Live action can't be goo-
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Why is netflix doing so many Live Acton shows even though they're shit?
So has she been revealed to be Hanekawa yet
Blazing Transfer Students was fun and Erased was a much better adaptation than the anime was. I'm not aware of any others they've done
Anglos will never understand asian cinema.
I don't want to either. It looks like a bunch of cosplayers making a film.
>Live action can't be gre
Erased was goood
Ouran HHC
All top-class
just how much weeaboo you two can even be?
only decent live action is GTO, and its still way B rate by everyone else standards
i wished this had a second season, the end sucked beacuse they make open for a second season that never happened
>mfw i left my nick open again
I'd add Gokusen s1 for the leads over the top acting
Fuck off, retard.
Remember that the most influential Japanese film series of all time is a manga adaptation.
>using weaboo on Sup Forums
>using weaboo on Sup Forums
Just leave because you don't belong here
this is really a good series
They've also done Death Note, FMA, and it's being said SAO is in the works.
Boobs not big enough to be Hanekawa.
There's an Ouran live action? Is it good?
So, talking about something relevant; Where the fuck are the manga translations?
>netflix doing
user, cmon.
You know Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums came up with the term in the first place, right?
Though back then it meant the annoying /jp/ types.
Good enough to be funny.
What is this atrocity. Seems like Korosensei's voice actor is the only thing that doesn't suck dick there.
>Being this much of a newfag
Kill yourself any day.
It's actually good enough like your standard fare marvel movie. It has 2 parts and somewhat different ending.
for a reason, the mango was top