She's too cute, I can't take this anymore. Which Fate do I have to watch in order to understand Extra? I watched Zero a few years ago but it was shit.
>inb4 read the novel
She's too cute, I can't take this anymore. Which Fate do I have to watch in order to understand Extra...
>inb4 read the novel
Play the game
Read the novel you illiterate.
>Which Fate do I have to watch in order to understand Extra?
it doesnt matter just watch more saber nero at Youtube
If she didn't have cowtits she'd be better
They suit her
Your whore of babylon is a filthy slut.
A cute slut
You mean like the original?
If nero is short maybe something like a mix between Artoria and Mordred
Watch someone playing the VN on youtube
You could read Fate/extra manga too don't know if they finished translating it
>I watched Zero a few years ago but it was shit.
what a fucking newfag
If you don't want to watch zero or read the VN, then there is no Fate series you would care about.
>I watched Zero a few years ago but it was shit.
>Trying this hard to fit in
Imagine her saying that while she rides you.
Liking worst Fate... Think best Fate is shit... GTFO newfangled.
Translations stopped after like 12 chapters for some reason
zero is not best fate you mongrel
>muh novel
t. ufofag
>Which Fate do I have to watch in order to understand Extra?
Fate Grand order
Every Fate is shit, Zero is probably the best one lol
To understand Extra all you need to know is
>Spooky Vampires try to do something. Probably bringing the moon down into earth like Majora's Mask?
>They depleted all the mana in the world. Well shit.
>Magi can't use magic now.
>Magic is now only accessible by using tech to simulate a world with mana.
>You literally use magic by HTML coding your magic into "reality".
Heaven's Feel>>> Zero>>>UBW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rest