Proper Episode 8 thread.
Expectations are either:
Magnolia Ann episode (Girl and Auto Memories Doll)
Aiden episode (Soldier and Auto Memories Doll)
Or flshback episodes
7 hours until new episode
Proper Episode 8 thread.
Expectations are either:
Magnolia Ann episode (Girl and Auto Memories Doll)
Aiden episode (Soldier and Auto Memories Doll)
Or flshback episodes
7 hours until new episode
VEG BDs will have different editing compared to TV version
So "buy BDs" or pic related in OP
Sexy back.
Whoa baby
Google translate of location info on episode 7:
Country Genetrix located in the southwestern part of the Continent, on the south coast of the Temish Okawa. Hinstrich in the east, Astrea and Bransoru in the south, Anchel and Drossel in the west, Dussel in the north and Fergel with the north across the river.
The majority of the country is a plain, but in the south there are relatively high mountains by the edge of the mountains extending from the central mountain. Located at the foot of the mountain is the city of Roswell known as the summer resort. It is famous as a sightseeing spot with the beautiful four seasons and nature, as the beautiful autumnal leaves by deciduous forests rare in the surroundings, rich snow, rich country scenery that spread all the way, flowers that spring in bloom, cool weather in summer, rare surroundings, is there. It is also used as a villa land not only by the domestic but also by wealthy people in neighboring countries. Urban areas are top tourism sights, the beautiful cityscape is protected by the landscape ordinance, and the villa is built to leave far away to produce a sense of quality. Behind that town is the Oskar villa, a dramatist who played the name in the continent
Pic related is scene after she fell in the pound, and thus needed change of clothes and bath. Oscara walks on her while thinking she's a robot discovering she is actually human.
The plot was omited from anime, because at that point we already know Violet is not a robot, while it was chapter 1 in novel and reader was intentionally misdirected to belive she was, just like Oscar himself.
OH shit,so they actually want to include this scene?
i hope the BD got a bonus or something.
I wonder how many people have dropped the show already, these threads are surprisingly dead.
By Nyaa DL numbers, it is by far second most popular show this season. Similarly in "muh china" or according to japanese polls or even normalfag facebook polls atm.
Not to forget it BTFOs Franxx in preorders atm