>Fed up with his fiancées, Ranma elopes with Ryoga, who she admits she has feelings for after years of repressing them
Was I the only one who was surprised by this? Seemed like an odd way to end the series.
>Fed up with his fiancées, Ranma elopes with Ryoga, who she admits she has feelings for after years of repressing them
Was I the only one who was surprised by this? Seemed like an odd way to end the series.
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Fuck off you disgusting spic.
Oh how I wish Ranma ended like this.
But I'm Canadian!
Don't be silly, we all know Ranma didn't have an ending.
Oh god i wish i was him
Even worse
>not self-inserting as female Ranma
Ryoga is best boy !
Ranma is best girl !
It's only right.
And I'm not even French. :)
Filthy spic, go back to hispachan
That's even worse.
Came here to tell Sup Forums they have shit taste and to post the true ship of Ranma 1/2
Where da fanfic, bro?
It was a different time...
Fuck off you disgusting maplenigger
I think you'd better have some sweet maple syrup to counteract all that salt.
Ryoga is a kissless hugless virgin. I'm surprised Ranma never exploited that weakness whenever he fought against Ryoga. it would've been hilarious
ryouga is cute please do not bully
Haha wouldn't it be hilarious if someone pour hot water on Ranma mid-sex haha
>put dick in Ranmas mangina
>suddenly hot water out of nowhere
>dick stuck inside Ranmas dick
brb, gotta fap
Anyone here could upload this?
Imagine showing something like this on TV this year.
am I the only degenerate who liked Ranma x Ranma-chan?
Ranma actually stole Ryoga's first kiss.
Isn't this, kinda gay?
even worse
Why is Ranko the best girl in the series?
Good taste
Ranma x Any Girl that isn't Akane is the best pairing.
Ranma 1/2 must be the only anime where the worst boy ends up with the worst girl.
Did they really even hook up?
sure they tried but the wedding got interrupted and everything seemed to go back to normal afterwards
Either his legs are stupid long or she has three legs
>that breaks the curse
>but now shes stuck as a girl
Not complaining but where are all these Ranma threads coming from?
That's objectively true.
My ideal ending to Ranma ½
>girl Ranma and boy Ranma split into two seperate living people
>They get married and have lots of babies together
It's fucking amazing how of all the ships only Ranma x Ryouga is the one that still remains strong.
There is some other stuff on pixiv, but you are correct about that being the strongest ship.
I remember people being salty as fuck when Ryoga x ukyo didn't happen
I fucking wish it ended like this.
Cutest sister desu
My dick would not survive that reality.
I wanna make Ranma teen pregnant.
What would happen if Ranma got pregnant?
So long as she doesn't turn back into a man midterm, nothing bad.
>get creampied over and over
>turn into guy
God I wish I was her
You do know that an embryo can and will implant onto anything with a rich blood vessel irrigation, right? An embryo is a most devious parasite that overrides the body's defenses to feed itself. Have you not heard about those tragic cases where they implant on a woman's intestines?
That screentone hurts my ears
eh, the left leg (ranma-kuns right leg) looks a bit long, but not too much I think.
Mage doesn't do nearly enough art.
literally plot of the final arc.
Better than "love into overtime" bullshit
Protip: Just because the genderbender fetishists on Sup Forums only post this doesn't mean that it's the only pairing.
No it did.
Ranma finally admitted he loved Akane, the other girls wrecked the wedding the parents set up, and the two went off to have more adventures together.
I know. The fujos also ship Ranma-kun x Ryouga.
*Ambiguously* admitted that he cared for her. The relationship progressed to the point that they now walk together like civilized human beings. It sucked.
Ranma's 100% girl 50% of the time.
>*Ambiguously* admitted that he cared for her
He literally said he loved her.
>The relationship progressed to the point that they now walk together like civilized human beings
They were able to do that from the 3rd chapter.
Ranma and Akane weren't constantly fighting.
good lord those legs and thighs man.
Is Kodachi the first yandere?
That scene was hot.
It wrong that I find Ryouga a better character than Ranma or at least like him more than Ranma?
Been seeing the series for the first time, so far finished season 1-4.
Yes, it is wrong because Ranma is both the best girl and best boy.
Ramna x Ramna. Get this shit out of my face. RyoRa is best ship.
Ryouga is more likable. Ranma is funnier because he's so fucking petty.
>best girl in anime
>it's a boy
Fuck you Rumiko I'm NOT GAY you hear me? I'm 100% definitely NOT GAY FOR RANMA.
trash pairing, get taste user.
anyone else think the anime is pretty lackluster?I've never been able to watch the whole thing. Love the manga, though.
t. shimakaze-kun
The anime has some good stuff but it's a really mixed bag.
We're all gay user... just let go
I want to ask why all the Ranma threads lately. But I also like having an excuse to post my favorite girl.
To be fair, there are shitloads of episodes between the TV anime, OVAs etc. Nothing can stay good for that long.
Don't know, came here cause some guy was spamming threads on Sup Forums and I love posting best girl/pair.
To me, she is always cute.
I know you have that gif.