Darling in the Franxx

02 said its my turn to pilot the Franxx!

Best couple?

rooming with Hiro is a nightmare

*blocks your path*

I feel like the group would just devolve into 24/7 orgies if any of them figured out what sex is

How dare you call Zorome a slut?

The adults would deal with them real quick, unless it's all according to the doc's plan of course.

So who is code 818?

Woah, so this is the power of Dahlin.

Kuckoro is a skank.
Miku a pure.

what was Naomi's code again? it could also be just there as a random number

703 I am pretty sure. But I probably should look it up before replying, but I won't.

That smug little Zorome.

Long time no see, Hiro.

>Fairly popular among fans, plenty of chatter and lots of discussion on western boards
>Japs aren't buying it at all

Remember to keep your Oni's horns nice and clean.

He actually looks like 9iota.

He just wants a kiss.

02 and Hiro are Greatest Love Story Ever Told tier, but Miku and 666 are a handy second.

oh god I want to LICK her HORNS so badly

>02 and Hiro are Greatest Love Story Ever Told tier

I take it this is your first fictional couple

>muh flower symbolism
>muh deepness
>muh cuck
>muh NTR
>muh gay
>muh lesbian
>muh deep symbolism
>muh charlemagne
>muh speculation
>muh Hiro is blue oni
I can't wait for the armchair intellectuals to get BTFO when Darling in the FranXX turns out to be a normal run of the mill SoL with monster of the week mech elements.

you post this every thread

She would be cheating too, if she was paired with the fatso.

>Majestic Prince but now with more romance
I'm strangely okay with it. As long as they deliver better fights

>It's a slice of life episode
>The aspect of life it revolves around is The Power of Love


Good evening.

Fixed it.

die, fatposter

>when the oni yoni takes the baloney pony

Fuck that's a cute image



It is indeed.

>not adding Fatoshi in the 4th panel
you didn't fix it

Subaru kun?

The wait for the PV is infuriating.


Shouldn't the adults be interested in breeding the best pilots?

What if they became TOO good, though?

> NTR will lead to death.
>pegfags get BTFO
>You must be loyal and work together with your mate to succeed.
>normalfags get BTFO
>Arranged marriages can be necessary sometimes.
>headcanon/fanwank/fanfiction are instantly denied.
>Redditors and MALfags get BTFO
>Females are necessary for society to work, but need the strong hands of males to be controlled properly.
>Gender Bender get BTFO
>gays not allowed

Thank you based Abe-Sama for making this work.

018 is Nine Alpha

>gays not allowed
Gays are evil, user. 9a and his merry band of faggots are going to be the final villains.

This couple is fucking god tier. Especially in lewd.

This is the stronger of the 2 copy pastas.

destroyed piano.jpg

How is even possible to like this piece of shit anime?

>P13 Team

Code 016 (Hiro): 0 (no reading) 1 (hi) 6 (ro)
Code 015 (Ichigo) : 0 ( no reading) 1 (ichi) 5 (go)
Code 056 (Goro) : 0 (no reading) 5 (go) 6 (ro)
Code 196 (Ikuno) : 1 (i) 9 (ku) 6 ( read as No when you 6 hiragana 90degree)
code 214 (Futoshi) : 2 (fu) 1 (to) 4 (shi)
Code 309 (Miku) : 3 (Mi) 0 (no reading) 9 (ku)
Code 326 (Mitsuru) : 3 (mi) 2 (tsu) 6 (ru)
556 (Kokoro) :5 (ko) 5 (ko) 6 (eo) also can pronounce as Heart
Code 666 (zorome) ; 666 read is repdigit on monodigit in japanese
Code 703 (naomi) : 7 (na) 0 (o) 3 (mi)


>>gays not allowed


>said everybody before Evangelion's second cour



Because the other series of this season bores me to death.

Its amazing how many edgelords on Sup Forums despise this scene

I don't, Ichigo just needs to give up, though.

Way to Go, Hiro!

I agree, but there's plenty of dudes literally SEETHING over this shit

HiroxIchigo is the true OTP, this guy has good taste.


We shall see if Hiro can restore 02's smile this week and ignore Ichigo some more.

Hiro will end up with Ichigo and there is nothing you 02 fags can do about it

417 and 818 seem like they may be important due to their prominence in the op
327 was also shown on the collars of one of the test tube babies (mitsuru is 326 so 1 digit greater) which might be important(?) but it just seems like its there for aesthetics n shit



>implying Ikuno won't be purged when they find out she's a dyke

Tobey Maguire as 02?


what the hell


No bullying past this post!

Gotta add something about incest being bad to the list.

la creatura...

Okay but then Goro will be alone. Or maybe he can hook up and straighten up Ikuno?
She will seduce Nana to secure her place

She knew.
The dino can smell fear.

la goblina de plantacion...



I'm surprised 02 didn't beat the shit out of her right then and there.

I bet 02 freaks out and tries to kill Ichigo when she finds out
and then Hiro has to choose between 02 and his squad

Goro will die

I have a question. Why do posters keep calling Zero Two "big-sister" in Japanese?


But his soul will go back in time....

Probably because she's taller and gives off that "hey kid wanna /ss/" vibe.

>mitsuru is 326
>1 digit

This picture on the other hand needs an update: Zoro would never hurt Miku.

It's 818, not 018.

worded it wrong i guess
i mean that 327 is 1 digit greater than 326



If he does, then it means Nishigori REALLY hates Ichigo.

fuck you, i spit my drink...

Most people do

>Code 016 (Hiro)
>Code 703 (naomi)

Hiro should have been paired with Ichigo, and not Naomi

I didn't dislike her until the latest episode where she keeps trying to butt in where she doesn't belong. Hiro needs to teach her that partners need to support each other, and she should be helping Goro instead.

Miku likes it a little rough.

>Goro will die

Episode 8 preview


>malicious shadow imagery
>not evil
onifags literally delusional

Not really, at least, not in Nippon. She's easily the second most popular character