What does Sup Forums think of the official Olympic mascots of Tokyo 2020?
What does Sup Forums think of the official Olympic mascots of Tokyo 2020?
not Sup Forums
They look like rejected pokemon.
I liked u more.
Doujins when?
Nice to see that Japs still has the face to make itself the holy westernized Asian state using the development money out of plundered goods from Korea, China, and Southeast Asia before and after world war.
the one on the left is the actual olympic mascot
the one on the right is the paralympics mascot, so she's it? is retarded
In Korea the pokemen will capture you!
What is their Champion form?
Is it wrong if I want to stick it into the right?
Well they're not worse than the garbage we had here in the uk.
nice, those were my favorite designs from the beginning, the sentai feel is just perfect
wait I thought goku precure mario naruto luffy was the mascot
I thought it was supposed to be goku?
Look retarded
Hope they get changed
Yes, because
Japan is just an overrated country
I normally hate it when people call things overrated, but I agree with this. Japan is awesome at a lot of thing, but are fucking miserable at a lot else
They don't have better choices anyway.
Not Anime & Manga related, fuck off.
If Japan doesn't do an Akira scene, I'll be pissed. Make a giant balloon flesh monster and have it shot with a laser (since it'll cause them to pop if you hit black squares) whilst riding the fucking bike.
if the bike isn't there, I'll screech. Akira is LITERALLY set during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics preparation. There has been no better fucking time for this.
The weeb in me says the fox and tanuki are ok, but the others are cringe.
The far right one would've been perfectly Japanese, it's a kitsune and a tanuki, they compliment each other naturally.
No one cares about Akira anymore and one backdrop line that had nothing to do with the actual story isnt enough for that to matter.
Far right is the best because they look far right with the Heil
>implying it won't be evangelion shit
Shame. They could do the bike scene instead. Akira is still a cornerstone in terms of Western introduction to anime.
I have a feeling it's just gonna be shit like Mario and Sonic. I would be surprised if we see any anime. I hope Japan surprises us. Then again I'm a Bong and I didn't even watch the 2012 opening and I kinda regret it.
The mascots were voted by schoolkids, blame them if you hate it.
I don't understand the Sup Forums behind this everyone of those country's is heavily westernized, so much so chinas afraid of losing its own identity(which it lost the minute they became sudo communist), korea(north) nobody likes because their crazy, south korea is just korean japan, and southeast asia is littered with former british and american vasal states.
well theyre problem, but to be fair its no surprise becuase the ones they voted for look like goddamn pokemon.
I want to fuck it
Good to see they're carrying on the tradition of Olympic mascots being total shit. I suppose that's what you get when the brief is, "Design something that no one will remember in a couple of months".
They didnt even do a mario and sonic for this winter olympics, I think that ship has sailed. Anyway we already saw Mario in the trailer last olympic so we know Mario will most likely be a part of it, Doraemon too. And then the other ones, Pikachu, Goku, One Piece, Precure. AKB48 has a high chance of appearing.
Something like Evangelion and Akira isnt going to happen.
the Winter Olympics were in Korea, not Japan
middle were the best because the Paralympics mascot would literally be the retarded one.
Digimon , Pokemon , Yo-kai Watch
Mecha > Furries