Yuru Camp △

Oh no. Nadeshiko is giving you this naughty look while she's in bed.

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No lewd

Yes lewd.

Warning: This image may be too genki for sensitive viewers.


it seems Nadeshiko's Nadeshikos aren't that big after all. I'm guessing 'A'.

So dumb but cute

Is this show aimed at preschoolers?

I sometimes see university students put metal forks in the microwave.

What is Nadeshiko thinking about?

Can somebody give her heart pupils?

Thinkgen about Mt. Fuji

Owah kireii~



desu wa


Name three diferences between kirby and nadesiko.

nade nade
shiko shiko

>shiko shiko


Have a comfy, gay, lesbian landholding session.

my wife does not have a rape fetish

When's the OST dropping?

Somewhere in the second half of March if I recall correctly.

I want to hold her hands.

In college, a girl nearly burned down the dorm because she put her weave in the microwave. People really are genuinely that dumb.

next meal


Rin a cute!


I don't know why, but I expected the dad to be redhead. Maybe some irish bloke with a penchant for island countries that moved to Japan.
But no, he's just a brunet.

This is one of those rare shows where we see the entire families of the characters.

I think nee-chan is adopted. She doesn't have the same genki genes as the whole family. She's way too gloomy. Way more suitable if she's Rin's nee-san.

Thank god they don't work or have an eternal vacation overseas, leaving their precious children behind.



My wife Aoi is so cute

She's in heat. I should help your wife.

I want to have loving sex with your life, are you into NTR?

I want her to nibble on me.

One thing I noticed about Rin: She is a prime example of what you might call a functional, well-adjusted introvert:

>mostly prefers being alone
>slow when it comes to meeting new people
>but also isn't anti-social
>loves sharing her hobby with those who "get" it
>slowly but surely widening her circle of new friends, starting from someone with whom she is comfortable and then get acquainted with friends of that friend
>kind as fuck, goes out of her way to help her friends and getting to know her, not just reeeeee-ing all the time
>still make times to be alone and doing things on her own and "recharge" her social energy

it doesn't hurt that the age of smartphones also helps her slowly get used to chatting with new people without actually having to be face-to-face.

Aoi is PERFECT!!!!

There's something about Nadeshiko that awakens my strongest desires. I think the pink hair is part of it.

Thanks to this show, I have just ordered this as the start of my camping inventory. Good buy?

You live in Africa, right?


Kek. RIP

It's sucks that pink hair only works in anime. It don't work out irl

Oh golly... her face is just.... so erokyaawaii

I dove into this show for Nadeshiko, but for the reasons you stated, Rin quickly became the reason I keep watching. Almost always the loner characters are the abrasive and overcompetitive sort who ultimately "reform" and join the main character group. I love the way the show allows Rin to be her kind, reclusive self without presenting her character traits as negatives, or burdening her with negative ones for Nadeshiko to "fix". The few times I've come across characters like Rin, they've played minor roles in their respective series.

If this show was nothing but the travels and internal monoloques of Rin, I'd like it just as much as I do now. Possibly even more, since Rin's parts are easily my favourites.

reminded me of this

This family is a freaking rainbow.

>some idiot Slav pretended to be a tough guy trying to survive in a tundra alone


Nadeshiko's mom is a slut and fucks men behind his husband's back.

>have to wait 10 hours before I can go home and watch the episode
Fuck work

Now that's what I call camping

True Yuru


Please don't ever type this shit again. You shat over and ruined what was otherwise a very high quality post (most of the thread is image dumps and simple sentences).
Also, I think that most anons would be like her - I know I am. Nobody here would be anti-social - they'd be asocial at best. Rin's a good girl that most people should aspire to be like, and to imitate. A role model, of sorts.

Proof that female doesn't belong in the college

he didnt shit over it and ruin it. your needless decision to get triggered by unimportant shit ruined it for you. and nobody else cares that it did, so theres no need to announce it.


Honda Scoopy >>> Yamaha Vino

Is it common on Sup Forums these days? I apologise if it is, I were away for a couple of years, and last time I remember, mostly Sup Forumsacks, Sup Forumstarrds and /fit/izens used it, and I know people on Sup Forums don't like crossposting.
Sorry if it's acceptable these days and I'm complaining over nothing.

I've been thoroughly enjoying this show. It's made me want to get back in to camping.

Why have so many people in these threads gone camping in their youth? It's almost as if everyone else but me has camped with their parents, or been forced to camp because of school (the Americans have that scout boys program, don't they?).
I feel really left out. The time I go camping this spring will be my very first, and I'll be doing it alone. I want to go out of my way and camp away from a paid campground (like Rin's, that have all sorts of amenities), but have no survival skills to speak of, nor any previous experience. It's not as if I've always stayed home; I've hiked, and I've cycled for dozens of dozens of kilometers for fun, but I can't help but be anxious.

How so? Military canvas tents seem to be the cheapest option for a hot tent for winter camping. It doesn't look so shabby in other seasons too.

I grew in the scouting program. It's not just in the states either. The Boy Scouts is a world wide organization. I really enjoyed camping at national and state parks because the ones I stayed at were beautiful and had all the amenities you'd need.

Crossboarders are fine, crossboarders from shit boards on the other hand

Forgive me anons, I didn't believe you before. This show is really top comfy. Forgive me.

Also, kek, it really is a Jackson 5 OP

Haven't heard a peep about them here in the Balkans. Some worldwide organisation they are. Even if my parents couldn't have afforded and freed up enough time to go camping with me, I should've heard at least a word, at least something about the Boy Scout program from another source. But nothing.
I am kinda prone to overthinking, so don't pay too much attention to the anxiety I mentioned before; the moment I go and do the thing I'm as cool as a cucumber.

This show made me include camping beside one of the lakes nearby Mt. Fuji in my upcoming trip to Japan.

How do you plan keep fire burning? Waking up 15 minutes interval?

You dont keep a fire burning if you're asleep.

Using multiple boards is how you're supposed to use Sup Forums in first place, what people look down on and call crossboarding is acting as if you were in a board while posting in another and completely disregarding their customs and culture while doing so.

Good way to end up in the Fifth Element

I'm finnish, I was in a local boy scouts troop. My parents kinda forced/tricked me into it so I wasn't exactly the happiest camper. Still, I went on plenty of camps in my younger days, some as long as two weeks in the forest. We were kids and thus well looked after by our elders, but we did have to take responsibility for our own well-being, and that's something we trained for long hours before we were ready to go anywhere overnight. Making and maintaining safe fire, setting up tents, cooking healthy food, learning a fuck-ton of different kinds of knots (most of which we never really used anyway), there was honestly a lot to learn. Came in handy during my army service. I'm great at carving chess pieces with a knife.

You're going solo camping in the spring, and it's your first time? Good luck. Do prep work, go prepared, don't stray too far from home on your first trip (stay within a distance you feel comfortable walking), spend at most two days and dedicate the time to practicing the basics. It's way too easy to make the experience a nightmare, not just for yourself, but for anyone else camping nearby, and for those who would use your site after you're gone.

The tent keeps the wind away and you're in an insulating sleeping bad, your body creates plenty of heat.

Appreciate this, user. I'll educate myself on the subject as much as I can. It would be great if I could borrow a tent from some acquaintance just so I can try out whether I like camping or not, but since this is not an opinion I'd buy everything I need myself.

>You will never hug this cutie
Why live

I want to impregnate her so hard that our daughters are going to born pregnant

Why bother with a stove then?

I hope tomorrow is a Rin episode, I don't mind the others but the show is at its peak when Rin is involved.

Yuri Camp

yuri yuru?

She wants to be dominated inside her tent

No, platonic camp.

Carrying out assassinations with Rin!

Operating outdoors with Rin!

>Rin will never make fun of your piss poor stance, discipline and lack of experience
Can't operate with Tiny Boss

What would sex with her be like?

She cannot be satisfied

Nigga your dick gonna explode

The softest feeling in the world.

Her tummy might be soft, but her legs are like coiled pythons with all that long distance biking.

Ask her camping girlfriend.

She will suck you dry
