How do i know if a seasonal show is native 1080p?
How do i know if a seasonal show is native 1080p?
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Does it matter? I always download Horriblesubs 1080p
literally none are
this, however i have an issue with 1080p on streaming websites since they look like upscaled 720p sometimes
Fuck off.
You should be wondering why there is no anime in 60fps or higher?
Why is Japan so fucking stuck on the past? 1080p can't be THAT advanced when it's a standard resolution on Youtube videos.
With all the quality going on these days, I doubt they'd draw more frames for it to look fluids enough.
They won't be. The last shows I remember that were were from almost 6 years ago, which was just experimental.
>standard resolution on Youtube videos
I agree that both you and Japan are equally retarded.
You type your question into google then end yourself you waste of existence.
>The majority of YouTube videos max out at 1080p
>Any smartphone nowadays lets you record in 1080p or even higher
>This leads me to believe that 1080p is pretty ordinary stuff nowadays and that it would hardly be a huge technological feat for anime to be in this resolution
>Somehow this makes me retarded
A video having a resolution of 1080p doesn't mean it was fucking natively produced in 1080p you ignorant millennial cheeto-stained mouth breathing motherfucker.
This isn't common knowledge, you fucking twat. And it's not just about fucking Youtube, did you miss the part where every phone on the market for at least the past five years lets you record in 1080p or higher? Stop lashing out at me because you're a bitter, miserable fuck and either listen to me or explain how I'm wrong.
Scale down
Scale back up
Do you see a difference?
It is common knowledge. Accept your ignorance.
If you go into a high school or college class of 20 kids, how many of them do you expect to know the finer details about resolutions and how common each size respectively is?
General rule only BDs are
Oh it's retarded
Anime is still TV and is broadcast over TV networks. 1080p takes 225% the bandwidth of 720p
Youtube has their own codec and compression system, as well as a finetuned CDN
But phones, user. Phones. You guys are ignoring the phone argument! Every cell phone I've had since 2012 records in 1440p. Is 1080p really such advanced technology here in 2018?
>this entire thread
What the fuck am I reading, this is like the anime version of "water comes from the taps".
There are 4k+ TVs. So what?
I have explained how you're wrong. Go fuck yourself newfag.
Your first reply was just a personal insult and your second was an unclear non-sequitur. You aren't nearly as intelligent as you think you are, you bitter fuck.
The only one who explained anything at all is . His post was helpful, you're just a braindead tool.
Yes I am personally insulting you newfag. Your argument is shit and you're an ignorant dumbfuck. To even suggest that animated TV show (a digital, handdrawn medium) should be 1080p because your fucking phone has a camera that's higher resolution is fucking absurd. Lurk more and stop embarassing yourself.
Literally doesn't matter when it's just streamed recordings of TV broadcasts.
Just get 1080p rips since the bitrate's better.
Common knowledge to anyone who was on the internet before it was forced into every normalfag's hands. Today's kids are hilariously retarded with tech and put your grandmother to shame.
You could help yourself by lurking more instead of being a blubbering newfag.
>Your argument is shit and you're an ignorant dumbfuck.
You know, a coherent argument would resolve the 'ignorant' part pretty quickly. I'm not stubbornly ignorant, I just haven't read up on this subject.
Wrong. VEG is.
>I just haven't read up on this subject
Which means you need to lurk more instead of posting stupid shit, you retard.
The internet reached 50 percent penetration in the US in 2001. The details of 1080p were common knowledge when the resolution didn't exist yet?
It's not exactly an easy subject to search for, you know. I don't even know what Google query I'd use.
1080p wasn't common back then (high-end CRTs probably could do it) but the idea of screen resolution and image source resolution being separate things was definitely there, yes.
Instead of all this arguing, why don't any of you faggots just look this shit up on anibin?
According to this (
Except if you actually read the thread you'd find that most of the bitching is about why (not) instead of what.
Except anibin isn't even close to being accurate. Do some research.
They even chose to fuck up CG Animation, even though it could easily be rendered at 60 fps.
Asians are insanely cheap. 720p is still passable, so that's the lowest they will go. If 408p looked fine too, they'd use that still.
And they can defend themselves with the BD, that if someone is so into resolution they should buy the BD. The 720p stuff is free anyway.
use GetNative or anibin or if you want to be more autistic about it...
For HorribleSubs or whatever stream rip you use, shows with lots of fast movements like action shows you should get in 1080p because of the bitrate, CGDCT, SoL and the like can normally get away with the bitrate of 720p but check anibin or use gtenative on a 1080p source first to check that it's not animate above 720p first in which case go with 1080p so you don't lose any detail.
For fansubs most these days seem to be sticking with 720p for seasonal but some are also descaling a 1080p raw to 720p (or sometimes native res) which if done by someone competent will always look better than 1080p. If the fansub offers 720p and 1080p check anibin or getnative to find out if it's actually above 720p if it isn't compare the two releases scaled however you normally would (e.g. mpv with RAVU to 1440p) and compare scene's and go with whichever looks best, if the both look pretty much the same go with 720p obviously.
This. Most TV's in Asia are NOT 1080.
>This isn't common knowledge, you fucking twat.
It should be common knowledge for everyone who wants to pretend like they know what they are talking about when it comes to this topic.
You don't go and try to participate in a discussion about cooking when you don't even know at which temperature water boils.
>I just haven't read up on this subject.
Then stop voicing your worthless opinion?
It's accurate enough. You do some research. Their results are often compared with confirmations from making-of footage and they're right most of the time.
I don't know if it's bait or not, but I unironically do the same.
>what is electricity and render time
They don't name that as reason, even though it might be THE reason why they do this.
Rendering at 60fps would mean minimal to no motion blur, which is often desired for artistic reasons.
Though I agree that polygon pictures rendering their stuff at half the framerate to imitate limited animation is retarded because that's not what limited animation is about.
I think the studio that did the best job at recreating the limited animation style in 3D was the one in charge of Etotama. They let their 3D software handle a bit of tweening on details while also restricting the majority of their models to static keyframes, combining the strength of hand drawn animation and computer animation.
What episode is this? I don't remember this scene in any of the Illya Prisma sequels
My cousin who's in middle school knows this shit. Were you living under a rock or are you just retarded?
Different user here. I think your Cousin knows the names, as most Anons do.
But that is not the be all end all side of video quality, there is WAY more than this.
I wish there was a release group who would process videos to1080p via NNEDI chroma and luma upscaling as it actually makes it looks quite good and crisp without any noticeable artefacts or ringing. Sadly my potato PC can't handle this real-time on its own.
Why not do it yourself? You could even automate it if your torrent client supports RSS and calling scripts on finished downloads.
Looking into this right now. Automating upscaling to do it as soon as horriblesubs uploads a 720p version sounds really good to me. Well, the main issue is the lack of GPU memory because once the driver needs to pull the data through from the ram instead of vram, the pci-express speed and latency becomes a huge bottleneck bumping up the frame render times way above 300ms.
It doesn't matter because there's a good chance that even if you're smart enough to use something better than VLC you didn't actually configure your video upscaler to be noticeably better than HS. On the off chance you did that use your above average intelligence to google up the answers to the native 1080p thing.
Also I didn't have the patience to read that argument to the end, but whatever dumbfuck was stupid enough to think most YouTube or even Videos in general are 1080p native go fuck yourself.
If you aren't able to notice any difference already, it won't matter to you whether it's native 1080p or not.
HS 1080p samples yield better results than my own settings for NGU Anti-alias chroma and luma upscaling with resolution doubling from 720p.
Tl;Dr: Download 1080p from HS, it IS better in quality than 720p even if you use some decent settings for madVR.
This depends on the show, source and bpp. The last time I did some extensive testing the 720p versions had less blocking artifacts overall.