I dare you to post a character who could out-troll Konata Izumi. I dare you.
I dare you to post a character who could out-troll Konata Izumi. I dare you
She would be a formidable opponent. Konata would still win though. She was/is such a lovable character. It's a shame that people rarely talk about Lucky Star nowadays.
A better picture
Takagi-san lacks something that makes Konata invincible and that's the power of meta.
Konata knows how to deal with every archetype, she's unbeatable.
next question
I did say she'd only be a formidable opponent, not that she'd win.
By the way, which archetype does Takagi fit into? One might call her a tsundere but she's not really since it's pretty obvious to anyone but Nishkata that she likes him (unlike the typical Tsundere who is much more mean and only the viewers understand her due to the prevalence of the archetype) and she's not afraid to display that without having to fall back on "b-b-BAKA".
Tomoko can.
Lucky Star thread?
How big a cock do you think she could take?
can't wait for the thread to devolve into weird shit again
about 3 1/2
Her hands are surprisingly large
this big
Too late
what was her problem
You're right user, I never noticed that
>inb4 Spookasa
and other nufunny overused memes etc etc
right answer
also picrel
Is it because her pussy is too smoll for cock which forced her to evolve large hands to pleasure men?
My banter queen would fuck her up.
>most of her banter is just "eh", "shut up" and "no u"
>banter queen
My nigga
Pic related does a damn fine job, user. A damn fine job.