Why are anime girls so flat nowadays?

Why are anime girls so flat nowadays?

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Modern men no longer desire big breasts.

Stylistic trends and easier to draw. Many of these positive, happy anime use flat colours and low shadowing because it seems less serious, which is the tone they go for. But it could be cool with a CGDCT with really old school, complex shadowing. Is there anything resembling this?

They stopped putting hormones in the water

The taste in size is getting better.

Not sure considering the average global breast size just keeps growing and growing, especially Japan's.
Pretty soon flatties will be extinct.


see kids this is why 2d women exist

But Aoba isn't flat. That's Yun.





to be honest the women might just be getting fatter

Eat shit

>Eat shit

Japan has good taste now.

Halt die Fresse, Hans.

Why weren't they before?



shes like 9 years old...

Twice that.

This and
>statistical trends could be being caused by a shift in Triumph’s customer base, or even large-breasted women simply buying more lingerie per capita than less busty shoppers

>See this
Wat do?

Most viewers are pedophiles who like little girls with flat chests.

According to anime, the Ministry of Education records the bust size of every schoolgirl in Japan. That should tell us what the real size trend is


It's the best