Why is this archetype so alluring?
Why is this archetype so alluring?
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Because of retarded teenagers who keep repeating the same tired, dead meme over and over.
because reasons
beating my meat is a meme?
Because they're always designed to be fapbait.
Traps are never meant to be anything more than some sort of shocking rebel that chooses to dress like women but actually be men. They are designed to be face down on the bottom in doujinshi.
Not Ferris. Ferris is great.
because you're gay
Traps are babbies first weird fetish. You'll get over it eventually.
What archetype would this be?
I like traps because they're either timid or fun-loving extroverts. They're always entertaining characters. I can't think of a show that was worse off for having one.
Blend S
This is untrue, I have over 300 confirmed fetishes and I still love traps.
Nice try homo, but we all know
physically feeble healer with a kind personality?
teasing/mischievous cat person?
Because you're a fag.
Because 3D women are so shit nowadays that even men can be women better than they can.
Because you want the d but have lied to yourself forever about liking women.
Because you are gay, user.
Something something because you're closeted something et al mandatory reply.
I don't know, user.
because you fail so much at life that a derranged man who tries to be a girl is your best chance at a relationship
you as in the average otaku
or they think he is cute