Anyone exited for ep 129
Dragonball super
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I was.. last week.
More excited for Dragon Ball Super X ep 5
Not really, to be frank with you.
There is another thread up
Which one? the Vegito Buu thread or the Kefla thread?
Okay Frank
I got Dragonball Super cancelled.
It was me.
I am the reason Dragon Ball anime is ending with no future plans.
I killed Goku, Gohan and Vegetables.
Don't call me that
Xenoverse 2 made more excited for MnG Goku since his special attacks in that game were pretty awesome-looking.
I also like seeing new transformations debut for the first time.
>people thinking DB super is cancelled
It's going on hiatus for the movie buildup, faggots.
It is being cancelled, the newest movie is going to replace Super in the canon continuity, picking up from where the last movie ended.
Surely you can't be serious
>next movie has nothing to do with Super and is to do with the origin of the Saiyans
It' ending at exact the same time as Monhun Stories, which had nothing to do with Toei. They were likely both cancelled by Tv Fuji.
There's also the three new writers they got just for these last few months. It's very likely they had to hastily rewrite scripts when it was decided to end the show, which is why they needed more writers.
Not that user, but be prepared for the "origin of the power of the Saiyan" to be just some revelation in an exposition scene. There's no way they'll make a movie which people has to pay to see without Goku and the others (Bardock and Trunks were tv specials).
You are such a fucking brainlet.
Really doubt it considering each episode takes about 6 months to make.
TV Fuji a best, knows to axe a doomed series
TV Asahi also a good, knows to move Kamen Rider into the same timeslot as Super.
I imagine the two television studios and Toei coming together and shaking hands over planning the demise of Dragon Ball Super. Then they all collectively start curbstomping a Goku cosplayer with blue hair into the pavement.
well shit they're going to make S-Cells into canon, that shit didn't fly in GT with moon beams why the fuck would they rehash that garbage again?
nah Kefla vs Goku is already over
now it's just waiting for the inevitable asspull.
Why are you ignoring the fact that DBS is over because there's nothing more to tell?
It's a multiverse tournament that will decide who's the strongest, and dedicated single episodes to absolute filler fights.
There's just nothing more to tell, it's over.
There's literally nowhere else they could go.
> There's just nothing more to tell, it's over.
To explain why they can bring back saiyajins or have people with saiyajin heritage but not the ability to go SSJ.
Because super litterally fucked the entire goddamned world with their loser u6 saiyajins bullshit.
This also means that true SSJ will be relatively rare in the U7 in the future.
they need to bring back best girl
what about the guy who killed jiren, thats even stronger than him?
theres also no fucking way the series will end without goku being the strongest in existence
Who says that he's stronger than current Jiren?
>Kefla vs Goku
Name a better fight
Protip: You can't
Who gives a fuck?
I rather have the show end now that having an arc focused on Jiren.
Goku will beat him, then he needs to fuck off, like Hit.
kys underaged waifutrash
99.99% of all of the fighting budget and talent went into every single goku or goku adjacent fights with the rest going to fights where a person that nozawa voiced is fighting.
That fight in particular was fucking stupid and badly animated.
ALL of the fights were shit to be honest.
Shut the fuck up
Give me another (You) and the cutengang will take care of you and this thread
That one doesn't really translate well in text.
Just bring her back already.
does your mom know you're posting on 18+ site, little faggot?
Yes, actually very much so.
Imagine being that cringe and pathetic irl. Also that yellow skin tells me everything
That's fake
I'm older than you kid
I mean, that 1 minute preview did sum up the entire episode, so not really.
Looks like you want 200 more kefla pics to go with your post?
Was it autism?
No, it was the purest form of love
I'm more hyped for 131 to be honest. The final episode of DBS. I wonder if Frieza will get his wish?
>I'm older than you kid
So you're a manchild with kids taste? Kys then, faggot
>Being in love with a 2D character
kys, especially if you're older than 20
What went wrong with Sup Forums?
I want underages to leave
its just these containment threads really, i mean DB fans are underage normals so its not surprise
I'm 32, kefla faggot. Now kys
>There are people who think that Super will actually tie into EOZ
>There are people who think Goku won't wish for all time to be reset until before Beerus arrive
buncha guys who like men on this subreddit
Kys, faggot
> seething
Why the hostility?
Umad about the image limit?
I'm upset with your existence on this planet.
The majority of DB fans are actually in their early to late 20s. Kids nowadays have no interest in in the shitshow called Dragon Ball Super.
Lol pedros
>what went wrong with Sup Forums?
It all went to shit right around when you came.
An old loser
A tripfag
And a seasonalfag
So this is the power of best girl
this GoD was daddy ;;)))
looks pretty real to me
The savior of universe 7
Like it or not boys, Frieza will be the victor. Gokufags, and Jirenfags btfo!
Legit question.
How can U7 be the second-weakest when it's already clearly established that they beat U6?
>Toei in charge of continuity
kys underage
your seething is pathetic
>Tfw have to wait an extra week for 130 as well
Why the fuck is this allowed to happen?!
when people complain about Kefla, I'm just like....why? She's a good character. She makes sense, based off of what was previously established. If you're gonna hate on her powerscaling, go hate on Kale and Caulifla. Not their fusion. As far as I'm concerned, their fusion is an entirely different character, and much more well done.
Also her personality is just so much better and more interesting, and I think her design is the best out of the three as well. What's to hate so much?
I dunno. I feel like people are being overly cynical about Kefla just because of predispositions they have about Kale and Caulifla, when in reality, they should be evaluated separately.
>this thread
Too bad Kefla was a onetime thing. You'll probably never see her again.
>go hate on Kale and Caulifla. Not their fusion
That's fucking stupid, user.
I exited about 12 episodes ago.
This is what antigohanfags do on their free time? absolutely pathetic
I think a thing people forget is how absurdly overpowered fusion is. Goten and Trunks were established to be around Frieza level, and with their fusion, they can fight on par with Majin Buu. Super Buu was destroying Vegeta and Goku in their Super Saiyan (2?) states, but base form Vegito easily dominates Super Buu. I don't understand why people find it so surprising then, that when Kale and Caulifla are slightly below SSG Goku (and whether you think that's BS or not, it's been established), Kefla can take down a tired SSB Goku. Fusion has been established over and over again to multiply your power by a ridiculous amount, so Kefla's power actually makes a lot of sense in my opinion.
Only Keflatards, I would never do something like that.
>the legendary super saiyan and a prodigy fuse with potara
>they can't beat a half-dead Goku
LMAO, they are absolute trash
>the beta haircut
> liking cringe and autistic personalities merged together
No need to continue your rant anonius
I bet that's from reddit too
Don't worry, I fully know the extent of the retardation of Keflacucks.
Cuckhan is a dead end character. He'll never return to his former glory.
>non db reactions
You need to leave with him
>he will never return to his former glory
He already did, GODhan is back baby
I'm saying that I hate Gohan, but only Keflatards would do that, not antigohanfags. Waifufags are special.
That's a beanie, you idiot!
it's Sup Forums, so you're the one who need to leave
She's pretty cute.
All keflatards are antigohanfags though.
>I hate Gohan
Understandable, have a nice day
It's Sup Forums nobody leaves newfag
He may have returned for this one arc. But once this finishes, he'll return back to the books (like he always does). And who's gonna have to re-train his ass when a new enemy appears, and he loses his strength? Piccolo.
>All keflatards are antigohanfags
Nice headcanon
They're pretty low-tier desu
>if you hate kefla you must hate gohan
Nice headcanon.
they never said that mortal level correlates to power level but someone thought it up and people are rolling with it for some reason.