Is he the final boss of Berserk?

Is he the final boss of Berserk?


He's the true final boss


I want to see more god hand. Why doesn't he show them off more

I think so too. Maybe Guts has to team up with Griffith against him. It would definitely bother me if Femto is the strongest.

It would bother me more if they did the whole "guts let's be Bros and beat the bigger bad guy" cliche

That's what happened with Zodd and Guts already but yeah, that would also be annoying.

Guts will fight Slan and Void will fight someone else.

That's not iM@S.

Also illogical. The Gas Ganishka thing was enemy-of-my-enemy thing out of desperation, what reason would Femto have to fight Void? Hell, Void wanting to team with Guts against Femto would make more sense (If only marginally so).

What the fuck is Void doing on this page?

Skull Knight will die killing Void

Probably not, he is built to be the ultimate enemy of Skull Knight, not Guts.

The God hand are great in moderation. Their impact would be diminished if they showed up all the time. I think it's good that they only show up at pivotal moments in the story.

4d non linear go

This isn't a powerlevel series, the final boss is Griffith because that's where the characters' motivations and goals come into conflict, not because he's the strongest baddie.

For Skull Knight yes

Back then Miura really knew how to use the supetnatural to maximum effect.

>what reason would Femto have to fight Void?
I have absolutely no idea as we know next to nothing about Void or any of the other God hand. It just seems to me at least, that if Void is indeed the strongest then Femto will need help in defeating him, assuming he will be defeated. It could also be a suicide type thing with Femto but I just can't see Femto being the strongest. Maybe on par with Void but not stronger.

he has to show their backstory sooner or later.

b-but I'm the hand of god, hovering above!


>we know next to nothing about Void
If the speculation is right we know a little bit about Void.
He was the wiseman that Gaiseric/Skullknight tortured and he sacrificed the kingdom to become a Godhand.

I thought that was Zodd?

Zodd thinks he is SK's archnemesis (he even calls SK "beloved rival" for god's sake) but SK aways brushes him aside without paying him much atention.
Zodd just wants sempai to notice him

Zodd is still a mystery for some reason.
We know about Skullknight's past but so far there's still no story on how Zodd got involved to be his rival and top apostle.

Zodd is just some autist who wanted to be the strongest, sold his soul to become the strongest and then found out being the strongest is boring as fuck.
I doubt there is much else to him.

Zodd is also way more powerful than your average apostle, what is the reason?
Miura better deliver

Nah, he gets beaten before Griffith. if true final boss isnt going to be Griffith, its going to be the dark god of the abyss whose servants Godhand are.

>Probably not, he is built to be the ultimate enemy of Skull Knight, not Guts.
Yeah, Void is kinda like SK's Femto.

SK is the Griffith to Zodd's Guts
The story keeps repeating itself

Aren't all of Griffith's crew (Zodd, Locus, Irvine, Grunbeld) way stronger than the rest? Then there's Ganishka too. Maybe it has something to do with their sacrifice.

Honestly it probably depends on willpower and strength that they possessed pre-apostle form. I bet the stronger the person the stronger he apostle form. Or it might be desire too/what is sacrificed.

Whose stronger, Void or Femto?

In my headcanon, the power of the apostle is defined by how much he and his victim(s) had to suffer during the sacrifice
This guy probably killed them in their sleep or something

That's the most Bosch apostle

This is the true boss of berserk

>The weak should fear the strong

Pretty sure it has more to do with their wish.
Supposedly, their Apostle form is the form most appropiate to obtain what they desire (granted, Miura ignores this with 99% of his Apostle designs).
Zodd probably asked to be super strong so he was granted a super strong form and Ganishka asked to never feel pain again (or something like that) so he got a strong form too.

The black swordsman is no match for the blacked swordsman

I can see their form being dependent on that (you also see a lot of really phallic ones) but I doubt getting more power is as simple as asking it

there's so-far outstanding issue in the writing of Berserk in that the skullknight is a not-really-mortal (the fact that he has a skull rather than an organic head means he will need to be "destroyed" or killed via his od being dispelled rather than succombing to flesh wounds) powerful being who tangles with the god hand, yet at the same time he's seemingly unable or unwilling to kill an apostle who whose limbs he has shown to be able to slice off without trouble.

why was zodd able to delay skullknight for so long outside of the eclipse when by all indications skullknight is much stronger than him?

Why is zodd even still alive after hundreds of years of opposing skullknight when skullknight is willing and capable of killing other apostles with ease and zodd is not qualitatively different. if skullknight is able to slice off zodd's whole arm without the sword of resonance and without taking any damage himself then he could just continue to chop zodd to pieces until his regenerative abilities give out and he dies.

why also was skullknight not able to dispatch zodd outside of Fleur's house?

It just doesn't add up or seem believable that zodd is a credible rival or able to match skullkngiht in killing power.

the only way out I can see is that skullknight is unwilling to kill zodd due to some shared past, but I doubt that is the reason, I think we're just meant to accept that a being that should be able to kill the fuck out of zodd never manages to.

I get the feeling he just shoved them in there after seeing Hellraiser without putting much thought into it, and is now having trouble fitting them into the plot/remembering they exist

Have they ever established some kind of restriction on what an Apostle can wish for?
He probably didn't just ask for more power, I'm going to bet his wish was something like "I want to become the ultimate warrior" considering his battle boner.

muh casuaity

Have to wonder if all sacrifices are even equal since not everyone has family,friends or lovers they hold most precious. Like can a musician sacrifice his talent or hearing? Can some nobody forest hermit sacrifice his home, hell snatching the entire forest and a mountain with it? Or are behelits preying only on dreamers with sacrifice-worthy humans close to him?

We don't know but didn't the bow Apostle imply he sacrificed something other than a loved one to become an Apostle?

>the only way out I can see is that skullknight is unwilling to kill zodd due to some shared past, but I doubt that is the reason, I think we're just meant to accept that a being that should be able to kill the fuck out of zodd never manages to.
Probably doesn't want to waste the behelit-sword on a single apostle while his common sword can't kill Zodd.

banging your mum

What is it you fear? We, who are infinitely more powerful than you? Or perhaps it is the future, the path which you were destined to follow.

griffith isn't a good guy. griffith is a pawn of the idea.

griffith was chosen out of all of humanity by the idea because griffith's goals suited the idea's designs.

griffith was told "do what thou will" because the idea already knows that what griffith will decide to do lines up with the idea's designs.

remember that nobody within "the fairytale" actually has free will to offer meaningful resistance to the idea's designs except gutts because he was born from a dead/dying mother, the people gutts interacts significantly with and potentially witches and skully, although as we saw with ganishka skully might be within the fairytale as well since griffith was able to manipulate luck and fate and play him with foreknowledge just as much as ganishka. the point is that just like ganishka is unable to offer meaningful resistance and is just part of the fairytale, so too is an ordinary being like griffith.

Maybe hes one, either sacrificed his old hunting ground, leaving only barren crater, or his eyesight.

Didn't Skull knight tell Zodd once that he was supposed to he guarding the gate? There's the theory that Skull knight was an old king so maybe Zodd was his leader of his guard or something.

looking at the egg apostle, rosine, slug count, rakshas and archer guy, it seems to be that their form is primarily an expression of their psyche : their personality traits and deepest desires.

it's not quite just what wish they want, I think the wish will be expressed in terms of who they are as a person and their character traits

they both showed the ability to manipulate space and time.
how the fuck is skullknight or guts supposed to fight that?

SK was Gaiseric and is heavily implied Void sacrificed his kingdom to ascend as a godhand. That's why SK wants to kill him.

No idea where Zodd fits in all that, if he does at all.

Did they make a Hellraiser anime?

No, SK thought Zodd was guarding the entrance during the Eclipse, but he was there just to fight him and SK accepted because muh causality.

Also Zodd is around 300 years old while SK is rumored to have been hunting apostles for a thousand years.

Also if Flora knew SK when he was human that would make her old as fuck too and I never see anyone mention this fact.

Why is Casca a loli now? Wtf happened

Maybe King Gaysex was just like Griffth, a godhand incarnated into the world.
But he got too attached to his kingdom and when the Apostles and Godhand destroyed it he swore vengance. Maybe Zodd was one of his retainers 1000 years ago just like he serves Griffth;

Femto has like telekinesis, Void is the undoubtedly the strongest one because he has manipulated space.
Oh okay I just misunderstood. I know about Skull knight knowing Flora.
Has it been confirmed though that he's Gaiseric? All I remember are heavy implications, borderline confirming.

>SK was Gaiseric and is heavily implied Void sacrificed his kingdom to ascend as a godhand
I never liked this theory, pure speculation, why would void sacrifice something that's not valuable to him.
IIRC Gaiseric was a total cunt to his people, made them suffer and he was obsessed with his kingdom.

No confirmation, but honestely it would be too silly if he wasn't

Guts's sword is apparently becoming an Apostle-killing weapon so I guess Griffith will be defeated by O MY DRAGONSLAYER

SKs sword can kill them, problem is managing to hit them with it. While Guts sword is starting to get its own share of magical property to it after slicing countless people, demons and one god with it. Guaranteed we're going to see Guts sword turn into a Sword of Actuation at some point.

Maybe Void was Gaiseric and SK the sage (the math doesn't actually check out, mind you unless SK either killed a Godhand or someone refused to sacrifice)?

Void because he's oldest. Space/dimension/meta manipulating boys are always strongest.

Femto also manipulated space.

My personal theory is that Void is Gaiseric and he sacrifcied his kingdom to become the first Godhand.
Skull Knight is just the Guts to his Griffith and is wearing that armor for the sake of irony.

>why would void sacrifice something that's not valuable to him
How do you know it wasn't? We don't have the whole picture yet. If he was a citizen of that kingdom and loved his countrymen, it would make sense even if he wasn't the king. Heck, you can be king and not give a shit about your people anyway.

Femto manipulated space too when SK tried use his Sowrd of Actuation

>Has it been confirmed though that he's Gaiseric? All I remember are heavy implications, borderline confirming.

the main options I can think of are either that
1. during the upcoming festival/ritual where the Godhand repeat the mass destruction that they inflicted on Skullknight's old kingdom they are more vulnerable than normal because they are using their energy for the ritual to inflict destruction on the earth so can be defeated or have their power stolen during this time
2. gutts is actually the chosen one of the idea, nor griffith and griffith's only purpose is to motivate gutts so he will eventually be given similar power to griffith or griffith will be seperated from his power and they'll fight on equal terms
3. gutts and his team will use the power of pre-human elemental magic to defeat the idea which was born from the swells of human negative emotions

those are the only feasible ways I can see around it.


fuck off faggot

>Has it been confirmed though that he's Gaiseric? All I remember are heavy implications, borderline confirming
No, but it's pretty obvious. Gaiseric even look a bit like him and all. And it would make sense for Void to be the wiseman considering his main physical trait as a godhand is that big brain of his.

Maybe what Gaiseric sacrificed wasn't his people but rather his "kingdom" itself, which he did care about in a fucked up way.

>And it would make sense for Void to be the wiseman considering his main physical trait as a godhand is that big brain of his.
Not to mention he was tortured so it explain his fucked up face.

I don't think Gaiseric sacrificed anything. He just used the berseker armor until he became Skullnight like the witch hinted when they gave the armor to Guts.

>Guts need 30+ volumes of power ups out of ass otherwise he can't stand on the same ground against them

>unwilling to kill zodd due to some shared past
We know they have a past history because when Guts got the Berserker armor, Zodd immediately knew what it was and that Skullknight was the previous user.

The Berserker plays a part in how Gaiseric became Skullknight but how? No fucking clue.

> not quite

remember how judeau says "was it 4 angels ? or 5?"
that line is very deliberate.

also, I strongly remember the impression that from the story of gaiseric, the ceremony was much larger than the eclipse was. remember the eclipse was extremely rare but it simply left a large pond/small lake of blood. Gaiseric's kingdom was left in cataclysmic ruins and is now many many meters under the earth.

there is some cyclic story going I think the fact that they're hinting that there were either 4 or 5 angels at the time indicates that it is not as simple as that.

Or Void did what Griffith did, turn into Godhand with a different sacrifice, then reincarnate in the world, takes over his old friend Gaiserics kingdom with an army of demons, then rules for few years until kills fucking everyone inside with the rest of Godhand. this way Void can betray Gaiseric twice, sacrifice all of the city to his dark god and still manage to smear Gaiseric in ancient texts as evil and greedy while Godhand were "angels".

>griffith was chosen out of all of humanity by the idea because griffith's goals suited the idea's designs.
Griffith wasn't chosen for the role; he was created for the role. The Idea had been planning his birth and life for generations before he was born, even performing eugenics by pairing up his ancestors.

shitposting on /sci/ about his IQ

>Gaiseric even look a bit like him and all
How, the armor is completely different. Only the skull is similar.

Besides if Void had been the "sage", remember that dude was imprisoned at the Tower of Conviction, Gaiseric's Kingdom was supposedly buried beneath Midlandm that's too far apart.

Also remember that's an event that happened a thousand years ago, the story might have changed during centuries, in one version there were five angels, in other there were four.

And if Void is said the be the oldest Godhand, were there any other Godhands before him?

>And if Void is said the be the oldest Godhand,
He is? I thought he was the youngest until Femto came along. Always thought Slan was the oldest, since shes also the simplest in theme and motive.

We know a lot about Griffith/Femto and if Void and Skull Knight are related to the Gaiseric story then we also know some stuff about Void

But we don't know shit about any of the other 3, I wonder who will be the first one to go out, my bets are on the fat one

But still, there has been a new member every 216 years IIRC. There couldn't be any other GODhand during the time Gaiseric was alive.

Also assaid.

Who were the 5 or 4 angels that sunk Gaiseric's Kingdom? were they actual angels or demons?

I believe they could have been the spirits of nature that wizards invoke.

>How, the armor is completely different. Only the skull is similar.
Which is why I said it's bit similar, not the same. Can't you even read?

>Besides if Void had been the "sage", remember that dude was imprisoned at the Tower of Conviction, Gaiseric's Kingdom was supposedly buried beneath Midlandm that's too far apart.
So? Grifith was also imprisoned but he escaped and the sacrifice happened elsewhere. For all we know, the wiseman / Void went thought a similar situation.

>Also remember that's an event that happened a thousand years ago, the story might have changed during centuries, in one version there were five angels, in other there were four.
Which is why I'm not saying it's 100% confirmed. But it's the theory that makes the most sense.

>if Void is said the be the oldest Godhand, were there any other Godhands before him?
we know there used to be 5 before femto joined.

Void is the oldest,

Not true, Femto was the fifth member.

>Which is why I'm not saying it's 100% confirmed. But it's the theory that makes the most sense.
Sure, there are similarities, but I think the contradictions are greater.

>I believe they could have been the spirits of nature that wizards invoke.
But then all the marked corpses indicate sacrificial shenanigans. And Griffith uses religion as the tool to deceive the populace right now, Void seems the kind of type who would pose as a pope, quite easy to convert the city, smear Gaiseric and have survivors mistake the Godhand for angels with that method.

he's the current fifth member but others have joined before him.
why else would they be called the godhand and people know there were 5 angels?

True, but knowing the Holy See they could have changed or omitted some facts of the legend to suit their agenda.

Void was supposedly the first one. and a crimson behelit activates every 216 years.

What's going to happen is that Guts will forgive Griffith and he allows him to live forever in his kingdom with Casca and their son. You know that's what Miura is leading the manga up to. He has let go if his hate now he has to let go of Griffith and forgive him.

Mirua isn't that good of a writer and just adds cool shit