What's the biggest waste of potential in any Anime/Manga?

What's the biggest waste of potential in any Anime/Manga?

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Aldnoah Zero

He wasn't even the biggest waste in his own series. That was Acnologia.

What an utter waste of potential.
That is the only anime that gave me Deemo vibes,
I wanted fire and they gave me a small fart for an ending sequence.
It is not even ON Hellgirl level

Unironically Obito. Instead of turning him into a pathetic faggot after being unmasked
he should have just stayed as the faceless fallen hero.

Nah it was what they did with Madura that got me.
They made him too OP and make his defeat at the hands of Blacked!Zetsu look like a superobvious plot device

I know this might seem like a stretch because literally everything about this anime blew ass, but just consider the concept of the Gate and the clashing civilizations being executed by actually talented people

obviously Shinji from Eva

Remember when he was teased in the very early parts of the manga as this bald wizard with a beard. Yeah....instead we got another Grey clone.