How does Sup Forums feel about big softies?
How does Sup Forums feel about big softies?
they're the best and Darling should stay on the farm
It's cute as fuck.
Find a flaw.
>Find a flaw.
He's not real and my bf.
There should be a farm spin-off. Is 12Beast still running?
i know this is monmusu but what chapter is this
might be time for a reread
When will Darling take responsibility?
Vegeta is the greatest when it comes to this.
You''re kidding. Right?
Pic related
This my husbando. Find a flaw.
More to bully.
what did they mean by this?
They meant you should kill yourself.
Oh shit, mods remembered to do it this year?
>big softies
She sure is big and a little soft but sshhhh! She'd kill us if she heard that!!!
Gentle onee-san always makes my dick diamond.
>tfw getting titfucked for the first time
Are nipples still allowed on Sup Forums? Or are they allowed but have to be behind a spoiler?
Official nipples are ok if they're behind a spoiler.
>milking heifers
Small softies are better.
Kill yourselves you dumb cucks.
Lurk forever.
Fuck off
Too distracted by Harmony being back to dump this at a consistent pace.
How small?
Everyone else is distracted by spa treatments. Only Rachnee is left to work off Honey's debt, come to rescue him, see she's been abandoned for a specialized single-fetish harem.
Not him but read the thread retard
There's a very simple solution.
Fuck off
More common with male characters I feel.
No, Darling should go back to his harem so we can get back to what brought everyone to this now-retarded manga. It's pretty obvious Crabman just wants to draw milking and farm shenanigans these days. Which, while fine, takes away from the main harem for pointless reshots of the same tits censored while being milked. Really it feels like Crabman has lost track of where he wants to go with all this, much like he did with 12Beast. His glory days have come and gone, and MonMusume is basically of life support.