Realistically, is there even enough master-level writing and art talent in Japan today to form the perfect storm needed to create another Evangelion-class anime?
Will it remain unthroned for twenty more years?
Realistically, is there even enough master-level writing and art talent in Japan today to form the perfect storm needed to create another Evangelion-class anime?
Will it remain unthroned for twenty more years?
There are too many big studios now. Regardless of opinionns at the time, Gainax's pseudo monopoly concentrated all the best people.
There may be enough talent, but it will probably go unfunded for the next 20 years. Moeshit just sells better.
For better or for worse, there will never be something quite like Eva ever again.
i can tell the op is really smart because of the words he used and the thoughts he posted,
This, never happening again OP.
I don't think it will ever happen. The rebuild movies are a testament of how it will never be possible to replicate Eva's success.
Evangelion made so much money, you have no idea.
But basically the problem is risk-vs-reward. A company can spend a lot of money trying to make the next Evangelion, and they are basically playing the lottery. So many random factors decide if they will strike genius or not.
Or they can spend a little bit of money to make a guaranteed return on investment.
It's all about risks, no one wants to take risks. Especially because anime budgets are a lot higher now so you can't afford to swing and miss. Everything has to be safe.
What do you guys think of Lain then?
The time where projects as abstract as Eva garner financial gain has passed. Idolshit and its kin sell far too well in today's climate, and the only likelihood of something like this returning would be through some wild funding from Netflix or similar. Devilman Crybaby is a good example of a starting point, but compare the quality and simplicity of it to Eva and it stilpales, no matter how good it may be.
>Evangelion was a masterpiece
When will this meme die ?
Evangelion was good, nothing more. If it wasn't for EoE it would have been a pretty generic and boring mecha show. But putting some obscure biblical symbolism in it doesn't make it a deep philosophical masterpiece.
I haven't watched it, but it seems very different from Eva, although it is also very different from normal anime.
It seems like Lain isn't about the characters, it's more about philosophy or something?
Western funded anime is the death of anime. I shiver thinking of a Netflix-funded censored Evangelion with a 30 year old protagonist.
Fair point, you're right.
It's quite sad how avoiding risks made the anime industry slowly turn more stale and mundane. There are still good shows, but we are really lacking great ones.
>netflix funding censorship is heavier than 2010s Japan censorship
When was the last time you saw a nipple in a pre-BD popular seasonal release?
> a pretty generic and boring mecha show
did you see those monsters of the week? those fight scenes wouldn't look out of place in movies but it was a god damn series
embarrassing thread
It's not like there aren't things you can learn from Evangelion without taking risks. Fleshing out your characters properly, making them behave realistically, teasing the plot rather than spelling it out for the brainless, having a protagonist who the anime audience can actually identify with, and so on.
I don't understand why so little of this has been copied by other anime. Shows will make a thousand 'homages' to Evangelion scenes but they won't take the most minimal effort to replicate what made Eva good. They refuse to change.
go watch it you fag
embarrassing post
Please tell me you're being sarcastic
Just finished watching evangelion and wtf, Asuka dies twice!?
Nipples have never been a frequent thing in TV anime.
what went wrong?
Many people like to call Devilman Crybaby the new Evangelion in terms of originality and industry progress and I just want to punch them in the face. First, as we all know, the story and concept were written before Evangelion. Second, Devilman and Evangelion share many similarities including the ending, so to call Crybaby the next great big thing when it's not an original concept is retarded.
Imagine if now I had enough budget to make an anime and the ending features two people on a beach with a red sea in an apocalyptic scenario saying profound or cryptic shit, is my anime the next Evangelion now?
I honestly think Evangelion inspires a kind of 'fanfiction syndrome' in writers who watch it. They get so intimidated by it that they don't think it's possible to make something original that's on level with it. So all they can do is try to ape it.
>Fleshing out your characters properly, making them behave realistically, teasing the plot rather than spelling it out for the brainless, having a protagonist who the anime audience can actually identify with, and so on.
Haruhi kinda came close to that
work rights
ah yes, evangelion, that's the show all the youngsters love. my grandchildren love the evangelion.
say, you wouldn't happen to know which girl is best in that show, would you? i heard it was the cute girl with red hair
Wat. It's just standard ultraman shit.
Dunno. It's not like ther haven't been enjoyable, philosophical, deep anime since Eva, but that's only one part of what made Eva huge. Eva also totally broke the mold for what had become normal in animation.
Do you guys think there's a mold to break now? If we're going to honestly talk about boundaries to push, I think CGI and show length are both something to consider. Seasonal anime restricts most shows to under 26 episodes, so if you're gonna go big and shake the industry up this hypothetical show should be longer.
realistically master-level unthroned perfect storm regardless pseudo monopoly moeshit testament risk vs reward strike genius guaranteed return on investment abstract garner financial gain i shiver to think its quite sad stale and mundane we fleshing out behave realistically spelling it out for the brainless homages minimal effort they refuse to change originality and industry progress first as we all know fanfiction syndrome ape it enjoyable philosophical deep broke the mold boundaries to push something to consider go big shake the industry up
youre so fucken smart and correct and also really knowledgeable about anime as an outsider. anno would suck your dick for sure. Congratulations!
I think smaller shows actually are generally artistically better. Eva even has some filler episodes in the middle that are shit, drawing and writing both, and no one talks about them.
And the most prestigious piece of Eva media, EoE, was quite short
>master-level writing
Smells like generic bait desu
Why are you throwing a tantrum about those words? Does your asshole get inflamed when you're in the presence of people who don't exclusively communicate via faux-apathetic twitterspeak?
calm down and have a snack
you're not you when you're hungry, anonymous
attack on titan and Steins gate are unironically better
This was the most overrated piece of shit
>philosophical, deep anime
In what regard is EVA philosophical and deep? Even a turd like Fate Zero fits that description more than NGE.
Is calling Evangelion bad the single laziest way to beg for replies?
its about the atmosphere first and foremost. now go watch it.
Correct, Misato is hugely overrated.
Nah, calling Evangelion good is the single laziest way to beg for replies.
Yeah I'm not disagreeing with that. Longer shows inevitably have filler, and even normal sized shows can have a couple tedious episodes. I guess I just felt like the seasonal aspect of anime can make it hard for good shows to catch on for long periods of time. A lot of people seemed to like Made in Abyss and Houseki no Kuni, but are people going to talk about them in another six months or year? Maybe?
I'm not saying I have a good answer. I totally don't.
It was philosophical, it clearly referenced philosophy, it was incredibly in-your-face about it. Deepness is more subjective though.
user, if you're going to act like a mindless contrarian at least be more accurate.
>Realistically, is there even enough master-level writing and art talent in Japan today to form the perfect storm needed to create another Gundam-class anime?
thats what was brewing in gainax HQ when they start to brainstoming Eva
No, but calling it "deep", "philosophical", "good", "well written", "masterpiece", "goat" is.
Longer shows definitely have better commercial success regardless of the quality. Marketing is a snowball rolling down a hill, if it had twice as much time it doesn't just get twice as big, it gets exponentially bigger.
I dunno dude I spent five hours watching Love Live last Sunday so Eva seemed pretty damn philosophical compared to that. What do you want?
Evangelion was also a perfect thing to market by its very nature. It encourages the two biggest forms of anime discussion: waifu wars & speculation
this madman did it already
using big words for simple thoughts is retarded
youre right. which comestible substance would you recommend to satiate my voracious appetite?
Love Live is, no larp, deeper than Evangelimeme
You're just throwing around words you don't understand. Again, how was NGE philosophical?
Lain is god tier in everything except its animation, that's why it can't beat out Evangelion
Adolescence of Utena doesn't nearly get the love it deserves outside of the car shock.
Right: Evangelion
Center: Devilman, Lain
Left: modern anime
There's a thing in it called human instrumentality project. Also there's something they keep referencing in it called hedgehog's dillema which is a popular metaphor.
Your argument is that it doesn't have philosophy, there's philosophy in it as I'm pointing out right now.
It's bait to say Evangelion is merely "master-level" writing. That would imply there's something else that matches it.
Anything that makes you think about thinking is philosophical. That's the definition of the word. The entire instrumentality sequence is a giant piece of philosophy.
>devilman crybaby
all this fucking entry level faggotry, my god.
Score one point for intelligence, deep philosophical thought, and epic anime goodness par excellence, good sir!
I'm 100% sure someone has gone off the deep end analyzing Nozomi's washi washi, but I don't think that's a healthy road to go down.
>what is concept of self
>what is libido-destrudo conflict
>what is freudian theories on development
barely scratching the surface here my child
Anything that is masterful will become 'entry-level' because people recognize its brilliance and suggest it often. Bach is 'entry-level' music, that doesn't mean it isn't unparalleled genius
Anno loves his Freud.
the instrumentality project is also eerily similar to the modern transhumanism conspiracy
It's babby's first intro to philosophy class.
Modern philosophy is a politically coopted joke, you'll pay $40,000 to participate in extended debates about why Trump is evil. Consuming entertainment like Evangelion will get you further than a philosophy degree.
to be fair, idiots who pays 40k a year to go to a for profit, private college(AKA philosophy majors) are fucking retarded anyway, 20k is the absolute reasonable limit unless the person has golden spoons falling out their pockets
actually, your post is a politically coopted joke.
>say, you wouldn't happen to know which girl is best in that show, would you?
It's yui
>people who pay for a philosophy degree are retarded
>but people who think evangelion is deep are smart
Both kinds of people are retarded.
Evangelion is deep, that's not even a matter of debate. If Evangelion can't be called 'deep', no piece of media can. There's an endless amount of stuff to figure out.
>non sequitur
you newfags need to think before you type
It's funny to read through this thread and spot the progressively angrier and angrier posts from the lowercaps tumblr guy who's mad that evangelion is smarter than the shounen shows he watches
Give me an example that fits this category that you would consider not entry-level.
It has to be not shit as well though
An anime that pays lip service to philosophical ideas without exploring the implications of the ideas is not deep. It's pretentious and shallow.
Why do you faggots act like NGE is the culmination of human existence itself? It's a steaming pile of shit and singlehandedly ruined anime forever by popularizing waifu wars and bland beta MCs. I could barely sit through that fetid garbage. Every girl is worst girl, every boy is worst boy. There isn't a single character who is likeable. The plot is 3deep5u banal slog. The premise is a teenager's edgy, wet fantasy. And fucking cicadas.
Lain is actually good.
Crybaby isn't good, but it is enjoyable, something you can't say about Evangelion.
Would she understand evangelion?
see: darling in the franxx
It's a shame that Franxx is basically one interesting character surrounded by fairly basic characters all there to dynamically support her development. Not unenjoyable but it could be fleshed out so much more.
hits too close to home i see.
NGE is a shallow story pretending to be deep. Utena is a deep story pretending to be shallow. Even fucking Hyouka or flash animated animal waifus is deeper than NGE.
You misspelled Goro. Only good character in that trainwreck.
You cannot explain what you mean by this. Were you trying to reply to another post or something?
This. NGE is just poor man's Ideon.
>And fucking cicadas.
Already been surpassed
CG, and replacing autistic otaku animators with "professionals."
Why's Rei such a bitch?
you mispelled asuka
This is a bunch of bullshit. That risk-avoidant mentality has been present in the industry from the very start. It's literally ingrained in anime's visual style, which puts cost effectiveness before anything else.
It's fine if you think Lain was good, Crybaby was enjoyable, and Eva was neither. But those are opinions, not facts. You're a faggot if you think your subjective appreciation of art is anything more than that.
Left:Everything but the mecha looks like shit
Right:Everything but the mecha looks great
Why has no one mentioned Shin Sekai Yori? It's as deep and complex as Lain, but with 24 chapters, good animation and music
You could use the same argument to defend Naruto. Shit is shit is shit and NGE is the shittest shit.
I dunno, everything on the left looks alright. I miss charming, warm watercolors.
>I watched a 2GB rip of NGE : the post
Did I just have a stroke?