Are you excited about upcoming Mirai Akari anime?
Are you excited about upcoming Mirai Akari anime?
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Ew dude, gross
Is this the one revealed to be a guy?
No, that's other grill. And he's not streaming anymore. Akari is actually good seiyu and cute
Why is she so sexy?
speaking of virtual youtubers
Mirai Akari Project
She is so pretty. She kinda looks like my wife.
Shiro is best
So who's the best girl?
She's a slut, i only watch pure varchal yuuchubas like Yua
I still can´t believe Hinatan is a girl, I thought for sure it would be a trap when I saw the loose tanktop.
Why is she such a loser?
What? Did someone meme you and tell you Eilene was a guy or something?
I should have read the next post. There was a virtual tuber that was revealed to be a guy?
What in god's sacred name has Japan created?
Holy fuck.
Is this the singularity people were talking about? Are we one step away from digital e-celeb skynet?
What the hell is happening over here?
Akarin's curse.
Which ones aside from the big 5 are actually good?
Fake gamer gurl
If that means I'm gonna see that nice armpit getting animated, then I'm very excited.
I highly recommend Zombi-ko.
The fuck am I looking at?
Japan didn't create dumb e-celebs. they just made them anime
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>big tits
>big ass
Gee wiz i don't know user
Should have been a trap desu.
eigo please
Please buy this
some guy on /jp/ found Eilene’s account on kym
supposedly Eilene is a dude
who is the videogamedunkey of virtual idols
I need to know so I can avoid them for being a nigger
Noracat was the one who got glitched out during a livestream and revealed to be a man.
Pretty much any virtual youtuber who voices the robot vocaloid voice is a guy otherwise why not use their real female voice.
So Japan is now into youtubers/e-celebs? Except it's done using 2D/shitty MMD instead?
Not sure if that's better than Western 3DPD youtubers/streamers though.
Pretty sure after the bubble bursts it'll just be Ai, Luna, Akari and Siro.
Shiro is the cutest looking, but her voice annoys me.
Unironically neck yourself
People have been streaming personal content on niconico for the greater half of this decade user.
japs are just making a big deal out of exclusively virtual identities doing it
Her voice is shit.
Unironically you should see an audiologist
Too late now, it has already metastasized.
How do you not love those dolphin laughs of her? They're so adorable.
They’re deaf
Poorfag-chan and Sluts anime when? Only AI channel I enjoy.
>every cute animated virtual youtuber, behind the scene
That's why you should only follow the virtual youtubers produced by an actual big company so you know they have the money to hire an actress
but is that really the case though? believing otherwise might make me a little naive, but a boy can dream, right?
It varies, but for the bigger name VYs we do actually know who is and isn't a girl.
Is she or am I getting rused again?