why are you so disgusting?
Do you know where you are?
Disdain is the pinnacle. Nothing pleases me more than a woman looking down at me as if I were something lower than a worm.
Iyapan will be the greatest anime of all time. Femdom will be the new boom. It is our time.
They are the maids, you are the master. She can give that face all day and receive a spanking in return.
I'm sure the one that will get the spanking is the master in thar situation.
Dominant women are great
Disdain is good but smug is better. There's nothing better than that pleased look on her face as you lose all self control and beg her to take you in.
Maybe some people are into that. I don't judge.
Ara ara for me, please.
>There's nothing better than that pleased look on her face as you lose all self control and beg her to take you in.
I shouldn't want this.
I shouldn't want a bratty either but tell that to my dick.
I think they should be killed and removed from earth
Disdain and Bully are easily the best. Just imagining some sadistic bully destroying my life for her amusement before getting bored and abandoning me, oh god.
Does anyone have a broscience theory on why it's so hot?
Just like in that one manga.
Hot as fuck.
That's what you get for interrupting.
dominant women is the only thing that gives me hope in finding true love
It contrasts hating you with giving you sex. Making it feel wrong or naughty.
Is it wrong if you sometimes fantasize about you're waifu dominating you in bed, even though she's actually a sweet, shy girl?
A-asking for a friend.
For once I'd like to see a character whose response to the moves of a dominant/sadistic/alpha dyke is not submission or retaliation, but just confusion and curiousity, like that of indulging a chuuni's fantasies but not really having an idea of what she's going on about, and unintentionally adding to her growing frustration.
The hijinks of a wannabe alpha dyke and a wet blanket sounds like good comedy material.
Yeah it's fucked up bro.
If she already finds you disgusting, then you have nothing to lose. You can do or say anything, and your standing with her could not possibly get any worse. That's hot.
Oh god, that's a really compelling argument for Smug. I think I still prefer Cold and Bully, but not by as much as I did before opening the thread.
Bullies are for temporary enjoyment. smug is for life.
Honestly it's the power dynamic part of it that turns me on. I can't get off to anything other than mindbreak, femdom, male-on-female rape, anything that involves one party exerting power over another. What gender is dominating is of absolutely no significance to me. And if that power dynamic shifts throughout the story that just gets me fucking hard as diamonds. There is absolutely nothing hotter than sex class conflict.
How are either of those maids dominant or sadistic?
Such women are meant to be broken and turned into men's slaves.
Imagine if the people who made that figure got the disdain face exactly right. How popular would such a figure be, I wonder?
>Being this insecure.
especially if she actually likes you and wants nothing more than just to pin you down and fuck your little brains out.
This girl doesn't seem to understand that talking about all that will only make it harder to not cum.
Maybe that is was she is trying to do.
>Such women are meant to be broken and turned into men's slaves.
I hate this. I hate this so much.
They didn't?
Ah, that's much better.
Iya na Kao Sarenagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai. Coming 2018.
No, it is not!
Alright, then what's your complaint about it.
This is too good to be true. Hopefully this sells well and others jump the ship
It is not natural.
Women evolved to submit to power of men.
Women trying to dominate over men are freaks of nature. So are men who let themselves be dominated.
Such women are to be trained to fix their behavior. And men are to be put down, so their freak genes don't spread around.
Oh. (You)'re that user. Well anyway, moving on...
Forget the natural order of things we've only got so many years on this earth let's get weird with it.
>And men are to be put down, so their freak genes don't spread around.
Keep going.
Oh gosh
>That one maledomfag that tries to hicjack all the femdom threads but fails miserably every time
How do you turn this concept into an anime? There's a manga, right? Are they making an anime based on that? The way people are saying that an anime is being made based on the vague concept is confusing.
>What is your opinion on dominant and sadistic women in manga and anime?
it's yet another absurd trope that's a result of the autistic people who create anime and the loner's who consume the media. The overwhelming majority of them will die alone with no meaningful relationship with a female and hence have no problem with the absolutely terribly written relationships with said women.
I mean this can't be surprising can it? Most anime fans will die alone having never experience the feeling of being loved by someone. It's like if an anime showed cooking and just fucked up the entire process. The people who can't and don't cook and will probably starve to death if it wasn't for the easy cheap food to consume aka porn and so have no qualms with the anime displaying it wrong.
No? It's a doujin series that has two pages per character. It will presumably be a flash series or similiar with that same sort of set up. Miko is best girl by the way.
>food analogy
stopped reading right there
kill yourself
I'm guessing you don't cook
I want to have an anime girl feed me cake while she glares at me and insults me.
>t. fast food faggot
>Eat the cake you fat fucking pig!
Yeah that could be nice.
What's a good premise for a femdom anime?
I'd prefer it if she dropped it on the floor and laughed as I had to eat it up on all fours, because that's how dogs eat and that's all I am to her.
>kill yourself
know how I know you're 500 lbs
Dominant maids are the pinnacle of femdom.
Damn right, maiddom is great.
That was so enraging. The part where he violently raped the maids was the best.
is she stepping on the cream puffs??
that is truly sadistic.
The only bad part of this is the ending.
The spitting is hot, but he's stuck being a homeless pervert.
I'd lick the cream off her boots.
I wish I was a billionaire so I could have a harem of maids
But he's the happiest he's ever been, and I can understand why. Such an immense feeling of loss would be overpowering.
It's some hardcore shit. Thankfully there's no awful cake bullying in this one.
id like it off her cream puff if you know what im sayin
C'mon, it would have been much better if she had kept him as her slave. He lost everything and would be more than happy to become her servant.
>Do you think more of them should be drawn as like they were looking at you like walking garbage
Yes. Oh god yes. Please.
Well, there is one h-doujin with more than 2 pages and a certain plot that implies that the girl actually enjoys that.
Not sure if it is from the same artist.
Disdain=Ara Ara>smug>cold>cool>tomboy>bully>sleepy>bratty
I don't think it looks that good. They didn't capture the disgust or hatred in her expression very well. She just looks mad.
Great. Body Worship and humiliation is the best kind and it's a shame there's so little of it.
Overused and I'm not a fan of serious bodily harm.
Absolutely great when combined with /ss/
Shit otherwise, women shouldn't be able to dominate grown men.
I still can't believe we're getting a femdom anime this year. That was the best news coming from C93.
Delet this
Workplace femdom is so hot.
>sexual harassment is hot
It isn't.
No one should be harassed in their workplace.
>What is your opinion on dominant and sadistic women in manga and anime?
It's all good as long as the role reversal kicks in at some point and they get tamed. Static characters are boring.
No one should be raped either then it's all I fap to.
Fuck off.
I've never seen someone be so wrong before. It'd be a dream to work in an office where a bunch of horny OLs constantly belittle and grope me.
>Not wanting to be harassed by a hot boss lady
I'm really glad the "angry looking girls showing their panties" genre is really kicking off. There's some good quality stuff out there nowadays.
Dom/sadistic girls are great so long as they avoid going full yandere. Never go full yandere.
>try to get your fucking work done
>some 30 year old hag is constantly grabbing your dick through your pants
That's a hostile work environment and HR needs to be notified. If HR fails to act you need to begin litigation.
Fuck off.
He's got a point though, femdom gets gross and retarded when its done by haggard, over-the-hill office drones. No one dreams about getting sexily dominated by bob from marketing, vagina or not.
>Dom/sadistic girls are great so long as they avoid going full yandere. Never go full yandere
What about girls that already start sociopathic, and don't go yan because of dere?
I can definitely get behind that. Sadere or domdere would be alot of fun to be the target of.
But nobody draws that so who fucking cares.
Gross. Should be pantyhose/socks or bare.