Possibly the most beautiful single shot I've ever seen
Possibly the most beautiful single shot I've ever seen
Stop falseflaggin please
>cgi water
>particles galore at higher framerate than main animation
>overuse of depth of field to hide mismatched art assets
>instagram effects everywhere
>her soul is not weighed down by gravity
Just ignore and sage.
forced animation, sorry but it's shit
Fuck off falseflag
>forced animation
What kind of filename is that?
go back to your fate thread faggot
character moves
>forced animation
Dumb newfags. Kyoanifags really are the worst.
unironically this
dropped it at the thirty second curtsy
Dishonest animation.
why are you even in this thread? Dont you have a franxx thread to lurk in
>forced animation
They're best. Leave the thread.
I stood up and clapped. Sakuga at its best.
Thanks to lump me with this retards faggot, not every Kyoani fan considers that shit good.
Are you kidding me, every sakugafag in existence drooled over that scene. And don't get me started on the average viewer.
Learn what sage means also announcing "sage" its bannable.
What a time we live in where camera movement is considered sakuga.
What's up with the particles? Shinkai wannabe?
>also announcing "sage" its bannable.
That's really dumb, thanks for telling me though.
Rest assured you're going to be temp banned for this, because despite the rampant shitposting and circlejerks on Sup Forums that have gone unchecked for years, mods will always ban for announcing sage, without fail. Godspeed user.
Watch more anime.
There's a reason as to why people are calling veg the best looking tv anime of all time, it's high time you learn the technicality behind making a ridiculous shot like that one.
>every sakugafag in existence drooled over that scene
That wasn't even good Sakuga and VEG is one of the worst Godani shows, Maid Dragon or Hibike were 10 times better than VEG and K-on and Fumoffu were like 100 times better.
so is there even a fucking plot to this trash? seems like a monster of the week bullshit.
Her foot doesn't match up with the water.
The epitome of dishonest animation.
>Violet EverSoapOpera
A great proof that kyoanusfags will eat any shit show if it has pretty visuals.
Dude, just stop. You have no idea how difficult it is to keep a character consistent while moving the camera not only sideways, but also down and back.
It's something only kyoani has the guts to pull off nowadays.
We've known this for years already.
Difficult its not equal of good, I preffer them to do the same animation they ever do also I really don't like the stupid mist and I can't comprehend why did they put that on top of such gorgeous visuals.
Difficult equals good when it's done properly, which is the case here.
>I really don't like the stupid mist and I can't comprehend why did they put that on top of such gorgeous visuals
Did you even watch the episode? The guy watching her walk on water was hallucinating while it was happening. It's pretty common to add that kind of effect on such scenes.
Well maybe I'm getting too old for this new animation effects and thats why I don't like it and prefer clear-cut visuals too, still aots but I'm a bit dissapointed with this anime.
Nice falseflag
This looks terrible dude. The mixture of CGI and drawing clashes. It looks like fucking Space Jam.
That water looks fake as hell.
I didn't know that stating your opinions is falseflaggin now.
>hurr what is character development durr
looks like amateur 3d camera navigation of cgi background and poor integration of the hand drawn 2d layer that they tried to cover up with unnecessary particles/flares/filters in ae to me
Will this Meme ever die?
Wouldn't be worth it and wouldn't look even close to this. It's easier to draw everything by hand.
Ufotable BTFO
That looks like shit. I fucking hate this kind of 3D usage so much.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
this has and never will be a good criticism on it's own
Not that user but I enjoy calling certain things forced animation.
what the fuck are those arm movements in the end
Actual newfags.
Truly amazing animation is what it was sasuga Sunrise
Oh and copypasting a post from reddit isn't?
How did you know it was a post from reddit?
>Finally a show for autist that like to slow watch (watching at half the normal speed) their anime multiple times to catch the "subtle expressions of the characters".
>grow up in the 80's
>shit Hannah Barbara and Filmation cartoons with 4fps and animation loops used a million times.
>90's action cartoons with characters off model, half the time.
watch Disney cartoons on repeat because animation is smooth like butter
>Present day, Present time
>glorious 24fps, hand drawn anime
>fucking kids complain about it
Sometimes, I hate you, Sup Forums. Sometimes I hate you so much
Consider leaving Sup Forums forever, preferably by committing suicide.
Glorious 24fps hand drawn animation isn't automatically more visually pleasing than "shit" Hannah Barbara animation loops.
Hanna Barbera>>>>Kyoani
This is why I like trigger more than kyoani because they put so much character with only few drawings is soulless as fuck
That's absolute trash. Look at the low number of lines and how it gets off model every frame. But I guess retards will think it's good because it moves a lot.
And yet the only Trigger anime worth watching are Luluco and Turning Girls, not that KyoAnus' awful LN anime are good either.
Why did you cut the webm before the best part? Here's the full scene
That's bullshit and you know it. That video looks fluid, yeah, but it's not drawn at ones.
Also, just because it's fluid, that doesn't make it good. The video you quoted looks jarring as fuck, and that's not because I am used to anime animated or at threes. The body language is just strange - exagerrated and overanimated. It looks like something made purely to prove a point - the creators are screaming at you "HEY, LOOK AT HOW FLUID IT IS!". They want you to be impressed by the technology, not by the characters. It's purely an advertisement for the studio that made it, and nothing else. Nothing aside from the pretty backgrounds hold any artistic value. The movements are indeed fluid, but they're also stiff and have no weight behind them. High framerate anime could be good, but the thing you quoted is just awful.
Look at pic related for an animation that is not at a high framerate, but is better.
>tfw I learn that Hanna Barbera was two guys instead of a woman
That happened to me too
TLDR: VEG is a very pretty tech demo and nothing else.
Great thread
And yet The Flintstones was 100x more entertaining than evergarbage could ever hope to be.
Well yeah, she goes off model a lot because of squash and stretch. Animation 101.
Wait WHAT?
Who else first thought of Popuko and Pipimi when they first saw that image?
you need to go off model to show fluidity in animation, user. moving a lot is like literally the point of the medium.
>said who
Really the most cancerous thing that happened to Sup Forums is new generation of kids discovering sakugaboru and thinking animation is "sakuga blocks", cartoonish shit or webgenshit.
Violet Evergreathread
nono, you see we should judge animation on still and not how clean it looks when you know... animated
Are we going to see 3 seconds of high quality animation each Kyoani product from now on?
Maid dragon had that tooru vs kanna battle thing that was spammed all to hell to show how impressive the show was, and after that 1 scene there was nothing like it afterwards.
Kyoani is all about using good visuals to hide the fact that the show either has no story or it has a shit story so I wouldn't be surprised.
Best currently alive animator
Best anime fight scene ever created
Some more
What he does when he does AAA production
Madoka episode 10 timeloop
Notice him ever going off model? He is best because he can make realistic, genuine looking and detailed animation like no one else.
you don't know animation
Kyoani has taken animation and elevated it into an artform, striving for realism and human-like expressivity in its characters.
Squahs and stretch is good for stuff like Disney cartoons, but serious works like VEG wouldn't even consider using them.
Why do you have to make false flagging thread, instead of just a normal thread?
>animation anywhere on par with old Disney
Nothing compares to old Disney shit, faggot.
This is brought up every single time in a sakuga thread, but I can't praise Richard Williams' The Thief and the Cobbler enough. I just can't. It's fluid, and it fucks with your mind.
Too bad it's only half finished
>forced animation
forced meme
Whenever I see Thief and the Cobbler clips posted, they always feel floaty, weightless and lacking in cohesive gesture. The movements are fluid but the motions are entirely detached from real life. There's no gravity, no weight, no acceleration, just constant flowing movement in a weightless void. It's like the epitome of what I think people mean when they say "forced animation".
>muh realism
She looks to flat even with the camera panning around her, Metropolis is still the best looking animated work.
>that terrible meeting between the bad cg water and the drawn splash
>the fact that there's no shadow cast by the parasol despite her upper body casting one over her dress
>the trees just slide in the background despite the camera's perspective changing drastically
this is a travesty. I don't care if its bait, that's shit.
I watched it, it's not that great, from what people were saying about it I was expecting the very best, but I feel like i've seen better from the west.
>There's people that claim to have cried to this.
>take Redline bluray
>can pause it at literally any moment in the movie and have a cool HD desktop background
I'm gonna just copypast myself since it's copypasted thread.
10 frames of QUALITY Violet who's bowing on rotating cg water (please do notice that V herself does not rotate) with 3 sliding layers of poorly drawn ultrablurred forest background. That's how quality animation should totally look like.
No, its just missing shadows, sound effects, and objects to give it a sense of perspective. You know, the things that give context for your brain to place the animation in their world.