Is she supposed to be an idiot, or a genius?

Is she supposed to be an idiot, or a genius?

A genius at being an idiot.

Explosion genius

Best girl coming though


High intelligence, low wisdom.

Genius with fucked-up priorities and a very loose grasp of reality.

an ahotensai of course

A genius that decide to be a idiot


She's a clever little girl with a strong anus.

Do not confuse passion for stupidity. She is smart, but her lust for the feeling of instant mana drain is unquenchable.


She is in fact usually intelligent but most people are unaware that her explosion fixation is masturbation and she is a perv like Darknessu the fat, gross noble sow. It's not exactly subtle yet people don't tend to really grasp it. I M A G I N E that.


In traditional nip fashion, it's because of a pun about explosions and big tits sound similar in moonrunes.

An idiot. Kazuma and Vanir are the only smart one ones.

I sort of suspected that might be the case but have only read the LNs as translated by ESLs into Chinese then English.

An unemployed genius

a cute

check out this post this is the joke. it doesn't translate (like most puns), but this is why explosions == big boobs was equated in megumin's mind when she was a little girl.

Well she had a list of wishes (mostly evil) and just settled on exproshuns as a last resort. Those were both me, I am not arguing I am just nodding and going, "huh, I see".

Also reminder that adorable beloved Megumin is, like all crimson demons, filled with a malign intent. She wanted and still almost definitely still wants to be the demon king. Chaotic Neutral at best.
