ITT examples of shit character designs

ITT examples of shit character designs

>looks like Umaru but all white
>hairy eyebrows are trash
>weird fucking double irises

the character design is trash, but so is your visual comprehension. What your refer to as her "hairy eyebrows" are her eyelashes, and she does in fact have eyebrows (y'know, those two lines above her eyes?)

Eyelashes like that are gorgeous you homo.

t. slav

>>weird fucking double irises

fuck you, those are the best.

This. OP is a faggot.

Why does her eyes turn into dinner plates when she panics?

Hairy eyebrows are actually best, but those are eyelashes. And white eyelashes are great too.

>voiced by the anal idol

>t. ugly anglo

Everyone in this. They are supposed to be high schoolers.

How did you even make that conclusion?

Lots of "moe" manga/anime make characters look younger than they are. This includes Lucky Star and New Game. That's not bad character design.
Pic related is, however.

>Pic related is, however
Kill yourself.

I'll state my reasonings first:
>Ugly face
>Forced fang
>Eybrows in hair
>Shit-colored hair
>Huge breasts
>That forehead
>Those glasses
>Horrid hair
>Too much distance between facial features
>Are those even eyebrows?
As for Nadeshiko and Rin, they look okay and don't bother me, but I can't stand the other two.

The fuck is a forced fang? And what's wrong with glasses? Are you a queer by any chance? Do you prefer yummy yummy dicks?

>The fuck is a forced fang?
Giving character a fang just because "that's what moe artists do" and not because it lines up with the rest of her design and personality
>And what's wrong with glasses?
Nothing wrong with glasses itself (As Yuki Nagato is one of my favorites), but the fact that they are drawn badly (just rectangles) and I can't stand that color.

New Game is terrible too. But don't tell me they don't look grown up.

Are you saying Aoba looks grown up?

>Giving character a fang just because "that's what moe artists do" and not because it lines up with the rest of her design and personality
Why would a fang have to match a personality.
>Nothing wrong with glasses itself
Glasses are shit

>Why would a fang have to match a personality.
Fangs characterize mischievousness or bratty/childish behaviour or trickster-like personality or something along those lines. Character designs must also have meaning behind them.

>don't tell me they don't look grown up.

Does anyone believe that Index is 1 year older than Biribiri?

Muh dick. Was this an ED card or is it just fanart from a booru? it's not official art is it?

>girls have big tits so they must look like adults

I've always hated it

No, like teenagers, baka



short bangs like those on the far left, really irks me, but I don't think it makes it a bad character design. It's just something I personally hate.
I think bad character designs are more like a lazy written tsundere, or the 101 self insert faceless male mc.

That's bad character writing, not design.

Official art by the mangaka



Oh fuck off dude

Fuck what user ?

t. el abominacion

More moe than you, Muhammad-senpai.


Is Slow Start worth watching? This picture alone says yes but I do t feel like getting rused.

Yes, if you like moe. The animation is great and the characters are likable. If you hate moe, then don't.

I don't see any bad designs posted in this thread