ITT: Post the most fucked up moments in manga you've got.
ITT: Post the most fucked up moments in manga you've got
Challenge accepted
Pure evil
169112873 (You)
The entirety of this, most Kago stuff doesn't bother me at all, but this made me feel slightly uncomfortable, somthing about the way the women were fucking up their bodies just doesn't sit right with me.
>Daughteru says this to me
Well there goes the rest of my day.
Get out.
A recent one off the top of my head
Do doujins count?
He's just doing his job, lay off him
I can't remember the chapter. But that time Tomoko lied to Kii-chan about that guy being her boyfriend and everything afte.
I would post more, but i'm kinda scared to get banned
beastars is pretty fucked
absolutely most fucked up shit i've ever saw.
spoilered for the weak of heart
Beyond fucked up user. Even in my book.
This is a blue board user. Contain yourself.
Litchi well fucked up all around.
This physically hurts me.
Based Sabu.
There isn't a more evil man in all of fiction.
This whole manga
jesus fuck user, calm down there
Why would you post this? This is too much even for red board.
That's one hell of a panty shot
God I can't wait for the anime adaptation next season.
>Thread title
Just 5-6 more weeks
I mean fuck you for making me remember this
>Was going to fap now I can't feel anything but sadness
I did this to myself.
I know your feel. I was exposed to this a few years ago and then this happens.
I honestly haven't read it but I can only imagine how awful the build up must be, I hope I'm allowed to feel pain with you despite my lacking of more contextual knowledge, no homo.
Trust me you don't want to. I'm trying to save you here. I forgot the title (Thank God) but these panels just makes me angry as hell. The guy never deserved it. He didn't do anything to deserve it. Just flee from it and I hope you never get to come across it again.
>also nice get Satan
Thank you for the warning, user.
No problem. Too many have fallen victim to this. I'm happy at least you get the joy of never having to read it.
Yotsuba is brutal but honest person
What the fuck with that image quality? Why did you zoom that much?
what's that pic from
>no more futue alyium
She was genuinely creepy as fuck at this page.
Coke and mentos
Lurk more.
Where is this from?
>when somebody posts Fuuka
Oh, did the new chapter of Dead Tube got translated?
As always, posting that comic is cheating,
That's not Fuuka
Posting best Ayase
Is Gran Blue the continuation of Yotsubato?
Asagi looks way too much like Nanaka.
But now I'm curious. What happened?
come on, that series is fucking hilarious
>she can fully talk while in deeptroath
tl note: manga means comic
Is that people curry or something?
the manga gets so exciting when things happen in the meat market, seriously needs more brutality in the meat market. It´s like the eclipse in Berserk, except characters can get in the market whenever they want
I was never happier to forget a title either.
This was from Ushijima right? If so updates never.
Jesus christ user. This is a blue board
This perverted power!, how is it possible!?
I wish I never read it.
I wish the dad part had gone on longer
It was so bad that it had to be retconned in the anime.
It was hot
Those new ones here fucked me up good, I wish I wasn't such a little pussy
Sauce pls
Maou no Hajimekata
the one getting cucked isn't the MC, so it's netori and not Netorare since MC cucks others. I like it
Holy fuck I love that manga, and the tv series is't bad either. Updates fucking when
goddammit, what a devil
And i'm glad i stopped halfway in.
It's his father, killed by his sister.
We're so fucking behind on the traslantions, wish someone picked it up again. Also is the tv series really worth watching?
Season 1 is bad, they introduced a cutesy naive girl that serves as a balance to Ushijima and does shit liek saving people or insisting he eat his veggies.
She's cut entirely without a single word of explanation from season 2 onwards, I guess she was extremely poorly received, and that's where it gets good. Season 2 is frankly awesome, season 3 is worse but still very much worth watching for a few of the storylines.