I would like declare this serie as the most underrated serie of this season, barely gets thread, few anons are watching and is top tier SoL
Hakumei and Mikochi
Is it normal to have a crush on Mikochi, OP? She somehow has a naturally seductive air. I find her mature, feminine personality extremely sexy.
I think no having a crush on her or Hakumei is a good indicator of being gay, also of having shit taste too.
That beetle though.
Hakumei's fun and a very interesting character, but I don't have a crush on her. Mikochi is the one who makes my dick hard.
cute as fuck.
that means you are heterosexual, good for you.
But you said that not crushing on Hakumei would make me gay!
Cute onahole.
keyword user.
Imagine how tiny your dick must be to be able to use Mikochi as an onahole.
I'd tease Mikochi by shoving her up my penis hole. It would take her a while to find her way outside, and she would be so grumpy and cute whenever she finally did so!
>i by shoving her up my penis hole.
isnt this suppose to hurt like hell?
Mikochi is so tiny she would fit comfortably inside!
user she's 9cm tall and their race looks kinda chubby. Unless you have a giant monster dick I don't think they can fit inside your urethra.
Can't you be satisfied with just koonago?
This was actually my most anticipated show of the season after someone posted about in one of the SSR threads last year.
Oddly enough I found the first episode quite underwhelming despite still enjoying it. I guess it didn't live up to whatever I was excepting.
That said, the last 3-4 episodes have been great, easily putting it in a three way fight with Yuru Camp and Mitsuboshi Colors for my second favorite show of the season.
I second this motion.
based Mikochi poster
Well Yuru Camp is too good.
There's nothing stopping you from watching both.
And no, you are definitely not so constrained for time that you cannot dedicate 20 more minutes every week for another show.
Night train when?
No, it isn’t.
Gang war is what we need
Generic CGDCT, is normalfags trash
Would you guys let this guy remodel your house?